Anyone want a great dear on a 32 revolver?

Started by louiethelump, March-13-12 12:03

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"Deeds; Not Words"

cedarview kid

What??? That certainly ain't no Ranger! How is that rare? Is it just a typo?


   Sorry, I ain't turnin' around my proceeds from my Ranger sale to fund that! No way!


Obviously Ranger prices have lifted the whole gun market LOL - I see a no sale coming up.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


Calm down, take a breath.............  You are going to give yourself a brain hemmorage!


   I sent him a message asking if it was a typo thinking it was supposed to be $375.  Since I sent it, the auction ended and he re-listed it at the same $3750 that he had it at the first time.


   He has not answered me.  While these guns are kinda rare, they are not THAT rare!!!
"Deeds; Not Words"


cedarview kid


Maybe Bill Ruger personaly machined it out of a solid block of stainless.
"I have no respect for a man who can spell a word only one way".....Mark Twain


IT was a typo, and the guy has now answered and re-done it at $375 starting bid.


   You OK Dar??????
"Deeds; Not Words"


How can it be NIB and Used 99% at the same time?


I dunno but I just bought it.


   I suspect it has been sitting in the store awhile.  He had two of them; one with wood grips that he has at 500 dollars.


   I will let you know when it comes in.


"Deeds; Not Words"

cedarview kid

You really did? Then you got a bargain--whether the price was a typo or not, eh?


   And now that the high price has been established, you could probably list it again for a profit! (Yeah, I'm just kidding,)


   Congrats anyway. New guns are always fun.


Romney is not ashamed of making a profit; why should I be?


   $395 delivered is a good deal for one of those NIB.  I am going to keep it and shoot it.  I only have one Single Six in 32H&R, and needed another.
"Deeds; Not Words"

cedarview kid

I made pretty good cash off my Rangers--You and I and Romney all have something in common then.


   I saw a couple of Ruger Single Ten's at my dealer yesterday when shipping off the Rangers. A Blued one and a Stainless one. Very nice. I was careful NOT to ask to handle them.


"I only have one Single Six in 32H&R, and needed another"


   Needed or Wanted?
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card

cedarview kid


Not when you're discussing it with your wife


   In those circumstances "we need" is a great expression to use.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


Ahahahahahaha that's funny I just had that conversation with my wife last night.  I think it worked she agreed that "we need" another gun she is comfortable shooting so we should go and get one lol.

cedarview kid

"But I NEED it to satisfy my WANTS!"


My wife does not get into my gun buying business. I don't question the boxes of shoes, plants, trinkets, books, etc. that she buys WITH household money. (she does not work) Her collection of jewelry exceeds the value of my gun collection.  I use NO household money for it, and I do what I can afford to do and choose to do.  I turn over all income I make through full time job and all of my pension to her and get a gas card and 10 dollars a week allowance, so she is not really in a position to complain, is she? Right now she is off in Tampa (60 miles away) getting a final fitting for $350 worth of dress she bought to attend our son's wedding, in a car I pay for, burning gas I pay for, and will go to lunch with our daughter at some restaurant today paid for with money I earn, while I go to work.


   I think I can buy a gun if I want.


"Deeds; Not Words"


Collector - all you need to do is tell your wife "we need to make another investment" after your BT bonanza.


   Louie - you certainly do deserve to buy a gun if you want to and I trust your wife, like mine, is very appreciative of the good care you take of her
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card

cedarview kid

I'm with both of you guys.


   Louie, I have the same sort of situation. Having "yours, mine, and ours" bank accounts solves many problems and makes for a happy marriage.


   My wife has recently been pleased with my "recent gun investments." Just so I wouldn't feel guilty and she wouldn't feel left out, I gave her a couple hundred bucks from the sale of my Rangers.


   How can she complain next time I tell her that "this gun is a great investment!" Hehe. I ain't stupid.


My wife has always handled all OUR money and paid all the bills.


   Now that we are both retired, she and our financial guy handles all our investments, and they are doing quite well at it.


   I personally like it that way.


   Although I never tell her I'm going to buy a gun until after the fact.

chopprs wife handles her money and I handle mine. She pays all the bills and I drink Jim Beam! I love her!

cedarview kid

My wife actually pays the bills, too--mostly with "my" money, tho. I almost got a math minor in college (I just needed two more classes, but with a Computer Science major, why bother?), but I can't even balance a checkbook. I'm good with logic, but forget about accounting.


....that's pretty sad Dar!


   My wife has some friends. Wanna meat 'em?  


   Maybe they will write you some checks!


Well, I guess if you live in a community property state it doesn't make much difference who handles the money.

   Oregon is a non community property state. When I take the Dirt Nap, my wife is not stuck with my credit card debt, if any.  

   We both have our own cards, bank accounts and debts.

   We have one small sharing bank account for emergency.  

   This past Christmas she wanted a particular ring. I told her I'd get it for her if she didn't complain about me buying guns. So far it's working just fine, except I think it's bordering on "blackmail"  

   While were on the financial kick, there is a question I'd like to ask.

   In this country, if a married person commits a crime and goes to prison, then escapes, the law does not send the spouse to prison to finish out the sentence, BUT, if a married person gets sick, runs up a 500K bill, and then croaks, they go after the spouse and he or she may loose everything! ???


Yes, things are very screwed up in this world are they not? This type of thing can be easily avoided with the correct estate plan.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.

cedarview kid

Don't ya hate it when you post a message, and you come back later, and it's not here. I must have just submitted the "Preview" version and didn't actually click on "Post this Message." Sigh.


   I had something to say and it was pretty awesome, but I don't remember what it was.


Dar, correct me if I am wrong, you do not drink? Alzheimers? My wife says I am a forgetful (insert 4 letter word). I always ask her, "as long as we have been together, why are you surprised by my lack of (a) ability to remember(b) intelligence (c) the need for just 1 more pistol OR (d) ability to determine the correct answer? If my crystal ball were working I wouldn't need you to lead me through life."  Teasing, she is a good woman. Jim

cedarview kid

If I didn't drink, I would die from dehydration!


   But, you're right, I don't drink alcohol. We do lots of Kool-Aid here. And Diet Coke. Milk is good. Oh, and sometimes even water.


   My brain is getting old, tho. I ain't a teenager anymore. Too bad.


Speaking of drinking, they have discovered that a beer a day keeps the doctor away.

   AND---that's not light beer.

cedarview kid

I also heard they once discovered the world was flat...


My wife and I are good friends with a very successful couple, they both have high-level jobs and keep their money separate.


   Her thing is $300 shoes, his thing is gold coins.  We were there for a BBQ and she was going on and on about how rare and desirable and exclusive her shoes were.  


   He just looked at her and said, "How much are used shoes going for on eBay?  I know how much my gold will bring."  She shut up rather quickly.


You can do a little more with shoes than gold, but neither sounds like a very exciting hobby when you can have guns and motorcycles instead.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card
