Pocket, No Holster

Started by Clynch, July-06-18 12:07

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I love the holster pictures I've been seeing.  I have the 1 1/8 mini.  I load it, place the trigger between cylinders, and slide it into my pocket with nothing else in the pocket.  The hammer is not cocked.  I feel this is safe.  I don't want a bulky holster and the gun is small enough to go very unnoticed.  Am I being stupid by not using a pocket holster? 


I wouldn't say stupid, but a pocket holster serves a very good purpose, it holds the gun upright in the pocket so you can draw with out complications. If its in your pocket by itself you have no idea of the orientation of the gun. It could be upside down, or facing the back or what ever and you need it fast. You reach in and grab the barrel  and pull it out upside down and backwards and your dead. In a holster it will be upright and facing the right way so when you go for it you have the grip in your hand and you cock it as you draw from the pocket ready to fire. Also a holster will protect your pocket from being torn by the open metal on the gun and keep all that pocket lint from jamming up the works of the gun.  :)


A holster make the gun stay where you expect it to be if the unexpected happens. 8)  It makes sense to have a holster even when pocket carrying.  My Black Widow is with me when I leave along with other things....
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


I say go with a pocket holster.

Things get snagged in pockets all the time. I'd rather be safe than sorry and protect the gun (and your lap) from accidental discharges.  You can go minimal with the leather to keep the weight down or opt for kydex.

The holsters help keep the gun upright while in the pocket, protects against snagging on pants seems and helps minimize any printing the gun creates.


  Yes you should use a holster to keep the pistol "cleaner" and mainly because the safety notch only has to have the hammer moved only a "smidgen" to put it on top of a round!!!!!  Not good for the ol jewels----

PaPa K

One of Rick’s ( or another’s) sleeve holsters adds very little bulk, but adds protection from dust, lint and dislodging from the safety notch.



I wouldn't recommend a sleeve holster for pocket carry for the same reason as no holster. A sleeve holster won't hold the gun upright in the pocket.JMO, Pocket holster are designed to keep the gun in an upright position so when you reach for it your hand naturally grabs the gun ready to shoot.   
Quote from: PaPa K on July-06-18 16:07
One of Rick's ( or another's) sleeve holsters adds very little bulk and protection from dust, lint and dislodging from the safety notch.


Welcome to the forum.

Quote from: Clynch on July-06-18 12:07
Am I being stupid by not using a pocket holster?

I've carried NAA's for over thirty years with all five chambers loaded and the hammer in the safety notch . One day while checking my Black Widow, which had been carried in a pocket holster that did not shroud the hammer, I noticed that the hammer was over a live round.  I blamed it on my carelessness, and moved the hammer back to a safety notch and went back to daily carry.  Not long after, while checking my BW again, I noticed that the hammer was once again over a live round.  This time I was absolutely certain I had put the BW in "safe carry" mode, and the hammer had been nudged enough to advance the cylinder until a round was under the hammer.  I ditched that holster and only carry in holsters that shroud the hammer. The situation has not repeated over the last 20+ years.  So if you want to make new friends that are paramedics, nurses, doctors and maybe a mortician then carry a fully loaded NAA loose in your pocket.  If you want to avoid those people and still pocket carry your NAA fully loaded buy a holster that shrouds the hammer.  Several folks on the forum make excellent holsters.  The holster also helps keep lint and crud out of the action, barrel, and cylinder so your gun will work when you need it to.

Best Regards,
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt,"
-Mark Twain


Quote from: Bigbird48 on July-06-18 16:07
I wouldn't recommend a sleeve holster for pocket carry for the same reason as no holster.

I'd have to agree. The gun rolls around too much in the pocket when holstered in a sleeve. Still trying to find the perfect pocket holster but where ever it may be, it has a hook or wing extension to keep the gun upright and stable while in the pocket. That extension also helps when you have to draw your NAA revolver by hooking the holster to the lip of your pocket, allowing you to pull only the gun out.


ADP3, that is another good reason to use a pocket holster. 8)

Contact Rick, he made my BW Holster I showed above.  Good Guy! :)

EBAY HAS A LOT of pocket holsters, NAA Makes some too.  It is wise to have a holster for any handgun carried by someone.  You will find it helps you too. ;)
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


i do not wanna be a smart butt, but after 25yrs of naa carrying, use the pocket holster. sooner or later the least yer gonna see is a hammer at full or half cock and it will scare you. buy a pocket holster.


I'm sold.  I'll get a nice one worthy of the pisol

Uncle Fatso

Holsters are a lot cheaper than ER visits.


Quote from: Warty62 on July-06-18 13:07
A holster make the gun stay where you expect it to be if the unexpected happens. 8)  It makes sense to have a holster even when pocket carrying.  My Black Widow is with me when I leave along with other things....

Warty... curious. Where did you get the holster?


Rick@ Desert Gun Leather made that holster

Quote from: coppertop on July-06-18 18:07
Quote from: Warty62 on July-06-18 13:07
A holster make the gun stay where you expect it to be if the unexpected happens. 8)  It makes sense to have a holster even when pocket carrying.  My Black Widow is with me when I leave along with other things....

Warty... curious. Where did you get the holster?


Big Bird knows Rick personally....Give him a try. 8)
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


Lost mine twice, once at a funeral and once at a wedding, both times it slipped out of my pocket and ended up between the seat and console of my car.Has not happen since I got a pocket holster.

PaPa K

BB-I also have several pocket holsters for my Pug and BW that keep it upright in the pocket. As the OP had mentioned he did not want added bulk I figured a sleeve would suit his needs. Also, if you happen to wear Dickies Jeans with the cell pocket on the right thigh, a Pug in a sleeve fits perfectly concealed and is easy to retrieve, the BW grip sticks out a little more. Shrouded hammer on all of mine as recommended by others.


A pocket holster isn't very heavy a few ounces at the most, the design is to keep it in the pocket in the proper position. Another thing a sleeve holster is soft leather and not molded to the gun and doesn't hold the gun as tight as a molded holster. Making it more likely for the gun to fall out of the holster or partially out of the holster. But hey to each his own. Me I wouldn't carry a gun in my pocket anyway, just to hard to get it out in a hurry, especially if your sitting down like in a car or on a motorcycle. :)

Quote from: PaPa K on July-07-18 07:07
BB-I also have several pocket holsters for my Pug and BW that keep it upright in the pocket. As the OP had mentioned he did not want added bulk I figured a sleeve would suit his needs.


A nice thing about a mini is, that if your situational awareness arouses, it can already be in hand. If a false alarm, no problem. If otherwise, very much ready in hand.



Welcome to the forum, Clynch !


I've been carrying a Black Widow in a shirt breast pocket, sans holster, for about 25 years, w/o issue (I switched out the huge issue rubber bumpers with a set of thin birds head panels).

I follow 2 rules when pocket carrying w/o a holster:

* Carry ONLY the gun in that pocket.

* Scrupulously clean all lint and/or other debris from the pocket each time the pocket carry is elected.

Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent


Well I have not been in the Mini game for long as I got my first one just a few months ago and my Black Widow a few weeks after that.  I have carried for many years and have been an NRA Handgun instructor for 20 years.

I have several of Ricks designs.  The sleeve he makes is a handy one that does cover the hammer.  The Pocket holsters are GREAT!

I have ask about one for Cargo pockets that will be wider and stand upright without falling over and the pistol not being in position to draw quickly.  Still working on some ideas with Rick on that one.  I'm sure he has it figured out already!

Ken AZ is now KEN AR, moved in 2021 to the Natural State
Black Widow MAG/LR, Mini Master, Mini 1 5/8" Mag/LR
Desert Gun Leather holsters
RevisionCV.com Grips

top dog

I guess by now you have gotten the point. Pocket holster is the way to go.

Welcome to the forum.

What? You only have one mini??? I bet that will change soon!!!!

                                                             Top Dog


Short and short, get a pocket holster that covers hammer, make sure hammer is in safety notch, draw it not without reason, holster it not without honor.  Oh yeah, make sure it's loaded.


pietro you are one brave and carefull dude. when i was very young about 40yrs ago a buddy gave me a great western 22mag derringer. well, i assumed it had inertia firing pins. IT DID NOT. i found out the hard way when i became snagged in my shop and reacted to it very quick and banged into the workbench. guess what fired but did not hit anything but wood. yup, no holster and stupidity but no injury. i learned a whole new lesson that i have applied since to all pistols in the pocket. i use a pocket holster. whew, that was hard to relate publicly since i repair and modify weapons fer a livin. i have lots of other true stories but they make me cringe. the best one is always check the weapon that the customer says is unloaded. try finding the hidden live round in a beltfed like a MGO8. those beasties get the lever pulled three times. ask warty, he understands. my true two. kevin.


Question.  I'm looking at holsters.  I have the 1 1/8 mini in both 22 LR and Mag.  Why do I see holsters for 1 1/8 22 lr and 1 1/8 mag?  As far as i can see they are exactly the same size.   Would you say I could buy either LR or Mag holster provided its 1 1/8?


There's a frame difference between the 22 Mag and 22 LR.  The 22LR is shorter at 4 inches vs 4.63 of the magnum.  If you bought a convertible (both 22 LR and 22 Mag cylinders), it uses the longer 22 Mag frame.

I won't carry a laser device... unless it has stun, kill, and disintegrate settings.


Quote from: Clynch on July-10-18 09:07
Question.  I'm looking at holsters.  I have the 1 1/8 mini in both 22 LR and Mag.  Why do I see holsters for 1 1/8 22 lr and 1 1/8 mag?  As far as i can see they are exactly the same size.   Would you say I could buy either LR or Mag holster provided its 1 1/8?
If I read this correctly, you have one gun with 2 cylinders. Yours has the magnum frame, not the LR frame. Once you see both frames at the same time, it will be very clear for you as to why you would need 2 holsters, one for each frame size. It is difficult to determine size from a picture without a size reference.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


I just got educated, thanks.  I did buy the convertible so I need to stay with the mag holster.  Glad I asked. 



There's an exception to every rule. Recently I learned that some NAA 22LR pistols are built on a magnum frame. Of course the pistols in the "22 Magnums" use a magnum frame.  But all of the Pug, Mini-Master, Black Widow, Sherrif, Earl, Hogleg, Sidewinder, and Ranger II pistols are built on a magnum frame too.  Basically any of the pistols that can be bought as a combo (22LR and Mag) use the magnum frame... even if they are marked "22 Long Rifle" on the frame because they were originally ordered as only 22LR.   There are also 2 of the Companion (cap and ball) pistols that use the magnum frame:

NAA-22M-CB - Super Companion Cap & Ball
NAA-1860-4-CB - Earl Companion Cap & Ball

While this doesn't matter to your immediate holster purchase, it's good information to know for you future purchases. <grin>

I won't carry a laser device... unless it has stun, kill, and disintegrate settings.


Looking at an NAA it is usually easy to tell which frame it is. If it looks like no grown man could hold on to it, it is a lr frame... If it looks like you can get  a finger all the way around it with the birdshead grips; it is a mag frame. If it is no problem to get a two finger grip; it is a mag frame with oversized grips...
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


The folding holster grip solves the problem with both my lr and mag.  For really concealed carry the short in the watch pocket works fine and the pistol stays upright.

smokeless joe

I like most would recommend a pocket holster. Keeps the mini upright and easily accessible.


I'll stand with the crowd - you NEED a pocket holster! Covering the hammer is a good thing too.

IMO it is important to get a "pocket-shaped" holster, that's what keeps it in position. I've never had a tall skinny one but I don't think it would stay put for me. And you don't really want a stiff holster, you want one that will flex with your clothes to keep concealed well.


I see these pocket holsters with an extra pocket for spare ammo.  I've seen the value debated but it looks good and the tab helps keep the holster in the pocket when you draw.  I have the convertible 1 1/8.  Instead of a pouch for extra ammo, what about a holder for the 2nd cylinder?  Good idea?  Bad idea? 