Questions about installing a Pug grip on a BW

Started by wero, December-10-18 15:12

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I recently purchased a new Black Widow thinking that I would really enjoy the 2 inch barrel and three dot sights, but probably change the grips for something a little more low profile. I have tried the standard .22 magnum grips (the size that doesn't extend beyond the frame), and they are a little too small for what I'm going for. The Black Widow grips are just a little wide and I'm not crazy about the finger grooves.

I just wanted to confirm a few things about the Pug grip. First, how many fingers can you get on it in a shooting position and how much does the gun rock up out of your hand while shooting? Next, is it possible to install a new Pug grip onto a new gun without wrecking the grip? A single piece of rubber that's tight enough to act as a sturdy gun grip seems like it would be tricky to work with. Finally, has anyone ever tried this, and how did you like it?


First, welcome! My Pug came with a Lazerlyte laser grip and it failed and needed to be returned for warranty so I ordered a Pug grip to install while it was being taken out for repair/replacement. It was easy to install with enclosed instructions and after getting the Laserlyte back I chose to not reinstall it. I like the Pug grip just fine and lost some confidence in the laser. Range time usually consists of a box (50) of LR and 5 magnums. Control is not an issue for me.
Luke 23:34


Welcome wero,
A lot of folks change grips on the Pug.
I changed mine before I knew it was a hard job.
I just twisted the grip a little and pulled it off.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

smokeless joe

Welcome wero.
I've used (just a couple drops) rubbing alcohol to remove/install the Pug type grips on other minis. A little patience goes a long way.


Quote from: uncle_lee on December-11-18 04:12
Welcome wero,
A lot of folks change grips on the Pug.
I changed mine before I knew it was a hard job.
I just twisted the grip a little and pulled it off.

I like it. The "Neanderthal approach"...
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


My concern with the Pug grip is one it's on you really can't take them off to do a full inspection. I like to do that every so often. When my pug comes in in thinking about using the Mini Master rubber grips. I like the way they feel and are easy to take off.


"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


Just thought I'd post an update now that I got the Pug grip and put it on. Installation was as easy as putting on a tight pair of leather gloves. Fortunately, I really like the grip because removal doesn't seem like it will be nearly as easy. I've tried 5 different grips now for this gun and I think this grip is going to be the best for me.

The original Black Widow grip is totally foolproof for drawing from a holster. My hand always finds the right place to grab and the gun is totally stable in my hand when shooting. I think that grip is just too fat for what I'd like for carry, though, and aesthetically, the gun looks a little unbalanced with the big rubber blob screwed onto its backside. The wood boot grip looks the best, IMO, and feels pretty good in the hand too. It's slim for carry and there's a good amount to hold onto, but when drawing, my hand can be a little unsure in finding a consistent spot to draw from, often bringing up the gun in an awkward position. Can I train around this? yes, but I'd rather just have a more intuitive grip on the gun. The folding holster grip for the magnum frame is fine, but having used the .22lr Minis with holster grip, the whole package just seems way too big in magnum for carry or even holding. The "standard" grip scales that screw onto the sides are just too small for what I like, they look unbalanced on the gun, and the gun isn't that grippy on my hand with them either.

The Pug grip is small and concealable, but has some fatness through the bottom for my middle finger to wrap around when I draw, and it's grippy on all sides to minimize sliding around in my hand. It's not perfect, but IMO, it's the best balance of compromises for me. Now I just have to decide if I keep the other four grips in the bottom of my accessory drawer or sell them to fund another Mini.


I just went the opposite direction on my BugOut II.  From the factory it came with the same grip as the Pug.  Awhile back I put on one of the CV grips.  This week I replaced the CV grips with one of the old style Mini-Master grips that make the current Mini-Master/Black Widow grips feel small.  Yeah... it's no longer a small pistol (comparatively).  But it feels natural in my hand and points perfectly.

I won't carry a laser device... unless it has stun, kill, and disintegrate settings.


wero, the rubber grips were good for me, I put boot grips on mine and get a much better grip on them, I own three PUGs. 8)

I am glad you like your PUG grip now and I am glad it all worked out for  you. :)

I put CVang grips on my BugOut
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein