NEWSBREAK!!! Gold discovered under sidewalks of NY!

Started by sirbarkalot, October-28-10 18:10

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Perpetual Motion is what it was called in the annals of history and is to my knowledege still awaiting discovery.


   Perhaps Alchemy is the way to go, then you wouldn't need to worry about the price of gas.


   Some of the discussion couldn't help remind me of the following from the Blackadder TV series, Percy decides to make gold to save their dire financial situation. Blackadder asks him if the fact that alchemy has eluded the greatest minds throughout history does not deter him at all. Here we see the results.">


   Go for your dreams everyone, without them life would be . . . well kinda boring
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


I FOUND IT!!!!! the first working fuel less motorcycle exist on youtube!">



   and the british have made a copy as well">


   on a serious note, dont let me or anyone else discourage you from inventing or attempting to discover the unknown, there is plenty more to discover and someone has to do it


The answer is so simple and obvious it amazes me that no one in the world except me (and possibly MDE) has discovered it.  We all know that 50 percent efficient can be obtained.  Why can you not see it?  Wear two beanies.



You didn't offend me Mrmadhat.

   I'm only stating that things are

   not always as they might seem.


   And there are grey areas in what has been skimmed

   over in the past and deemed as known physics to us.

   But in reality has not yet fully been explored.


   Even if I do succeed in making a permanent magnet

   engine and use it for my own use, patenting and

   marketing such a marvel is another story.


   Perpetual Motion or Free Energy Technology of

   any kind is heavily discriminated against in

   the U.S. Patent Office because of what happened

   at General Electric back between 1900-1919.  


   This is a reality that needs to be delt with.

   But there is nothing to fight about until such

   an engine has been created.


   Which is an aspect of Edison's work as an inventor

   that is still disputed until this day in certain

   circles behind closed doors in engineering offices.


   I figure it couldn't hurt to tinker,

   and find out for myself based on what

   I know from studying the history behind

   the subject...after learning that Edison's

   background in industry really wasn't all

   that different from my own.


   Heck, he and I even have worked in many

   of the same industries only in different

   capacities. He as a World Class Inventor

   and I as a Drafter and Machinist.


   It turns out that it is only a hop,  

   skip, and a jump between the two.


   That might be why I am so inspired.

   Come this spring and summer my Metal Detector

   and Gold Pan are going to get a workout.

   Me too I reckon...but it's going to be

   one heck of a ride.


   You all might want to Google a guy by the

   name "Stanley Myers".  He's the guy that

   invented a dune buggy that ran on water.


   He's dead...poisoned at a resteraunt in 1998.

   But very interesting material if I do say so

   myself. I have studied his material in detail

   and it seems feasible, but there were some

   minute details that he was trying to protect

   before his death which need to be explored. I need my own shop.

   I'll get there, in due time.


   Meanwhile, back at the range...

   I'm feeling like doing some plinking today.

   You study up on my physics and all.






And Boom......There it was!!!!


And NewGuy,  

   Bio engineered nano fungal rubber might

   be a biohazard and a health risk at the

   very least...But it might also be a new

   market for Soy Bean derivatives!!


   I'll let you tackle that one.

   Since you came up with the idea.





And Boom......There it was!!!!


I want to be the first to land on the moon.


Well...Hijack a UFO and go do it then.

   I hear all you have to do is find a

   crop circle and wait patiently.


   Their kind of like bus stops you know.

   But don't take my word for it.


   Are you sure you want to take that trip?





And Boom......There it was!!!!


Change your name to Duwayne and go hang out in the Ozarks with a plaid over shirt and a mad bomber hat and it shouldn't be too long before you get a UFO ride - happens all the time
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


I remember the account about the demise of Stanley Meyer in which he died of food poisoning after eating at a Chinese restaurant.  They miss one suspicious element.  Meyer ate at that restaurant every few days.  His cat 'Fluffy' had been very ill and had gone missing at that location only days before.  The cat was never found.  It takes a keen mind like mine to notice a suspicious detail like that.



Redhawk you just insulted half of the posters here.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


MDE, you may find this discussion of alternative or inventive engines of interest.  

   This is on Jerry Pournelle's web site: his "day book," reviews, and mail are a  

   goldmine of info and ideas on a variety of topics.">


"Redhawk you just insulted half of the posters here".


   Dang it, I usually manage 100%, I must be slipping
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


The Dean Drive.


   Interesting...although not quite what I am

   dealing with at the present time.


   Magnets react to one another.

   And when fixed to a rotor...interesting  

   things tend to happen. As evident by the

   use of electro-magnetic fields inside of

   an Electric Motor.


   Few people have seriously investigated the use

   of permanent magnets in the creation of a motor

   much like an Electric Motor.


   It is said to be dangerous because of the magnetic

   fields produced by whirling permanent magnets on

   a rotor...supposedly you can't shut it off like

   you can an Electric Motor by simply pulling a plug.


   Which I agree, but you can remove the drive magnet.


   Or install a counter directional rotor on the

   same shaft to be used as a break or reverse.


   Perhaps such things should be investigated on

   a small scale first using bicycle components.


   Though only currently a faint theory at the  

   moment I am curious as to how much torque can

   be generated in such a motor concept.


   But the magic motorcycle intrigues me to no end.


   When I do it...I won't be so yappy.

   The last thing an inventor wants is to spend

   the rest of his life looking over his shoulder

   while trying to prove his creations work on the

   lecture circuit.


   Everyone will just have to buy the book  

   after I get done doing what I plan to do.


   Because I'll be busy riding around the country

   on it having way too much fun "Bench Testing".

   If the thing even works.


   Unlike other inventors, I welcome other backyard

   inventors to investigate this, mainly becasue it

   is my belief that it is time to evolve from fossil

   based fuels to something new and more efficient.


   And I want it to get done.

   When a nail pops up, big industry can hammer it

   back down by buying an inventor out or making them

   disappear...or simply wearing them out with court

   room litigation.


   But if hundreds of inventors are tinkering

   and doing different things with ideas, it  

   becomes harder to oppress new technology.


   Tinker at will my friends.





And Boom......There it was!!!!