
Started by Eyeseeum, February-09-19 06:02

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thinking of trying CVang or ThingMeister grips for my .22lr 1 1/8 pistol. i have NAA boot grips but would like more purchase when shooting. pocket carry in Sticky holster and my concern is extra length and thickness. also is my grip going to be that much better than my boot grips to be worth the size difference. i am not interested in a different gun. i'm trying to be the last person on here with only one mini.  i know its an individual thing but interested to hear opinions. many thanks

smokeless joe

Welcome eyeseeum. I have a Black Widow with thingmeister grips that I carry in a sticky holster. They give me just a tiny bit more grip then the boot grips but I don't notice any difference when carrying.


Welcome Eyeseeum!!

I have not tried Thingmiester, I have a few CVong grips, and I really like those.  Boot grips and the oversized wood grips are the ones I have the most of though, they have served me well for many years now.  The Oversized ones are my favorite grips, a lot of folks think of them as potato grips, I like potatoes too. :)

Personally, Wood is what I like best on any of my firearms, long and hand.
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


I still have only one NAA... A BW.
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


Eyeseeum, since I don't know things like if you a very skinny person or a big person nor do I know things like if you like to wear your clothes tight to you or any of that sort of thing including where you might live which would effect things like if you wear a heavy coat and such....this means I really am not able to help you considering the size things like boot grips on a Mini.

For me, I find it hard to understand that it would even be a concern.  The difference in the size of a Mini, for example my Black Widow, with Boot Grips or the Potato Grips verses the birds head grips that they come with is negligible.  They make zero difference in my ability to conceal such a small firearm.  Minis, for me are about the smallest firearm that one might carry and they can be concealed if I were just wearing a pair of shorts.  Even with CV grips, or the Oversized Rosewood grips or the Boot grips they can be concealed with extreme ease.

Now I am certain that there will be many people here who will tell you about how hard they are for them to conceal, remember what I said in the first paragraph for the reasons.  They might be smaller and thinner, or wear clothes tighter than I like to wear.  For me, I can conceal with great ease much larger firearms so a Mini is one I could carry concealed with ease.  I am 245 pounds fully dressed with my heavy coat on, just got back from one of my doctors) and stand a hunched over 5' 10", for reference.
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


I've never had a problem concealing a black widow with the black widow grips. From reference I'm 5 ft 7 in and 145 pounds. I wear fitted clothes and the gun still disappears on me.


thanks for the welcome and responses guys. 5'9, 170, pennsylvania, jeans and tee shirts, 67 years. i can hide most things (except from her) so it sounds like my main concern would be whether the difference in control between the boots and the ones i'm considering would be worth the money.


Hey . . . . Eye . . . . WELCOME to the Forum!  Glad to have you!!
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


Welcome Eye,
I use Cvang grips on all my carry minis. I don't think they take up much more room in my pocket.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Eyeseeum, OK PA, where I was born!  Only asked because California people have much more limited number of Minis to choose from...

I would say to you that you might want to look at a Black widow, and as I said a convertible LR/Mag one if possible.  It is the number one of my collection for shooting and carrying.  The CVong grips make for a good grip and solid control of the firearm, so I would say to get those for you new Mini.  The Black Widow is my most favorite gun to shot, at the range and for carrying, but I said that already... :-[

That would be what I advise. :)
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


Eyeseeum, Welcome!
I personally don't care much for the boot grips. The Black Widow/Mini Master grips give me good control when shooting, but I prefer the CVangs for carry. I have 4 sets on the minis I rotate and carry. I do not find the CVangs any more difficult to carry in my front pocket than I do the standard birds head style grips. I do not think you would notice a difference between the boot grips and CVangs, but I may be incorrect.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Howdy Eye,
I now have Black Widow grips on all three of my 22mag minis. My hand likes their 'feel' best.  I had NAA oversize Rosewood grips on two of them and I admit they sure looked a lot better that way, but like I said my hand prefers the feel of the rubber grip.
The CVangs are eye catching that's for sure, but for me I like to see both sides of the back of the cylinder as I install it into the revolver, and it looks like the CV's extend up and cover that from view. Seeing the look of the shell rims is part of how I've learned to get the cylinder safely into the carry notch.  I suppose I could adapt to loading the revolver with CVangs on it if I wanted them bad enough, but I've got a few decades of repetitive training with this size grip so I'm staying with it.
Try what you think you'll like.  One nice thing about these little revolvers is how many options one has to get them 'just right'.
Be well, Steve in Boise


Good luck with the part about 'only one mini'.  If you like your 22LR NAA for carry, my bet is after a while you'll at least get one more in 22mag, it just happens that way.
I had my original 22LR for almost a decade IIRC before it got a 22mag partner.  It looks like I've stopped at four: the original 22LR,
the 1 5/8" 22mag I carry, another 1 5/8" 22mag kinda as a spare but it's got a front night sight so there's that, and a 4" 22mag Earl for hiking companion. Covers what I want them for.
Steve in Boise


Your question seems to have been covered pretty well, so I'll just say, "Welcome, Eyeseeum." I hope you enjoy your mini and the forum asylum. We're all enablers here!
"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."


thank you all for the advise. going with the CV grips. i bought the 22lr mini in 1985 but only started using it a couple years ago. found it had a catch in the cocking mechanism so i sent it in for repairs and updated cylinder and NAA sent me a brand new complaints from me about customer service. pretty much putting shots inside 6 inches at 5-7 yards but hold really slips with each shot. hopefully the CV's fix that. maybe even put me in 4 inch group. love the gun and shoot at least a few cylinders worth every trip to the range. it carries cci velocitors in it.


well my cv grips arrived and i really like them. went to the range and accuracy improved greatly. also conceals about the same. just what i was looking for. i'm smiling like the butchers dog. thanks for the input from everyone!


Eyeseeum, I am glad.  NAA Customer service is really good.  That and the grips you needed now makes this a nice little gun for doing whatever you want to do with it.
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


If you ever want a different set let me know.


Hey thingmaster, welcome back. It's been a while..
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )