open carry

Started by OV-1D, October-19-18 16:10

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  Just received an e-mail telling me of a get together in Miami Beach for all the fishmans open carry law . Looks as if law enforcement is putting it on or contributing . Law enforcement fellows from all around will be attending to show their support . October 20 , tomorrow , its being put together by "FLORIDA CARRY" . I can't make but I hope some others can to show everyones support . 
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .

smokeless joe

Interesting. Too bad I have to work thru the weekend or I might have given some support.


Why do you need a handgun when you are in the middle of the ocean fishing??
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )



Proud Untermenschen of the NWO


Quote from: glenn on October-20-18 04:10


Right, didn't think of that.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

smokeless joe


     or   "JAWS"

      or  "The Kraken"   ( )


Proud Untermenschen of the NWO


Proud Untermenschen of the NWO


Quote from: uncle_lee on October-20-18 03:10
Why do you need a handgun when you are in the middle of the ocean fishing??

Zombie tuna....or.....

You're taking a three hour tour on the SS Minnow and Gilligan mutinies....
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport

top dog

I just returned from a Quail hunt trip to south GA. I opened carry in PA,WV,VA,GA with nary a problem.

On a couple of occasions folks came up to me and asked what the piece was (Bond Arms Texas Defender,410) and a few even thanked me for carrying.

                                                                               Top Dog

Honky Tonk Man

Quote from: top dog on October-20-18 07:10
I just returned from a Quail hunt trip to south GA. I opened carry in PA,WV,VA,GA with nary a problem.

On a couple of occasions folks came up to me and asked what the piece was (Bond Arms Texas Defender,410) and a few even thanked me for carrying.

                                                                               Top Dog

They were probably stunned to meet a man talented enough to hunt quail with a Bond Arms .410 !! 8)
Silence is Golden - Duct Tape is Silver


I have Open Carried here in Indiana more than a few times.  It is legal to do with a permit, for handguns as anyone who is legal can open carry a long gun if they wish.

I finally stopped after getting SWATTED a few times while I was shopping.  They Police would come, find me and ask to see my permit and DL, which I showed them and then walked away and would scold the one who called them as it was a waist of time.  The SWAT team only came once, I was inthe local Mall and had not seen the sign they put behind the coke machines on the way in that said no one could bring weapons of any sort onto mall grounds.  I went to Radio Shak to get some stuff I needed for a project, the SWAT leader told the manager (who had called them on me) to sell me the stuff I wanted and then he escorted me out of the mall.  I asked the police to show me the sign, they did and told me they would tell the mall to make it more visible, which they never did and now are closing the whole mall.  They said it will be open for old people to do thier mall walking and would let people open whet shops they wanted there if they would buy the property they needed.  Our Toys R' Us closed too. :'(  I used to love going in there to look at all the cool toys.
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


I never open carry.

Won't ever. 

Honky Tonk Man

It's perfectly legal in MI, but rarely seen.  Everyone has a CPL (Concealed Pistol License).  If you don't have a CPL, you'll get in trouble walking in the woods with a coat over your handgun because that's considered concealed.  You either wear it on the outside, or have a CPL.  Other restrictions require a handgun to be unloaded and cased in a vehicle, unless you have a CPL.  It's a hassle to open carry, so few do. 
Silence is Golden - Duct Tape is Silver

smokeless joe

I support the right to but I would not open carry personally. I had a cwp since 94 and fortunately never have been in a situation where I thought I was going to have to use my weapon.


I don't want the bad guy/girl to know I am armed until they see the flash and hear the report.
So I don't/won't carry open.

In my mind it is waste to hide one of Rick's holsters.
Like putting a sack over a beautiful woman's head...... 8)
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

top dog

Nope,the Bond is for snakes (either two legged or the slithering kind). For quail I use a Darne 12 ga side by side.

There are pros and cons for open carry and I do agree with Uncle Lee's thinking.

                                                                      Top Dog

Honky Tonk Man

I knew that Top Dog.  Just funnin' ya. 

Carrying open is like wearing a sign that says "Shoot Me First" to the bad guys.  About the only time I carried open was deer hunting with my Super Blackhawk or Thompson Center Contender .44 Mags. 
Silence is Golden - Duct Tape is Silver


Open Carry is about having the Right to do so.

I understand folks who think the bad guy villl shoot them first if they know they carry, I tend to make a really fast, subtle and accurate draw and fire but that isn't everyone.  I did it because I could, it was once pretty common in Indiana, but it has gone the way of the Do-Do, and become more of an odd thing these days.
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


Open carry is pretty common in the part of NC I live in. It's seen most at pawn shops and Walmart. I've even seen guys wear an IWB holster and tuck a shirt in behind it so the pistol is still considered "open".


If you ever need to defend yourself on the street your best bet is a concealed pocket pistol with your hand in the pocket and already on the piece because you've detected a potential threat. If the threat manifest itself you draw and shoot. You already have the pistol in your grip so reaction time is fast and surprise is on your side. If the perceived threat doesn't occur you can take your hand out of the pocket (no harm, no foul, no presenting a weapon charge) and go about your business. The only times I open carry is hiking, hunting, fishing or working in a gun store.

Best Regards,
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt,"
-Mark Twain


adp3, that is your opinion, not the best way for everyone to carry.  I have yet to find a person who found themselves bothered at all when open carrying.  Best thing to really do is AVOID trouble rather than go places you might just need to shoot someone.  Situational Awareness is something one should always consider. 8)

And please bring a 25ACP to your problem area, as it is really gonna make someone cry. :'(
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


The Open carry rally in FL I think is do to a group of guys fishing and open carrying, they were harassed, hand cuffed and made to go thru a bunch of BS by local cops, for doing something that was perfectly legal. I don't think that the police should harass people for no reason sorry. Remember "WE THE PEOPLE" not we the police or we the government. WE THE PEOPLE HAVE RIGHTS and as long as we are not engaged in any ILLEGAL activity we have the RIGHT to be left alone. The police have rules that they are suppose to follow and many times they don't, they just think they can do what they want because they have a badge.
Seriously guys how many of you would not care if you were legally open carrying and the Police grabbed you hand cuffed you and made you sit on the ground while they fiddle farted around for an hour or more trying to find something to hold you on.
I haqve never  had a problem with Police but I've watched tons of videos were they over step their authority.If we let them then they think its OK. So these rallys are a good thing it let evrybody know we will not have our rights taken away.


While open carry is legal (with permit) in Texas, I have not seen a single example since the law came in.  In fact, I am told that in most permit classes, the newbies are warned against it.  I am for having the open carry law, in fact don't mind seeing the 'open carry folks'  take advantage of it.  I am old and much slower in reaction time, so I figure if someone comes in to rob or shoot up the place, I figure he/she will shoot the open carry guys first and give me a chance to take cover and use my concealed piece.


Quote from: RICKS PLACE on October-23-18 14:10
While open carry is legal (with permit) in Texas, I have not seen a single example since the law came in.  In fact, I am told that in most permit classes, the newbies are warned against it.  I am for having the open carry law, in fact don't mind seeing the 'open carry folks'  take advantage of it.  I am old and much slower in reaction time, so I figure if someone comes in to rob or shoot up the place, I figure he/she will shoot the open carry guys first and give me a chance to take cover and use my concealed piece.
Why do you need a permit to open carry? thats weird.
I think this is the wrong way to think. Bad guys are basically cowards and prey on the weak. If they see you have a gun they know your going to fight back and in all likelihood will turn tail and run. Its been shown over nad over again that most of the time this is what happens.


It seems myself and Bigbird agree about Open Carry.  Of course I may be mistaken as I don't spend a lot of time in these threads except to check out how things are proceeding.

Bad Guys want folks they can take easily, they don't want people that they feel might be able to defend themselves.  I used to lived on the South Side of Chicago, this is a very dangerous area to be in if you are whiter than others and tend to be out after dark.  I had to work though as I wasn't able to just sit around and get paid for doing nothing and I wasn't a drug dealer so I worked.  Often that meant walking home after dark, I didn't even own a car then, way too much money and I was working three jobs just to have money to eat and pay rent and bills.  I walked by gangstas and all the bad folks and walked with my head up, meeting eyes of them and walking confidently as I went by keeping sure they weren't going to do me harm.  Yeah, I did keep a pocket knife with a very sharp blade and easy to flick open on me at all times but they usually had guns, no permits for regular folks in Chi-Town and gangsta don't care if it is against the law.  No one ever bothered me or made any move on me, ever.  Sure, back then I was a really big guy and was extremely strong but that does nothing against a firearm.

