Todays teachers .

Started by OV-1D, November-30-18 15:11

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I am glad the bomb was dropped. Hooray !!!!!!
My Father got to come home...
He was setting on Okinawa set to be in the first wave to hit the mainland.
If the bomb had not been dropped, Dad would have died and I would have had no sisters.
We would not have hunted nor fished together. He would not have taught me how to skin all the animals that are in the woods. He could not have taught me how to set snares, traps, and dead falls. We would not have laughed, joked, and had beers together. I loved my Father. Dang the Japs. That war was theirs.

I would trade every Jap on that island for my Father. 
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

Honky Tonk Man

I couldn't have said it any better, Uncle Lee.  So glad we had the bomb.  Japan was blockaded for months and people were starving.  It didn't make a bit of difference to them, or their emperor.  I said all this and more already, so I'll just cut to the chase.  My Mom and 8 brothers and sisters had 60 long, wonderful years with my Dad.  We probably owe our very existence to those bombs. 
Silence is Golden - Duct Tape is Silver


Our military and our leaders, made the best choice, the one they thought would cost the least in American lives against a nation that already proved they would attack our home soil (more than once, as dad tells it; he was in Alaska). They did what they thought was the best option. for all you who weren't there, weren't involved, and had no stake you need to keep quiet. Monday morning quarterbacking only makes you look like pompous a$$es. You were not have never been in charge of such a situation.
In my opinion, if we bombed the heck out of Japan with conventional bombs like we did Germany, it would have been worse for the Japanese and we still would have lost 100s of thousands of GIs in the mop-up. If we used the nuclear kind of power in Korea, or on Hanoi, there may never have been a 9/11, or any of the attacks that happened since Vietnam..."Speak softly and carry a big stick." Theodore Roosevelt
If you are going to carry a big stick, it needs to be the biggest stick in the fight." ARB

PS. I already know some of you will rip me for that opinion...IDC
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


Back to the original subject of the thread, it's not really "today's teachers" fault, they are the product of seventy years of determined effort to ruin the American education system.   

Back in the day, we were expected to learn, and memorize certain items, like the multiplication tables, state and capitols and other things.   That is not required today, because the student can find what they need on the internet.   In the local high school, the teachers are not supposed to tell the students how to do anything, because the students are supposed to find the info on the internet.   My daughter is a German language teacher here, and the question that the administration has never answered for her is how she is to teach German pronunciation, if she can't verbally demonstrate how it is done.

Many schools don't teach cursive writing, you used your phone, and as far as World War Eleven, who needs to know Roman numerals, the Roman Empire fell 1600 years ago.


That's sad, really sad.
Dumb the kids down.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Quote from: LHB on December-10-18 23:12
Back to the original subject of the thread, it's not really "today's teachers" fault, they are the product of seventy years of determined effort to ruin the American education system.   

Back in the day, we were expected to learn, and memorize certain items, like the multiplication tables, state and capitols and other things.   That is not required today, because the student can find what they need on the internet.   In the local high school, the teachers are not supposed to tell the students how to do anything, because the students are supposed to find the info on the internet.   My daughter is a German language teacher here, and the question that the administration has never answered for her is how she is to teach German pronunciation, if she can't verbally demonstrate how it is done.

Many schools don't teach cursive writing, you used your phone, and as far as World War Eleven, who needs to know Roman numerals, the Roman Empire fell 1600 years ago.
I have a few teachers in my family, they hate all the stupid rules and restrictions.  Plus, it takes an act of Congress to fail a child.  ''No child left behind'' means; relax expectations so children don't get held back and they WILL graduate.  Often, their diploma is more of a certificate of attendance.  They don't know anything but they passed.  I only went to high school but I'll put my knowledge up against the colledge geads I Know.  BTW, now an A is a 90, B is a 80, 70 is a C (average), and 60 is D (passing).
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''


 AND NOBODY IS TAKING ANY RESPONSIBILITY for Our Great Nations Failures . One of my daughters home schools her children and her nine year old son would put a high school senior to shame with any subject . School is not for schooling children anymore its to get government monies to support the teachers and administrations , teaching has absolutely NOTHING to do with education its in the numbers of kids attending (for the money of course) to meet a quota , GOD help us all  . Kids cheating HECK would be a plus these days . This is why the quality of teachers has diminished to third world types of educators  . We The People better get a firm handle on all this crap if you value Our Country's future and quick .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


OV, money, media, unions, & socialists are behind the killing of our education.
The rest of us are walking around watching the Country go down the poop hole and can do nothing about it but vote.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Remember, one of the most important people in your like was the teacher (probably a woman) who taught you how to read, because almost every step up in life is based on the ability to read.

Once up on a time, a student was expected to meet certain standards in order to be promoted to the next grade, in fact there were county tests that were administered by the county superintendent to the students in the one room schools.   If you failed the test, you were not promoted, your age didn't matter.   Some teachers (most  of whom were old maids with no life outside of school) spent extra time with a slow student.  Then came consolidation, and most teachers married, and had a life outside the classroom.

With consolidation came larger schools and classes, and those slow students didn't get the extra help, so in the sixties they started to segregate students.   You had the gifted class, the regular class, and the "special education" class for the slow ones.   The gifted and regular students made fun of the special education kids, and hurt their feelings, so in the eighties they started to integrate the special education kids back into the regular classroom, but the teachers were to prepare special individual lessons for them, and a teacher with twenty five in a class may have to have ten different plans/lessons for each class.  No one was to have anything happen that might damage their self esteem.   A teacher was to give every student at least one "warm fuzzy" every day.   If a student was retained, that was not a warm fuzzy, and would damage their self esteem, so there came the "social" promotion to keep you with your social "peers" so your feelings didn't get hurt.

I don't know about the whole country, but around here, teachers are not making big bucks for the hours they put in, while the administration has the school boards convinced that the administration deserves big bucks.

Teaching is an art, not everyone can do it.   
But remember the old saying:
People that can do it, do it.
Those who can't do it, teach it.
Those who can't teach it, teach P.E.
Those P.E. people whose teams don't win enough games, become administrators.


  All in the name of political correctness LHB . The Country is screwed and us taxpayers are left holding the bag , isn't democracy grand . Give me a dictator at least I (we) can pin it down to whos who and narrows the field on who to take out so to say .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .

top dog

Uncle Lee,
And don't forget that your Father also taught you how to store stuff in shoeboxes!!!!!

Your Father was/is a totally wonderful Man.

                                                                                Top Dog


Quote from: top dog on December-12-18 08:12
Uncle Lee,
And don't forget that your Father also taught you how to store stuff in shoeboxes!!!!!

Your Father was/is a totally wonderful Man.

                                                                                Top Dog

Yes, seems like he could store a half gallon in a quart jar.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Quote from: uncle_lee on December-12-18 14:12
Yes, seems like he could store a half gallon in a quart jar.

Whew !   I've seen some girls in pants at Walmart that remind me of that    :o

Proud Untermenschen of the NWO


Quote from: glenn on December-12-18 14:12
Quote from: uncle_lee on December-12-18 14:12
Yes, seems like he could store a half gallon in a quart jar.

Whew !   I've seen some girls in pants at Walmart that remind me of that    :o


That is where I go to learn what fashion is "in" today... 8)
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Quote from: uncle_lee on December-13-18 05:12

That is where I go to learn what fashion is "in" today... 8)

Or hanging out, or hanging over..... ;)
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport