Presentation box for TB

Started by 45flint, October-28-10 15:10

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In another post it was mentioned about creating a presentation box for the topbreak.  I had a thought. I have a Hopkins and Allen turn of the century top break in nickel that I don't think was even fired.  Looks almost new.  I was thinking of making of double case of the old and the new.  Only thing is the H&A doesn't have a spur trigger, but the rest of the gun is just like the TB including the sight that comes up through the top plate. A double cased set would be cool as well but a little more expensive.  


cedarview kid

That would look sweet, Steve. Let us see if it you do it!

cedarview kid

And, by the way, don't ya'll know that TB means Thunder Bluff? LOL. "LOKTAR!"

cedarview kid

Here's the case I plan to convert to a double case for my break-tops:








darn of your poor minis is ...gasp  boxless it just told me it's jelous and wants it own box ruffruff

cedarview kid

Hey you, old magnum, get out. The cool new guys are movin' in!


I think that would turn out awesome Dar. I sure would love to get my hands on a couple or three of those boxes my self. What is it about that 1 5/8 Mag that it's got a wood box? Just curious.


cedarview kid

Not sure about the story on the engraved box. I bought it from a local guy using online classifieds. I got a great deal on the convertible magnum living inside the box, not even considering the box. I think these presentation boxes were available (still are? I dunno) as an option as they went out to distributors or maybe they were custom orders.


   There's nothing really special about the mini-magnum, except that it has a very nice high-polish finish.


   I'd like a couple extra myself.


Make a divider from a 2 by 4 Dar, and it will work a treat for your 2 BT's


   Nice Case! just when you're happy with what you've got someone has to show you something else you want ;)
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card

cedarview kid

Oh boy. I'll never live the 2x4 thing down. Honestly, that hasn't been my only medium, nor my best work. I'll prove it to you guys soon. You'll see. LOL.


Darvell, I'm sure you are and have been, capable of great things. But when you post pictures (more than once) such as the 2x4 grips and the pink sock green flip flop thingy, do you really think people are going to forget? they might wish they could.


   After some "quality work" I was doing on closet doors on a house remodel yesterday, where I ended up cutting wood on the tailgate of my truck with a circular saw in the dark, I don't feel I can pass judgement on your grips any longer and any plans to make my own presentation box are definitely on hold for the immediate future. Neither grips or presentation boxes are going to look good with a tube of caulk filling the gaps LOL
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card

cedarview kid

Wise words, sir! No matter what I do, I shall forever be known as the toeless-sock-in-flip-flops-and-2x4-grips guy.


   But, on the brighter side, I suppose I could have done worse. ;)


   Good luck with your presentation box, caulking and all. Be sure to post pictures so we can all ridicule you. (I'm just kidding, you know, right? LOLz.)


Perhaps I should just make a set of grips and a presentation box from caulk, thereby obviating the need for that tricky wood stuff that constantly changes shape and size after you cut it
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card

cedarview kid

YES! Now THAT would be original! Stupid, perhaps, but original!


I'd already begun construction, but the caulk only had a 30 year guarantee and I plan on keeping my BT for longer than that


   It was easy to mold the interior to the shape of the gun and the grips would have been perfectly fitted to my hand with just one squeeze.


   Anyone know what gets caulk of stainless steel and skin?
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card

cedarview kid


Tried that, I ended up with the black grips I wanted which really compliment the blackened and almost oil hardened finish of the stainless steel.


   Won't be able to tell you how she shoots, until I get the bandages of my hands
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


Jessica at NAA says you can buy the laser cut boxes from the for $75.  Won't it be great if that was a product of the month next month for a little less?



That sounds great, I'm going to wait until the next convention, we got a big discount on stuff last time.


   I guess I'll need to practice getting the box out of my pocket and removing the gun quickly for SD situations - perhaps I'll just stick with a pocket holster after all
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card

cedarview kid

Wow, thanks for the info, 45flint. That's good to know!


Wish I lived a little closer than Ohio.