My Point, the bad guys want people that they feel can be taken EASILY.  Often I would walk some of the older women who lived in or near my building to and from the store, carrying their groceries.  It was to protect them and some of them were GREAT cooks and would often invite me for a great meal for doing this for them.  I was a bachelor and so I would go and eat a decent share, never glutting as they too ere poor.  Then head back home or to work. 8)
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


I have never been in the situation, but I think that there is a big difference between a street punk, who is planning on a snatch and run, or robing the local Mickey D's, and a gang going in to rob a bank or some other facility, where they expect resistance and are prepared to use all the force needed to complete the job, or maybe it's a terrorist, who just wants to kill as many as possible.


Some one posted in a thread to the effect that they don't wear any gun related items on their clothes, or stickers on their vehicles.   The retired Illinois State Trooper I know tells of the time when he was working the East St Louis area, and driving through a small town, and saw a man sitting cuffed on the curb, with an officer stripping a car.   He stopped, asked the man what was going on, and told that he didn't know why he was cuffed, and why his car was being stripped.   When he asked the officer what was the problem, he was told that the car had an NRA sticker on it, and the driver had a FOID card, and he wouldn't tell the officer where the guns were hidden, but he was going to find them.   Don said that he told the officer the best thing he could do was get the cuffs off the man, dust him off, help him get his car put back together, and send him down the road.   Officer said no, he was going to find the guns.   Two weeks later, Don got the summons to go give a disposition, because the officer was being sued by the driver.

Honky Tonk Man

Quote from: LHB on October-23-18 21:10
Some one posted in a thread to the effect that they don't wear any gun related items on their clothes, or stickers on their vehicles.   The retired Illinois State Trooper I know tells of the time when he was working the East St Louis area, and driving through a small town, and saw a man sitting cuffed on the curb, with an officer stripping a car.   He stopped, asked the man what was going on, and told that he didn't know why he was cuffed, and why his car was being stripped.   When he asked the officer what was the problem, he was told that the car had an NRA sticker on it, and the driver had a FOID card, and he wouldn't tell the officer where the guns were hidden, but he was going to find them.   Don said that he told the officer the best thing he could do was get the cuffs off the man, dust him off, help him get his car put back together, and send him down the road.   Officer said no, he was going to find the guns.   Two weeks later, Don got the summons to go give a disposition, because the officer was being sued by the driver.

I have 2 friends that got similar treatment by Canadian Border officials.  I think our government started sharing info with the Canadians concerning firearm ownership during the Obama era.  Their autos were totally stripped looking in vain for any guns.  One friend took the Canadian shortcut from New Hampshire to MI, cutting thru Canada.  His truck and trailer was completely stripped, and all the contents were left on the ground for him to repack after their failed attempt to find guns.  "We know you have guns, and we're going to find them."  They busted his portable Direct TV Satellite Receiver trying to pry it out of it's cubby hole.  That cost him $600 to replace.  He had no NRA stickers, or anything to indicate gun ownership on his vehicle.  They admitted his Florida plates were their red flag.  They knew FL is "Gun Friendly".

MI used to tie your CPL (Conc.Pistol License) with your drivers license.  They changed the law and now they are not linked.  I understand this was because of the problems our folks had driving thru non-2A- friendly states, primarily on the East Coast.  NY, NJ, MD, etc.  I'm told some police have license plate scanners that look at license plates of cars they pass on the road.  If the computer finds any linked to crime or whatever parameters they select, it alerts them and they can make a stop.  If they are looking for guns or their owners, and your license is linked to your CPL; some unscrupulous cops would pull you over looking for your weapons.  This resulted in some being jailed and spending big $$$ to clear their names.  We have reciprocity with 43 states.  I avoid traveling thru the rest whenever possible.  Basically both coasts and IL. 
Silence is Golden - Duct Tape is Silver


Quote from: adp3 on October-21-18 22:10
If you ever need to defend yourself on the street your best bet is a concealed pocket pistol with your hand in the pocket and already on the piece because you've detected a potential threat. If the threat manifest itself you draw and shoot. You already have the pistol in your grip so reaction time is fast and surprise is on your side. If the perceived threat doesn't occur you can take your hand out of the pocket (no harm, no foul, no presenting a weapon charge) and go about your business. The only times I open carry is hiking, hunting, fishing or working in a gun store.

