NEWSBREAK!!! Gold discovered under sidewalks of NY!

Started by sirbarkalot, October-28-10 18:10

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I did not make this photo either, but here it is!!!  Obviously true!




   And then!!!!


   Batman and Robin showed up to protect the guy from robbers!!!!


   And I thought they were just cartoons, but there they are!!!




Holy  Colored Chalkart, Barkman! He's gonna fall off that ledge.


   Killer artwork.  


   What is the artist's name, if ya know and ya don't mind. I'd look at some more of this work.


do you know how many times i walked right over that gold on Nassau St! if only i kept my gold detector with me at all times!
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


I personally like this one.




   Talk about a creative child.





And Boom......There it was!!!!



I'm just curious...  I'm wondering if this is

   just a chalk drawing on a sidewalk somewhere.




   Or this one.




   Or perhaps this one?




   That's a pretty talented chalk

   artist if I do say so myself.





And Boom......There it was!!!!


Hey MDE,


    When you go on your gold/precious metals prospecting trip out west this spring, Just maybe you can swing by area 51 and tell us about all the neat things they keep hidden from the public.


   Evening, Gents


Actually...I do plan to get by Roswell, NM for a spell and check out the  

   Extraterrestrial Highway. But Area 51 isn't really on my itenerary.

   I have heard stories of unmarked Black Suburbans, Hum-Vees, and  

   Helicopters harrassing people that are curious and get too close.

   I have even heard of people who have "Gone Missing" in the past if  

   you know what I mean.  


   To be perfectly honest, I'm not wanting to make waves or get myself  

   killed or arrested and locked away in Federal Prison...but I am a man  

   who has been through a messy divorce and a decade of industry

   layoffs as a skilled drafter and machinist, and I like the idea of a  

   motorcycle that runs on opposing magnetic theory without needing

   gas or electricity to so.




   Which I believe is the basic premise behind these UFO's flight technology,  

   using magnetic fields to run quiet turbines and create thrust at very high

   speeds, possibly even faster than our jet engines.  If you can spin a fly-wheel

   you can spin a turbine engine...but it all starts with a small magnetic engine

   on a motorcycle or in a vehicle...on the ground first.


   I am looking at the possiblility of a new type of

   motor company here, if the technology works.


   But it takes money to make money. And banks want nothing to do with all this.

   So it looks like I'm going to be doing some prospecting in the comming years

   and tinkering in a shop out back until I get it working.


   A man can go allot of places on a motorcycle that runs without gasoline.  

   It sounds like allot of fun to me. But because of the politics involved any

   sort of patent on this kind of stuff may be a long way off yet.


   I'll just slap "Patent Pending" on it and run with it until I get a visit

   from some Black Suits or a Billion dollar offer to cease and desist.


   I'm onto something though...and I know it.

   I want a Mansion and a Yacht.

   A few Billion dollars would be nice too.


   Or I am going to setup an interesting motorcycle

   design studio, a very interesting one indeed.


   I'm tired of scraping the bottom of the barrel as a drafter and machinist

   watching all these employers export my work overseas.


   In 2006 I learned from a former employer of mine during an industry layoff

   from the Railcar Mfg. industry that I now possess a higher degree of

   formal education and industry experience than Thomas Alva Edison  

   possessed when he was alive.


   And I would like to put it to good use.

   I would like my own motor company.


   I really have no intention to compete with companies like Boeing Aerospace,  

   Lockheed Martin, or General Dynamics Corporation...but I have every

   intention of using what I know to better my own financial well being if  

   you know what I mean.


   You might ask why I am so open about this

   stuff and don't mind sharing this type of

   information, right?


   Well...I can clearly see the challenges that

   I face getting this sort of technology patented

   and I challenge anyone else reading this to try.


   And this isn't the only Alternative Energy  

   based motor technology concept that I have

   on the drawing board...I have others.


   I do think the public at large should be informed

   about these sorts of things though so backyard

   inventors can tinker at will to save themselves

   some money at the gas pump.


   Gasoline is going to get pretty expensive  

   in the coming years you know. Especially if

   it's left unchecked without competition.


   I have my work pretty well cut out for me.

   As does anyone else that feels like tackling

   this sort of opportunity.


   But the idea of running across the Salt Flats

   wide open to break a land speed record on a  

   motorcycle that doesn't use fuel and don't

   even have any pistons...sounds interesting.


   I need to put some money together.

   So that is what I will be concentrating on

   in the coming years in the near future.


   I appologise if I have offended anyone or

   inspired them to build models of mountains

   in their living in the film

   "Close Encounters of the Third Kind."


   We can now return to talking about Autistic

   sidewalk Chalk Artists...if you want to.





And Boom......There it was!!!!


