Happy owner

Started by Taterhead 48, September-14-18 21:09

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Taterhead 48

I am a happy owner of a 22 mini mag,I have had it for quite a few years but it broke several years back and it has just been sitting in my drawer. I did not know that  the company might fix it for free until someone at a gun store told me so I decided to send it back about 5 weeks ago and I just want to give the company great kudos and thanks for not only making the repairs so that the gun is functional again but also refinishing part of the frame so that it looks much nicer almost new.
It sure is nice to know there is  an American company out there that stands behind its product.
Thank you again all to all workers at North American Arms for taking such pride in your work.


Hey . . . Taterhead . . . . WELCOME to the Forum!!  Don't be a stranger on the firing line.  We need to hear from you as often as possible.  This is a great friendly forum.  Reload often. 

NAA is a wonderful company that you can trust.  Filled with great people, too!  Welcome to the Forum!!
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.

Uncle Fatso

Yeah, welcome aboard!  Stick around!


ditto and ditto and well you know LOL ;D

Taterhead 48

Forgot to mention in the initial post I did have to pay $35 to the gun store to handle the shipping and the company charged $9 to ship it back but still $44 to have my gun like new again compared to $65 an hour for a gun smith is still a pretty good deal.


Hi Tatterhead,
Glad to have you.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

top dog

First welcome to the forum!!!!!

What!!!!!!  You only have one NAA mini????  Trust me,that will change soon.

Let us know how you repaired piece does on the range.

And as Uncle Lee would say....photos and store it in a shoe box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                                                          Top Dog


Welcome taterhead. Not a big problem but one does not have to go through a dealer to send a firearm to someone for repair. Some less free states may have some local laws that negate this but for the most part an individual can send a firearm to a gunsmith or the factory without any dealer fees.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Welcome. I would say send it back, let them fix it and enjoy it! That, and keep in touch with this demented bunch (self included)...
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


yup, great product support. when i need repair parts they are only a phone call away. i love em.