Ranger 2’s older big brother

Started by seaotter, April-13-18 14:04

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I know that this should probably be posted under "other firearms" but with all of the excitement about the Ranger 2 I thought someone might be interested. Our local gun shop has Ranger2's older and much larger brother for sale: an old H&R Break top 38 S&W revolver for  $139.99. I thought it might look nice enough next to a Ranger that a picture of the two of them together would make Uncle Lee's breakfast coffee extra sweet. I really hope someone buys it, because otherwise I might, and I am not even a big fan of break tops! If anyone is going interested send me a PM.


           Something like this.........?


Yep. I should have taken a picture of it while at the LGS. It looks cool!


You got it nailed. The Smith is the great granddaddy, the H&R a distant poor cousin.


That is one great picture.
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