KD Holsters Promotional Give-away

Started by ddgator, October-22-03 21:10

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Lots of talk about pocket holsters around here lately.  We are trying to get our holsters some more exposure, so K&D Holsters is going to do a promotional give-away! We will give away one free pocket holster of the winner's choice from the K&D Holsters' regular line (excluding the exotic skin holsters). With shipping, this is as much as a $50 value.


   All you have to do is visit our website at http://www.kdholsters.com">www.KDHolsters.com to decide which holster you like (I would suggest you look at our 2-in-1 front/back pocket model), the color you like, and the gun you want it fit for (all models fit the Guardian .32 and .380). For this board we will also include our "Duelist" holster shown on our "Custom Orders" page that holds two mini-revolvers.


   Then, just add a post to this thread to register.


   On October 29, 2003, we will randomly pick a winner. The winner will be contacted by e-mail or PM for shipping info and to confirm the holster choice.


   No catches – no hidden costs. Just our way of supporting the NAA community and spreading the word about our holsters. No slight intended to any of the great holster makers on this board--just another choice. Please don't enter under more than one username since that is not fair to the NAA board community.


   Thanks and good luck.



   [email protected]


No slight taken here lads..I think it's a grand thing your doing and good for you! I totally support your efforts and think you will find that "paying it forward" is one of the soundest and most rewarding business practices you will ever make.


   Have fun guys!


   Ron Graham






I may be a bit dense but I couldn't figure out how to find the prices or how to order but put me on the list to get a free one.


I would very much like to register for one of your holsters. Your pocket defender design looks very interesting and that is what I would choose. Excellent promotional idea as this board is really in to pocket holsters. Mike



   Do you make the 2 in 1 Pocket Defender for a J frame S&W ? If so, what is the price ? I have one now for my 638 that I have used front pocket for a couple of years. It has the flat panel on one side. It was made by Triple K. Hides a J frame in front pocket, with no print at all. Looks like a wallet in your front pocket. I would like to find another one like it. All of your holsters look really good.



   I think this is a great idea, so put my name in for the 2 in 1 Defender in Dk.Brown and what else but a Guardian G-32.




Gordon -- its not listed, but we can do the 2-in-1 for the J-frame as well.  $55 plus $4 shipping.


   Theysayimnotme -- just figure out what you like and post your "entry" here on this thread -- you don't have to do anything on our website but view the holster choices and colors.


   Thanks all!


Duane, This is great!   I would like to throw my hat in the ring for a Pocket Defender Plus in black for a Guardian .380.   Thank you for the opertunity to enter.



Sounds like a game plan to me...so here it goes!


   The Pocket Defender Convertible 2-in-1 is K&D Holsters' newest original design. This holster has a removable anti-print panel and functions as both a front pocket holster and a rear pocket holster. The holster can be ordered for either right or left hand carry. Available with or without an integrated spare mag carrier.  

   Sorry i borrowed from your site the description.

   Anything not to type.<g> For The G32 in Brown with

   the spare integrated mag carrier. Free sure brings

   out the best. Nice promotion. Now if i can

   win the lottery i'd bet set!


The wallet holster would be my choise but my purpose in noting my difficulty in finding prices or how to order was to alert you to the possibility that you are losing sales if others are having the same difficulty. But be sure to "enter" me.


Definitely the Biker Wallet Holster.  Looks like I could use that one.  Thank you.  I'll be anxiously awaiting to see if my name is drawn.  I will tell a little story.  Mr. Graham heard on this site that I had a new BW and was talking about how to carry and that the thing might wear a hole in my pocket.  He sent me (unsolicited) a very nice prototype holster for my BW.  Wow.  My wife questioned about how much I spent on that holster.  She just finally had to accept the fact that Mr. Graham sent it to me free of charge.  I appreciate all the people on this board for their input.  There are several things that seem to permeate almost every person's appearance and input into this forum.  A genuine interest in quality pocket handguns and their efficient effective carry.  This is the essence of self-defense where deadly force is concerned.  Criminals beware.  The holsters made by the various makers that appear on the board are truly top-notch and I believe this board provides almost all with plenty of work to keep them going. Just one more sign that the frequenters here Love quality.  Keep up the outstanding work.


