Bolt Spring

Started by BillsNAA, April-10-18 20:04

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Upon a very detailed inspection the other day, I noticed that there is a black adhesive between the cylinder bolt and the bolt spring. What purpose does it perform.


My guess is it holds the bolt spring from moving, causing excessive wear...IDK
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


I'm glad Al can hone right in on this, but I haven't a clue about which model Bill is talking about let alone cylinder bolt & Bolt Spring.
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


Hey . . .and by the way . . . Bill . . . WELCOME to the Forum.  Glad to have you!!  Pull up a chair and visit the firing line often.  We need you opinions, comments, and other thinkin' stuff as often as we can get it!  Plus we need pictures . . . as you may well find out. . .  the demand here is BIG!
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


Guessing #’s 3 & 7 for this/these particular model(s).


I was looking at my BW, figuring the magnums are all about the same...but I did add the postscript "IDK"...
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


Hey Bill,
Welcome to the asylum.
Addicts don't come here, they are made here.
Remember when you tell something, it ain't true unless there are pictures....
That's the only firm rule....
That way folks can't tell whopper stories without proof.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Quote from: uncle_lee on April-11-18 12:04
Hey Bill,
Welcome to the asylum.
Addicts don't come here, they are made here.
Remember when you tell something, it ain't true unless there are pictures....
That's the only firm rule....
That way folks can't tell whopper stories without proof.

For example,

"I was a logger in the Great Sahara Forest."
Before and after

"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."


I noticed *something* like that on my new RIIs (the Sidewinder uses the identical design, and I did NOT ever notice it on that).

I find it hard to believe that NAA would use an adhesive where this extremely critical part engages the cylinder bolt, BUT I also noticed on my RIIs that the little depression that the spring fits into is VERY shallow - like maybe only 0.020".  The "fit" between the very tip of the spring and the cylinder bolt has just GOT to move a little (IMHO), so I worry that the spring will inadvertently pop out of the recess.  In fact, this happened on one of my RIIs, rendering the cylinder bolt inoperable.  So how can adhesive hold that spring in there and still allow movement?

I wrote my concerns to Jessica and she promised to have the gunsmith review and comment.  That's been many weeks ago.


Welcome!!! If you have read the previous posts, you will have a slight clue as to what you may be in for on this forum. Bottom line is, we like to have fun and share knowledge. I'd share some knowledge about your question, but I ain't got none. Least not on this topic. Sorry. However, welcome aboard anyway.
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"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"