Bug out issues

Started by Gus1759, August-02-18 05:08

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Anybody having issues with there bug out? May have to be my next purchase, over the sidewinder, also need to keep Ric busy ha ha, any input would be appreciated.

Honky Tonk Man

The only negative I've heard was the possibility of catching that cylinder pin release when drawing from a holster.  I think Rick engineered his holsters to avoid that potential problem.  I've got a Pug (1" bbl.) and a Black Widow (2"bbl.)  The Bugout has a 1.5" barrel which IMO makes for a good compromise with easy carry, and good ballistics.  I like them too.
Silence is Golden - Duct Tape is Silver


Mine has been great.  No issues in function.

I can't vouch for the accuracy, I'm a lousy shot with any firearm!   ;D

Like HT Man said... "possibility of catching that cylinder pin release when drawing from a holster"  That issue was worked out early in my holster R & D thanks to Forum member feedback!

I would like to send it out for a Magnum cylinder but I'm using it to build holsters daily. 

Maybe when NAA comes out with the 2.5" Ranger my Bug Out will get a weeks vacation! (I have no knowledge of a 2.5" Ranger of, if or when, it will be available, but I want one!!)
Rick Jorgenson


I haven't had any issues with my Bug Out, I keep saying I'm gonna carry it more but that BW has found a home on my belt  ;D

smokeless joe

None so far. I'll update you after I take it to the range tho  ::)


Cylinder pin separated on my BugOut:


Contacted NAA and they shipped out a replacement.

I won't carry a laser device... unless it has stun, kill, and disintegrate settings.

smokeless joe

Quote from: billmeek on August-03-18 00:08
Cylinder pin separated on my BugOut:


Contacted NAA and they shipped out a replacement.
So I'm guessing you have received the new pin Bill. Any issues since?


Got the new pin less than a week after I called NAA.  No issues since then, but the BugOut II has pretty much been relegated to "range toy" status because of the issues I had with drawing from a fitted holster.  I've only fired a couple of hundred rounds thru it since getting the replacement cylinder pin. 

I carry (and shoot more of) the Pug.

I won't carry a laser device... unless it has stun, kill, and disintegrate settings.

smokeless joe

Quote from: billmeek on August-03-18 10:08
Got the new pin less than a week after I called NAA.  No issues since then, but the BugOut II has pretty much been relegated to "range toy" status because of the issues I had with drawing from a fitted holster.  I've only fired a couple of hundred rounds thru it since getting the replacement cylinder pin. 

I carry (and shoot more of) the Pug.
I lean towards Pug as well. Looking forward to some range time with the Bug tho.


For trying to shoot an NAA accurately, the Bugout has an advantage over the Pug because (for me) the sights are easier to line up precisely.  I just tend to shoot more of what I carry than other pistols.

I won't carry a laser device... unless it has stun, kill, and disintegrate settings.