Friendly Reminder

Started by Jessica Jarvis, January-01-19 14:01

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Jessica Jarvis

First and foremost, happy New Year!! 

Sadly, its been brought to my attention that there have been some derogatory/inappropriate comments lately towards board members and their families. These kind of comments/attacks are not tolerated on this message board, if this continues to happen I will be forced to take further action.  As a friendly reminder, please keep your comments directed towards the topic at hand. 

The first line of the registration agreement is such:

"You agree, through your use of this forum, that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, adult material, or otherwise in violation of any International or United States Federal law."

We're all adults, lets act as such.

I hope you all have a fabulous 2019 filled with love, joy and many blessings!

From everyone at NAA - HAPPY NEW YEAR! We appreciate each and every one of you!


smokeless joe

Quote from: Jessica Jarvis on January-01-19 14:01
Fist and foremost, happy New Year!! 

Sadly, its been brought to my attention that there have been some derogatory/inappropriate comments lately towards board members and their families. These kind of comments/attacks are not tolerated on this message board, if this continues to happen I will be forced to take further action.  As a friendly reminder, please keep your comments directed towards the topic at hand. 

The first line of the registration agreement is such:

"You agree, through your use of this forum, that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, adult material, or otherwise in violation of any International or United States Federal law."

We're all adults, lets act as such.

I hope you all have a fabulous 2019 filled with love, joy and many blessings!

From everyone at NAA - HAPPY NEW YEAR! We appreciate each and every one of you!

My wife says I'm a child. I'm gonna show this to her to prove her wrong  ::)

Happy New Year young lady.


 Uh-oh we've been sold out by somebody , I'm not clairvoyant but I bet who's behind this , well let me think .

Sorry Jessie just some become a boar and they don't like it when told . I'm sure it won't happen again anytime soon , they seem to be not posting as much . Like you said "HAPPY NEW YEAR" ......... already again , funny how these years keep repeating themselves ..
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Jessie is here all the time.  No one told anyone anything, she sees it and now she is telling us.

I know I got a little bit angry with some of you but then I also know it won't make a difference but I am sorry for my part. :-X
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


No, it has been stated in the past that the moderator only steps in if a board member complains.

Jessica Jarvis

As much as I try to stay involved and follow posts... I simply don't have the time. So yes, while I am on here quite often, its not enough to follow each and every comment/post. I am currently the only moderator, so I do rely on all of you. And if something is getting out of hand, I like to hope that someone will say something. Regardless of who brought the issues to my attention, they are issues that sadly needed to be addressed. We encourage and enjoy your debates and opinions and want to continue to see them, but lets keep it clean guys!

PS I don't go by Jessie! Lol, Jess or Jessica :)


Quote from: Jessica Jarvis on January-01-19 19:01
PS I don't go by Jessie! Lol, Jess or Jessica :)

The same with my youngest Daughter - HAPPY NEW YEAR ! ! !


Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent


why is it always the ones who start the trouble that go and whine to the monitor like big babies when they get it back.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Just the way it is Joe. Weenies.


Quote from: cfsharry on January-01-19 20:01
Just the way it is Joe. Weenies.

if they enforced the false part we could get rid of both of them
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Don't fight...............
You can have a long list if you want..................

                                                                                Happy New Year
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

smokeless joe

Good advice Unc


Lost my picture !

YOU GUYS SAY WE'RE SORRY !!! Sorry Jessica , we'll do better in the future I promise at least , I'm not sure about these other so-in-so's (I won't call names) HA ,HA,HA,HA,  What happened Mr_22 couldn't hack it ? He got lost in his new wave (ugly) guns probably . Ho,Ho,Ho.