"the idea of running across the Salt Flats  

   wide open to break a land speed record on a  

   motorcycle that doesn't use fuel...."



   Gee,,, sounds just like magic............


   Magic has often worked out real well for folks  


   Best of luck..........




I can promise the occasional "unmarked vehicle" out around the salt flats every now and then...  


   to catch an escape prisoner from the prison near there.....out in the middle of nowhere



Nah.  I guess I lied.  I just didn't have much to add to the conversation.  MDE is blowing my mind with facts.


"...So, what you're saying (MDE)is that you're going to burn my country music award??" You get a gold star if you can name the movie!


well I dont see how any space creature could get here legally, they would need to get flight plan approval from the FCC, I dont think there is an interstellar passport that is recognized by the united states, let alone a work visa or immigration application that would work for such an occasion...  

   thats how I knew you were lying, the immigration police would have been all over him if he were, arizona is cracking down pretty hard on illegals you know


"Gee,,, sounds just like magic............  

   Magic has often worked out real well for folks  

   Best of luck.......... NG"



   Thomas Alva Edison didn't think so.












   Edison was in pursuit of a Self-Sufficient

   Electric Automobile that would run without

   gasoline and recharge it's own batteries as

   it ran...eliminating the need for overnight

   recharging from the electric utility grid.


   Since his ouster from General Electric there

   have been rumors flying back and forth over

   whether he did...or didn't accomplish this

   innovative feat that he set out on between

   1900-1919.  After his ouster from G.E. since

   Nicoli Tesla was his employee he wasn't far

   behind...witnessing his funding go "poof" so

   he jumped ship to Westinghouse to have his

   A.C. Generators built and tested.


   I think I know how Edison invented himself out

   of a job at General Electric, even though the  

   vehicle in question has long since been dismantled

   or stored away in Warehouse 13 somewhere for all

   we know.


   And I would like to do it again, possibly even

   improve upon Thomas Alva Edison's work.


   Since the vehicle in question was a collaboration

   between Edison and Tesla's work as inventors whoever

   studies one or the other will only have part of  

   the original equation to work with.


   This is why the new Tesla Electric Vehicles are

   not completely self-sufficient. They require Edison's

   part of the equation in their system to work.


   Edison had already perfected the self-sufficient

   electric locomotive years earlier, for him it was

   only a matter of scaling it down for Automotive use.

   And adding A.C. power to power more powerful

   electric motors in a smaller package for the

   Auto Industry.


   When I talked with an executive from the Northern

   Pacific Railroad company about all this in 2006

   shortly before I got laid off from that industry

   he told me that the only reason the Railroad  

   switched from Edison's design to Diesel is because

   after Edison's death in 1931 there was no one to

   service his Locomotives so the technology was

   deemed obsolete.


   When Edison finally got the bugs worked out and  

   submitted a working prototype to G.E.'s board for

   mass production approval, they cited a "Conflict

   of Interest" because the majority of their operating

   capital was derived from investments made by  

   wealthy oil tycoons of the day through a  

   fledgeling investment firm called Sheppard,

   Morgan, and Schwab.


   Go figure.


   After his ouster from G.E. Edison went to work

   for Henry Ford who he had employed years earlier

   at his Edison Light Works Facility in N.J., only

   this time they converted an old grain factory out

   in Colorado into an Automotive Assembly Plant.


   The Model T...(for Thomas) was originally designed

   to be an Electric Vehicle, but Henry Ford decided

   only 8 months before production was to start on

   the vehicles to use a small flat head 4 cylinder

   gas engine and strip the vehicle down to it's

   basics, even substituting an electric starter for

   a handcrank to start the engine like on their

   older Ford Farm Tractors.  To Shave costs making

   the vehicles affordable for the working class.


   Here they are having this conversation.




   Edison didn't do too bad for a guy who started

   out as a janitor in a boarding house with only

   an Eigth Grade Education.  He didn't die poor.


   But he didn't quite achieve all he wanted to

   accomplish in life either, for even if he did

   succeed in building a Self-Sufficient Electric

   Automobile, he failed in getting it mass  

   produced and marketed to the public.


   But boy did he have fun trying.


   Today the same politics that were in place back

   then are in place today, and the wealth of a  

   privledged few depend on the ignorance of the  



   So a new type of motorcycle company sounds

   like fun to me, I mean if I'm going to follow

   in the footsteps of such historical figures I

   might as well make it interesting, right?





And Boom......There it was!!!!




   Someday your going to come up with something, and your going to be able to tell the rest of us----

   I TOLD YOU SO!! }


Yea, but when he comes up with the something....... new Obamacare will pay for the shots he needs to get to get rid of it...........




   Just kiddin............  I welcome the invention of a perpetual motion machine, even if it does have to wait for the re-discovery of magic....