The Pocket Defender Convertible 2-in-1 looks pretty good, but I'd have to say my favorite was the Biker Wallet Holster. Not a shoot-from holster, so it's not an AOW. And I always like Black. My Ivory P32 would look nice in it. (My Guardian .32 with wooden grips would be just too thick.)






   The 2 in 1 is my choice. What is the delivery time on a special order for a J frame?


What a great idea.  Thank you for the opportunity.  Count me in for a pocket defender 2 in 1 convertible, RH, brown, for the G32.




   I'm the leathercrafter/holster maker for K&D Holsters.  Wanted to respond to your question about delivery time.  Your holster order will be out the door to you within 3 days of receipt of funds.  You can place the order and pay through our website - just pick the j-frame with anti-print panel and let us know it's you in the comments.  Or you can email DDGator at [email protected] with the order and he'll let you know the payment options available.  


   Thanks for your interest.




Ok, I'm in--I like free (it is my favorite word). But how in the hell do you know what the price is?


   So how about this: I'll go with the biker holster and I will pay up to $20 bucks if it is in excess of the $50 dollar cap. Color--black.


Since I own only the revolvers I would have to be quite happy with a free "Duelist" for the Minis. Thanks for the opportunity. I would suggest the odds are much better than the lottery!!


I've been admiring the 2 in 1 for a while; I think from the pix on the site it looks great.  Certainly put me into the drawing!  I'd like it for the G380, and if I win, you can surprise me with the color.  Oct. 29th is my birthday so you picked a good day for the drawing!


   Woodstock Doug


Hi Doug:


   Tommorrow is my birthday--I'll be 47. More gray, less hair (on the top of my head, but my ass is doing fine in that department). Just 3 more years to AARP membership age...


Happy Birthday George!


   For he's a jolly good fellow.....

   For he's a jolly good fellow.....


   Maybe NAA will send you a pin or a hat or something.  I send you a blessing:


   May all your draws be smooth, all your shots fly true, and may nothing you shoot at ever shoot back!



   Woodstock Doug


Sign me up for a pocket defender for a G-32, in brown.


Hi Doug:


   I never got my NAA pin for having noticed that Sandy didn't write an August Soapbox, so I'm not holding out for anything.


2 in 1 rh G380



This board has talked me into buying the G380, which I'll do when I rustle up some scratch.  In the meantime, my only NAA is a .22 magnum mini, so if you'll offer a prize to hold that I'll be in.  Or, if I win you can send me something for the Guardian, to really make sure I buy it!





   Excellent promotion. I also looked at your site but couldn't find prices- I also won't ask for undisplayed prices at stores. I like the pocket defender.


   little note- I got 3 pins from the soapbox thing but have since had a less than stellar customer service experience that I have chosen to believe is a fluke.'




Hi Nicole,


   If you go to our products page, and then click on the style of holster you're interested in, it will bring up a page with the holster description and prices.  For example, with the pocket defender, it will show the prices on the right side of that specific product page where the color choices are listed ($35 for this particular style).  Hope this helps.


   Thanks for your interest and good luck in the drawing!




OK I found the prices & how to order but if three of us had that much trouble you should take notice.


Pocket Defender Plus Convertible, brown, for the guardian 32 acp @ 50$ retail would be a prize I would love to win.  Thanks for the opportunity.




Wow! nice stuff! I am a fan of the pocket holster for small carry weapons too. Would you consider me for the drawing, I am interested in a Pocket Defender Convertible for my .380 Defender. Thanks for doing this...  






   As it appears some folks are experiencing trouble finding the prices easily, we are now taking a look at ways to make that easier for all.  Thanks for letting us know!


I think that you have a great idea here.  I have looked at your website in the past, but I must admit that the prospect of free stuff has made me take a much closer look.  I'm sure that the twenty-odd people that have already entered also took a much closer look.  


   Please enter me for a Pocket Defender Plus 2-in-1, RH, black for a .32 ACP Guardian.




I realized that I wasn't specific enough on my previous entry so I would like a Pocket Defender in black for my Guardian .32. Thanks, Mike


I just got back my Guardian 32 from NAA (AA series upgrade) and need a holster for it.  You can put me down for a Pocket Defender 2-in-1.


thanks for the give away.tom.


Would like to enter, but if I recall, you can not do a guardian with aftermarket sights correct?  

   Don't see Seecamp on the list.  I assume it is not offered?