Why didn't I buy two break-tops?

Started by 45flint, October-23-10 02:10

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I haven't even got my first one yet and I am starting to regret I didn't buy two.  I think I need help.





   I'm not just the founder, I'm also a member







   I could join that one with pride!

cedarview kid

Can we still join if we did buy two???


I think you can still buy 2.  I talked to NAA a couple of days ago, the lady indicated they would keep the offer till all were sold.  At that time, you could still buy them.  Tell them I said you could have the one  I didn't order.


Oh yeah NaaC, your membership seat is reserved and I nominate you for group leader. Duties include welcoming new members by showing off your extensive collection. You're up for that right?


"Why didn't I buy two break-tops?"


   Because it would have been about a $1,000 - well that's why I didn't buy two, can't speak for anyone else. But then again if my wife decises to take mine I'll have to get another.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card

cedarview kid

Sweet. Next week I think this will make 27 NAA's for me. Time for a new photo. I was only able to make my purchase this time by sacrificing others from my non-NAA collection. Ouch. But at the same time, YAY!


Probably wait till I have my first one in hand and see how it feels.


27 is impressive but I'll bet it only takes you a year to reach the nice round number of 30. I want to unload a couple of my longguns but can't seem to go through with it...like trying to decide which kid to sell. I can't take them with me for my dirt nap but maybe my wife can slip a blackwidow into my coffin.


45, did you order a holster for your B.T.(if they even make one)?


I would have loved to buy two, but I am partial to keeping my house and mortgage paid up. lol I think one is plenty and I am actually surprised that there are still some left. When I get mine in hand and am able to show my friends, they may still be able to get one if they so desire. It does make me wonder though..are they priced too high? I mean for the market, not for what you're buying. I know at one of my local dealers I can walk in with 550 bucks and walk out with an Uberti 1873 Carbine lever action 45lc.

cedarview kid

30. That IS a nice number. ;)


Silver, I bought a Galco pocket holster that was at my local gun shop that was made for a NAA magnum. Keep the receipt if its a no go. Not sure that it will work but to me it looked like I could form it.  Let you know if it works next week.


cedarview kid

Galco? So, it's leather? I might try that, until Mad Hat makes me a better one. ;)


yes its leather, with some give I think, see what happens.  Not sure the TB is that much bigger?  We will see.  I agree if Madhat gets one going I will be there also.  