Besides real love is never having to say your sorry .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


A point of information for newer members here. The people causing problems now, have cycled through here several times in the past with different names until they wore out their welcome, then came back with yet another name. Same problems.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Another "point of information". I said I would read, not comment, but I need to set this one straight. Canoeal has only ever had one name since joining in 2016. I also DID NOT complain to Jessica or any other moderator. I believe in GR#45 and would do so/and tried to fix the confusion one one post. I got off of the site in order not to stoop to the level of accusations and belittlement that was going on, as I was starting to. My 50-60 hour a week business, which has had as many as 3 employees, working concurrently (6 overall), never was a hobby. For 30 years it was a full time business until the recent injuries. Some of you speak of what you do not know. I will remain sidelined as it is the best way to stay above the fray. Sorry, like I said it is not worth the effort.
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


It's sad that there are even some smarty comments in these replies. The offenders here don't seem to know they are, but the rest of us do. We can help the situation by just ignoring the ugly posts, like they weren't even written. Don't fan the flames. I hate to say, I've been on a lot of forums, and this one has the highest display of poor manners I've ever run across. At least the more adult members are as nice as I've run across, too!
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport


Then say what you mean, not innuendos. Man up.
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


Quote from: Canoeal on January-02-19 11:01
Then say what you mean, not innuendos. Man up.

what i said had nothing to do with you. actually in another thread i said i hope you dont go. i never thought you complained to anyone. what i said is the truth there are a couple of people here who keep coming back under different names and either cause problems....or lie consistently.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Heyjoe, I was not replying exclusively to you. Several of those posts were plural, and could not mean just one. One of the previous comments indicated the two posters are the same person. I am just trying to clear things up. One of the guys you are referring to, is having a lot of problems, and as I am in contact, more than you know or need to. It would be better if all of you to pray for him, rather than beat him up.  Life is not always easy, or what you think it is. Just a little kindness would go a loooong way. Sometimes when you have to fight, you just keep on swinging...
I said my piece, now I am back to limited duty. Don't want to offend anyone...
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


Quote from: Canoeal on January-02-19 12:01
Heyjoe, I was not replying exclusively to you. Several of those posts were plural, and could not mean just one. One of the previous comments indicated the two posters are the same person. I am just trying to clear things up. One of the guys you are referring to, is having a lot of problems, and as I am in contact, more than you know or need to. It would be better if all of you to pray for him, rather than beat him up.  Life is not always easy, or what you think it is. Just a little kindness would go a loooong way. Sometimes when you have to fight, you just keep on swinging...

It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Now we can argue over not arguing. 
I keep posting - ignore those that offend you.
Easy, just block them out.
If they post something aimed at you, you don't see it.
Works until someone quotes their post.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


  None of us are without many problems (medical & personal & financial) , very few ,I personally don't want to make everyone else aches and pains start acting up by listening to someone elses and they will no doubt . One guys opinion that's all but its mine . [:-{)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Written communication has some shortcomings compared to face to face talking.  No tone of voice, no facial expressions, no instant back & forth to clarify comments, and greatly varying degrees of writting skills.


Quote from: Bj on January-02-19 13:01
Written communication has some shortcomings compared to face to face talking.  No tone of voice, no facial expressions, no instant back & forth to clarify comments, and greatly varying degress of writting skills.

Thank You, I have tried to explain this before and it seems like too many people don't understand.
That is why we have the little emojis. We can try to show what we are feeling.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Quote from: bearcatter on January-02-19 10:01
It's sad that there are even some smarty comments in these replies. The offenders here don't seem to know they are, but the rest of us do. We can help the situation by just ignoring the ugly posts, like they weren't even written. Don't fan the flames. I hate to say, I've been on a lot of forums, and this one has the highest display of poor manners I've ever run across. At least the more adult members are as nice as I've run across, too!
I could point you to a m/c forum the would make this one look like a group of choir boys. Fortunately, the mods have almost eliminated most of the problems.