Best Regards,

This.  Someone said that is YOUR opinion.  Well, it is also MY opinion.  I also like coat pocket carry for hammerless j frame.  You can shoot right through your pocket if you need to.  And won't that be a surprise?


Quote from: LHB on October-23-18 21:10
Some one posted in a thread to the effect that they don't wear any gun related items on their clothes, or stickers on their vehicles. . . . . .

Yeah, I posted that comment.  I am really a private person.  I refuse to have the sticker from where I bought my car on the car.  No vacation indications, no stick figures, etc, etc.; just that non-descript car in front of you, and the house on the block with the garage doors always closed (with cars that fit inside), lawn mowed, no junk, and no signs what-so-ever for anything.  My range is limited to 110 yards because if I extend any further, I can be seen from a road; hate to make any SJW concerned.

Quote from: LHB on October-23-18 21:10
The retired Illinois State Trooper I know tells of the time when he was working the East St Louis area . . . . . . . . . . .

In 1985, I was commissioning equipment in a steel mill near by East St. Louis (Granite City) and was passed by a leopard skin covered Cadillac; couldn't see the driver as the windows were as dark as possible.  East St. Louis was taken off my "Cities to visit when retired" list.  Sorry.

Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


Quote from: Ruger on October-24-18 05:10
Quote from: LHB on October-23-18 21:10
Some one posted in a thread to the effect that they don't wear any gun related items on their clothes, or stickers on their vehicles. . . . . .

Yeah, I posted that comment.  I am really a private person.  I refuse to have the sticker from where I bought my car on the car.  No vacation indications, no stick figures, etc, etc.; just that non-descript car in front of you, and the house on the block with the garage doors always closed (with cars that fit inside), lawn mowed, no junk, and no signs what-so-ever for anything.  My range is limited to 110 yards because if I extend any further, I can be seen from a road; hate to make any SJW concerned.

Quote from: LHB on October-23-18 21:10
The retired Illinois State Trooper I know tells of the time when he was working the East St Louis area . . . . . . . . . . .

In 1985, I was commissioning equipment in a steel mill near by East St. Louis (Granite City) and was passed by a leopard skin covered Cadillac; couldn't see the driver as the windows were as dark as possible.  East St. Louis was taken off my "Cities to visit when retired" list.  Sorry.

I'm also in the keep it concealed camp for the elements of privacy and surprise. i also have no political signs on my lawn, or car or wear anything political or gun related. a collect a few of those things though.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Quote from: heyjoe on October-24-18 07:10
I'm also in the keep it concealed camp for the elements of privacy and surprise. i also have no political signs on my lawn, or car or wear anything political or gun related. a collect a few of those things though.

My wife creates embroidery software files for an internet company that then are for sale on a major website.  She can easily develop any logo I would want and embroider a shirt, hat, jacket, etc.  I have yet to have her do that for me, although many times I have thought about having her make a few logos without names or letters so only those in the know would recognize it.  Just can't cross that line . . .
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.

Honky Tonk Man

Ruger, I respect your opinions re. wearing clothes that make you stand out in a crowd.  I don't think I've ever seen my son wearing a T-shirt with any artwork or printing on it.  He's very private.  Every once in a while I get so fed up with the P.C. culture, I have to wear one of my 3 favorite T-shirts just to make a statement.  Admittedly, I usually only wear the bottom one to shooting ranges, military bases, or other high-testerone areas.  I don't want any grannies fainting.

Silence is Golden - Duct Tape is Silver


Quote from: Ruger on October-24-18 08:10

make a few logos without names or letters so only those in the know would recognize it.

I agree with that. I have a red vinyl Ruger emblem on my car's back glass. Just the the red hawk with SR in the middle, no writing. If I could get the NAA emblem, minus the words, it would go next to Ruger's.
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport