Flip phone carry case for my Mini

Started by Texron, November-01-18 14:11

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This flip phone carry case is what I use to carry my Mini in when I don't want to pocket carry. It is very easy to access and slips right on my belt.


I like that idea. I'm sure your post includes a picture but the moderators must not have approved the picture yet. Most flip phone cases that I can think of would expose parts of the gun - at least make the grip visible - but I'm sure there are some that wouldn't. I'll have to look around.


keep posting I want to see pics someday.

Also I cant find a flip phone case which is sealed.  mine all have gaps in them.


I use a cell phone case for my Kel Tec. I glued an old pair of ear buds into it and let them hang out. Looks as though it's an mp3 player.


Riadat, I have posted 4 pictures of 2 different cases, but it says attachments pending approval. They show up on this site on my IPad but not on the site itself. I posted these yesterday, so I really don't know why they are not showing up. I am sorry, but if you are patient I am sure they will be posted soon.


They will now you have passed the probation period...
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


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Quote from: Texron on November-02-18 18:11
Riadat, I have posted 4 pictures of 2 different cases, but it says attachments pending approval. They show up on this site on my IPad but not on the site itself. I posted these yesterday, so I really don't know why they are not showing up. I am sorry, but if you are patient I am sure they will be posted soon.

I was in the same boat as you. Seems the moderators approve posts in a more timely fashion than they approve pictures. After I got out of my probation period I simply edited my posts that were still missing the pictures (due to lack of moderator approval), deleted the attachment, reattached the attachment and then saved. Voila - pictures were there immediately.

Looks like you are at 16 posts and therefore out of probation, so you should be able to do the same if you choose.


Ok, I think the pictures will show this time. One case has the Mini Max and the other case my Pug.


This works too, but not with Boot Grips . . .

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