Fortunately, I don't know what is being discussed, so, good for me!
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


  Let me fill you in Grayelky , Jessica jumped out and grabbed all us upstarts by the throats and shook the devil out of us and told us to stop kicking each other in the rears and calling names then threw things at us and we got out by the skin of our teeth before anyone got hit . Everything calmed down and we all went to church to prayer and forgive each other . Thats how I seen it anyhow . :):):):):):):):):):0:0:0
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Bj, I have said this more than once here and everywhere I post to forums, it is far to easy to say something that they will take the wrong way.  I watch people at my local diner who are sitting right next to each other texting to each other instead of just talking.  I asked once to see if it was something that they wished would not be over heard, they told me no, they preferred to text rather than speak because they felt it was great and would never be misunderstood.

I was asked to sit down with them for a minute so I did.  They asked me about when folks would speak because there were no cell phones.  I told them then you could look at the person their eyes and the way they would sit or motion, would make it much easier to not be misunderstood.  Plus you were able to see the woman you were trying to date and also see if she wanted to be there or not.

They thanked me and told me they would put their phones away and just talk to each other.  I told them they were fine, do what you feel is right.  Then I paid and left and was full. 8)
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


Quote from: OV-1D on January-02-19 17:01
  Let me fill you in Grayelky , Jessica jumped out and grabbed all us upstarts by the throats and shook the devil out of us and told us to stop kicking each other in the rears and calling names then threw things at us and we got out by the skin of our teeth before anyone got hit . Everything calmed down and we all went to church to prayer and forgive each other . Thats how I seen it anyhow . :):):):):):):):):):0:0:0

That is about it.
They can make me use some manners,, but they can't make me "love" someone.
I just ignore them and hope those I offend does the same to me rather than start fighting.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Quote from: OV-1D on January-02-19 17:01
Jessica jumped out and grabbed all us upstarts by the throats and shook the devil out of us and told us to stop kicking each other in the rears and calling names then threw things at us and we got out by the skin of our teeth before anyone got hit .

LOL, really? I thought she was very nice about it, this time. Next time, we might should ready to duck........
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport


Quote from: bearcatter on January-03-19 09:01
Quote from: OV-1D on January-02-19 17:01
Jessica jumped out and grabbed all us upstarts by the throats and shook the devil out of us and told us to stop kicking each other in the rears and calling names then threw things at us and we got out by the skin of our teeth before anyone got hit .

LOL, really? I thought she was very nice about it, this time. Next time, we might should ready to duck........

well I'm sure after you call several more times, she wont be

i wonder if she knows it was you who called Sandy to complain about her performance
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


True Republican Elephants never forget , Joe  , Ha ,Ha .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: heyjoe on January-03-19 10:01
well I'm sure after you call several more times, she wont be
i wonder if she knows it was you who called Sandy to complain about her performance

You guys just never quit. No call, and no names used. One polite email stating the facts, I had parts shipment delayed with no reason given. That's not in line with NAA's usual great CS. Given a reason and thanked them. Not even Jessica's department.
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport


Well, I for one have had another name. When they changed the forum they said my name was already being used. Duh, yes I was using it. That's how I became Theysayimnotme.


Quote from: theysayimnotme on January-03-19 14:01
Well, I for one have had another name. When they changed the forum they said my name was already being used. Duh, yes I was using it. That's how I became Theysayimnotme.

I remember that haha
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today

Jessica Jarvis

Quote from: bearcatter on January-03-19 12:01
Quote from: heyjoe on January-03-19 10:01
well I'm sure after you call several more times, she wont be
i wonder if she knows it was you who called Sandy to complain about her performance

You guys just never quit. No call, and no names used. One polite email stating the facts, I had parts shipment delayed with no reason given. That's not in line with NAA's usual great CS. Given a reason and thanked them. Not even Jessica's department.

Even if you had, my feelings wouldn't be hurt... I am by no means perfect and over the coarse of 10 years, I have definitely had my run ins with a few customers...

And just so everyone knows, the person that brought the issues to my attention, wasn't involved in the issue at all.  So lets stop assuming and pointing fingers... I didn't create this post to start more issues.

Thanks guys!