Different types of holsters

Started by Gus1759, July-19-18 12:07

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Has anyone used the shoulder holster that NAA sells?


Have one. Don't use it. Way too small . . .like kid sized.


Tried to use it once but it wasn't right as to size for me to get a good draw out of.  I still have it, I guess I keep many holsters because who knows what will work if....this and that. ???
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


Patriot Joe made me a  shoulder holster for my Black Widow that works really great. Not sure if he is still making them or not.
It may be small but as long as it's loaded ,pointed in the right direction, and goes bang, I'm happy :)


I think you really need to be fitted for a shoulder holster, there not really a one size fits all type . Sure they are adjustable to an extent but way better if your measured for one, or at least know how to measure for one so someone could build it for you.