Guardian slide release / takedown button

Started by bearcatter, May-07-18 10:05

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Doing my first cleaning, I studied the design a bit. Had a big question mark about the roll pin that holds the slide release in the frame. It's in the top of the frame, just forward and slightly right of the hammer. Part 23, slide release spring pin, in NAA's exploded view.

At first look, there was no bottom outlet to its hole. This would make disassembly an a very unfun proposition. After some careful looking underneath, inside the frame, I finally figured out there is an angled groove that gives access to the bottom of the roll pin, to push it out. It would take a pretty long punch, or piece of rod stock to reach it.

I'm happier with a gun that can be disassembled / reassembled without special tools or machinery. Especially one that is carried, so is less likely to need going home for minor issues, like crud buildup. So the Guardian is good there. I also like NAA's parts policy, like I used to like Ruger's. Their lawyers have gradually made more and more parts "factory only". I don't understand the Guardian slide release parts being unavailable to us customers. Doesn't appear to be such a precise part. It looks more than sturdy enough for a lifetime, though. I made sure to flush it good with oil.

I imagine that NAA would rather most issues be taken care of by them, but sometimes you just need to clean something out better than is possible assembled. Or something minor like fresh recoil springs or a firing pin spring.

Tenth post, only 4 more Captchas to go..... ::)
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport


this is also one of the reasons i really like my Kel-Tec P-32 - nearly every part is available and inexpensive - easy pistol to work on, as the design is so simple

on the other hand, i'd rather send my Guardian back to NAA - those folks did such a nice job on the fix and general cleanup that the 'tuneup' by the gunsmith there was a real bonus and much appreciated

on the Gulf of Mexico


There is really no reason for the end user to remove the slide release button.