   After all, we did not know that Harry Potter could fly about on a broom, or that a tent could be bigger inside than outside...... Until we saw it ourselves with our own eyes...................


   Go get em MDE!!!!


Hey Quickdraw.  You blew my cover.




maybe an electrical engineering class might help you on your journey.. you might be the one to figure it out, so far I have heard it is mathematically not possible with current technology, but there is always one more guy to push the bar further and there is plenty of competition or help in some cases ....  if your interested I may know someone who has some 4 phase motors for sale, they are large enough for a motorcycle or small car if you bought all of them (4 total)



   so are you going to be on the hit series "boarder patrol" now?



   Someday your going to come up with something, and

   your going to be able to tell the rest of us----  



   Thanks Bud...but until that time comes I think

   I'm going to try to blend in with the woodwork.


   I have some funds to gather as a prospector but

   I have every intention to build a new type of

   motorcycle for my own use running around the

   country doing my thing, before both become

   illegal in the future.


   And if it don't...I'll build them and sell them.

   Simply because I can. And I'll be looking forward

   to the day when I open for business.


   The banks aren't interested.

   So I will have to go around them,

   just like Andrew Carnegie did.


   I don't think much more needs to be said.

   I'd hate to have all my posts deleted anyway.

   Sidewalk Chalk is cool too though.


   Anyone have anymore pics of that guy's art work?






And Boom......There it was!!!!


Here is one of his more realistic ones.......... it completely fools some people that are inclined to believe in magic and stuff and they think it is real:




isnt that off of escape from witch mountain?   the new version of it


mde, check out jay lenos garage,he owns a 1909 elec.  and look under motorcycles, someone built and rides an electric bike.   very when is the govt gonna come clean with ufo's ???      ruffruff


Here lately it seem like almost every motorcycle

   magazine I get has a new electric motorcycle  

   article with pictures on the latest ele.

   motorcycle. Ride awhile and put it on the charger

   for 4 hours compared to ride awhile and stop at

   a gas station for 3 min. with  gas driven

   bikes we have now.  

   I wonder why they couldn't run a generater, like

   off the back wheel to get some added distance

   on a charge.

   How about on a car putting a prop driven wind

   charger on the roof to add some charge as you


   I think (just me) that ele. vehicles are at this

   time in the horse and buggy stage, and there is  

   a lot more to come.

   How much fun would an electric Harly be?


Posted on Tuesday, January 04, 2011 - 02:35 pm:        

   ...How about on a car putting a prop driven wind  

   charger on the roof to add some charge as you  



   Already been done.  Anyone remember the propeller 'beanies' we wore as kids?  It had a propeller on top which rotated when we would run.  Only MDE and myself know what they really were all about.  It turned a small generator to keep our boy scout flashlights charged.  I would not be surprised to see MDE motor down our freeway wearing one of these.  Shucks, he beat me to it again.  



it is my understanding that with current technology and the restrictions of physics both working against you, the current generator will only put out about %50-%60 max what you put into it, I could be wrong but the facts on that one are only a phone call away if you want the current data on the "known world, top of the line" generator... I have immediate family who works on such projects, frequently..


I would never wear a propeller beanie.

   But the idea of buzzing down the highway on a

   motorcycle that runs extrememly fast without

   gasoline that's quiet and makes very little

   noise, does intrigue me.  


   Those personal watercrafts too.


   As someone with the professional background

   and experience as a drafter and machinist to

   actually draw it up and make such vehicles,

   I am extremely intrigued.


   I need some used manual shop equipment like

   a South Bend Lathe and a Bridgeport Verical

   Mill, and a small shop away from prying eyes.

   And most of all, the money to get to that point

   and build them...among other such novelties.


   I have no doubt that once I setup shop I will

   have no problem making money hand over fist.


   Since most of our manufacturing has been hard

   hit by foriegn outsourcing I could realistically

   make my own product lines and sell them on the

   internet and test market them at flea markets.


   Whatever comes to my creative mind.

   Having a small diversified shop of my own

   would be my ideal working situation.


   So that's what I'm going to be working toward.

   That's my story and I'm sticking to it.





And Boom......There it was!!!!


"I wonder why they couldn't run a generater, like  

   off the back wheel to get some added distance  

   on a charge."


   Realistically they could run five 12v air compressors  

   hooked to a scuba tank that powers a high speed

   air router connected to a regular car alternator

   to recharge the batteries as the bike(or vehicle)

   runs down the road. Eliminating the need to plug

   the vehicle into the Utility Grid to recharge.


   It would run much like the vehicles we have now.

   Only without gas...recharging it's own batteries.


   They just haven't figured that out yet.

   And if they have, their hoping like  

   heck that no one else does.


   I think I've said enough for now

   on the subject. I am sorry to have

   bothered anyone.





And Boom......There it was!!!!


And Mrmadhat...I respect you and your work.

   You produce some fine works of craftsmanship.


   But the Known World and Physics as we know it

   are mearly guides when exploring the unknown.

   The goal is to push the bar and see what is

   and isn't possible, without relying on heresay

   simply because others say it can't be done.


   That doesn't always make it so.

   Orvile and Wilber Wright could have just given

   up when people told them it was impossible for

   man to build a flying machine...but they didn't.


   What I do know is that there is very little engineering  

   data available on permanent magnetism and magnetic  

   theory as it pertains to permanent magnets and their  

   capability in opposition to one another, especially  

   when ganged together in certain forms of geometry.


   And the information about electromagnetic fields

   as pertaining to electric motors appears to be

   closely guarded information. It can be found but

   you really have to do some digging to find it and

   anything about how to manipulate such fields for

   your specific purpose.


   I have learned what I currently know by examining

   various types of electric motors salvaged from

   old appliances and shop equipment discarded from

   places where I have worked in the past.


   There once lived an accentric named George Maxwell

   who tinkered with permanent magnets and made

   several observations of their behavior which

   he recorded in his journals hoping to become

   famous like Sir Issac Newton, but was deemed

   a crackpot by his peers. Some of which is

   interesting and might prove useful.


   Beyond that, there's not much out there on

   the subject of permanent magnetic theory.


   But it is obvious to me that if an engine can be

   built with permanent magnets, without the use of

   electricity or fuel such as gasoline, Diesel, or

   Hydrogen......Such an engine would be more than

   practical for many uses including motorcycle or

   automotive use. If such an engine can be built.


   And that is what I am hoping to  

   find out for myself in due time.


   And it seems to be quite a controversial

   subject on many different fronts among

   the various circles in industry as well

   as in institutions of higher education.


   Almost taboo in fact.


   Which is one of the reasons why it intrigues me

   so and has caught my attention as an aspiring

   inventor and entrepreneur.


   According to physics a Bumble Bee should not

   be able to fly, and the mechanics of a Humming

   Bird are mathmatically impossible as well.


   Yet someone forgot to tell them that they

   cannot hover or take flight as they do.


   Trial and error my friend.

   Energy Independence is the  

   goal and objective here.


   "A penny saved is a penny earned."

   Dare to do the impossible, as long as you

   don't interupt the space time continueum

   and get yourself sucked into a thimble.

   All's well that ends well.





And Boom......There it was!!!!


I have not discounted that it is possible, in fact I know that it is... Was giving an answer to Rjtravel, I have a close family member who works on such "crack pot" inventions. they do allot of consulting on the matters of efficient generator outputs, magnetic field motors ect.. even designed and built the first propellant-less flight aptitude control system for satellites and spacecraft, which I believe is now being looked over by aircraft designers.. the same technology is being used by pipeline oil companies to "fly" probes down pipelines to look for weak spots in the pipes.. that family member has dabbled with magnetic field generators to power things... sort of like the little shake flashlights,on a much larger scale and made to be more efficient.... was simply stating that with what is available in current technology it is not possible to have a generator that can be efficient enough to completely charge or power a vehicle without having to use an outside power source to charge it. you only get about %50-%60 back from what you put in.. this does prolong things %50-%60 longer then without and eventually someone will figure out how to get better efficiency out of them, but I doubt it will ever be %100 efficient, physics still exist even if you can find ways to bend the rules, the rules still exist.


sorry if I offended you by saying that current technology wont allow you to put a charger on the wheel of a motor cycle and drive forever or that there is only %50-%60 efficiency on current technology generators... thought I was just stating facts, guess I was wrong


facts are obviously not a subject of discussion in this thread,,,,,,, this is a "dreams, fantasy, and magic" thread, coming from a world where you can expend energy to move a motorcycle with a chubby rider and 500 pounds of gold, and ALSO regenerate ALL of that energy with a perpetual motion machine that returns 140% of what is put into it............


   that's all................


   Oh yea,,,,, the tires on the motorcycle????  The tread on them gets THICKER, the more you ride it.... and once a week you have to stop and shave the rubber that is adding itself to the tires or they will start rubbing the fenders....



   And there is a deluxe model, that HAS a gas tank even though it uses no gas.  As you drive, it is SO efficient that is MAKES gasoline and fills the tank as you drive so that you can stop off along the way and sell a tank of gas to pay for lunch...............



   This is that kind of thread..............


More like a thread of hope!



   I like the idea of a shaker charger in an ele.


   With the rough streets we have in most places it would work.


lol,sounds like something the gov. would feel obligated to fix the roads over, so you would have to keep buying gas... would also make "crackpot inventors" want to redesign the wheel