Future of the Break-top

Started by 45flint, October-23-10 16:10

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I guess my break-top is somewhere between Utah and Ohio but some of the comments in these last posts have got me thinking.  I greatly admire an innovative company like NAA that keeps bringing new products to market and ones that I must admit now draw me in, big time.  I also must admit I had no real interest in the NAA line (sorry) till I saw the Earl which just connected me to their product line by their emphasis on utilizing their obvious linage to the past turn of the century arms with their spur trigger and general look. The break top is just a wonderful extention of that and frankly I would have bought the BT at about any price.  But the reality of it is bringing a new product balances product and price.  Looks like the early bird was about a 100.  The real test now comes with shipping to their distributors at the end of the month.  Will it sell and at what price point.  Can they reduce price significantly by using more casings etc. as on their larger runs.  Hope they get the marketing information they need to make it a success.  I have worked in banking all my life (never made a real product) and have always admired those I have meet in industry that create new things and made them work. It take a special talent and a little guts.  



Well said and I could not agree with you more.  In this day and age to bring out what is really a classic design is courageous and risky.  The company and Sandy in particular deserve credit for such a venture.



cedarview kid

Well, My break-top is somewhere between... well, between Utah and Utah; or rather, somewhere

   between the factory, 30 miles away, and my dealer, which is 10 miles away, but in a different

   direction. The factory is probably only about 10 or 12 miles away from me, but more than half of

   that distance is covered with water that has no roads. LOL. So, I have to go around, which is

   probably 30 or 40 miles.


   In any case, I'm just rambling on because I don't have a new break-top in my hands to keep me busy.

   It probably won't make it to my dealer until Tuesday, but I have training on Tuesday at work

   that might delay me getting to my dealer until Wednesday. Oh, whoops--rambling again. (Did I

   mention that I NEEDED my break-top?)




make a triathalon out of it, bike to the water, swim the lake then run the rest of the way to the factory
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


funny heyjoe  but are you secretly trying to have NAAC eliminated so you can have his breaktop? You do remember that the original marathon runner Pheidippes collapsed and died at the end of his journey. I guess we could do the right thing and bury NAAC with his B.T. in his hand


you got me to thinking, dangerous i know, but i think maybe we all should be buried with our favorite firearm.


   with all that fresh utah air im sure darvell is ready for a 10 mile jaunt.


   i prepared for two NYC marathons back in the late 70's but i didnt get a high enough lottery number to get in.

   just as well now that im reminded of Pheidippes.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today

cedarview kid

Joe, you're not in my will. Just so you know.


   And Silvershooter, make that one in each hand, and I'm good. ;)


Some coffins have a little drawer.....glove box if you will......built into the lids.  It's a little place for a small Bible and the NAA breaktop.  God and guns....the two things that so many liberals fear most.  But, I digress.  C'mon Tuesday!!


...I like the coffins with the "REVIVE" button inside!?!?!?


When asked what people say as they passed by a casket for the last time, the most common remark was "Doesn't he look nice?"  Yet, one respondent said personally they would like to hear any of his friends comment "HEY!  I saw him move!"


just think of a break-top in 32cal with 3 inch barrel.


A really smart guy was at an old school funeral as everyone walks by the casket and throws money in. The smart guy places himself at the end of the line, writes a check and takes the change!


If the smart guy was REALLY smart he would have just 'swiped' his debit card across the forehead of the deceased and then taken the cash.  No point in leaving a paper trail.