North American?

Started by bearcatter, March-23-19 09:03

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There are currently 23 countries in North America. I wonder how many have North American Arms products available? I would guess that most have laws that would not allow it. I did read somewhere that NAA did a special run of some guns to comply with Canada's barrel length restriction; don't know if that's true. We should be more grateful that we live where we can enjoy the sport and also protect ourselves.

Antigua and Barbuda; Bahamas; Barbados; Belize; Canada; Costa Rica; Cuba; Dominica; Dominican Republic; El Salvador; Grenada; Guatemala; Haiti; Honduras; Jamaica; Mexico; Nicaragua; Panama; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Trinidad and Tobago; United States of America.
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport


When you add in South America it shows how arrogant we are to call ourselves "Americans". How about Bermuda & the British part of the Virgin Islands?
So far I have been to Bahamas, Belize (also when it was British Honduras), Canada, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama & The Newnited States. The cruise from Los Angeles to Miami added several.


I know I am an old timer, but I consider North America to include three countries: Canada, United States, and Mexico. The others that Bearcatter named I consider either Central American or Caribbean. BUt I do agree that we should be grateful for the blessing of living in the United States or Canada (Those of us who do, anyway).


im old, im an american and i agree. three countries.

Skip Ellis

Quote from: autofull on March-23-19 17:03
im old, im an american and i agree. three countries.



God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )



Had a thought (Yep, I did).
3 Countries in North America.
The rest are just communities.

Pluto ain't a planet and they are not countries.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


  Heres the real North American .

The last picture reflects just how these peoples were destroyed and abused to this day . Shame on the Europeans and our descendants .

With that last statement shows us Jesus wasn't the only prophet of greatness , many a peoples believed this until greed took over like the black plague .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: uncle_lee on March-25-19 04:03
Had a thought (Yep, I did).
3 Countries in North America.
The rest are just communities.

Pluto ain't a planet and they are not countries.

I knew Clyde Tombaugh who discovered Pluto. He would be very disappointed to know they took his planet away.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


You know why people haven't seen that map????????
Cause they couldn't write much less draw maps........
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Every culture conquered somebody in order to survive. White, Western Europeans happen to be the top of the heap for reasons that have been earned through centuries of conflict, pain, suffering, defeat and victory.   

I will never be apologetic for what my people conquered as it set the table for my wonderful life today, as it did to all of you on this board. If we are living in a world where we feel compelled to apologize to losers for winning, I don't want to live in that world.  Life is tough, deal with it.

It is repugnant in every possible way to have the mindset that we should be apologetic for victory and survival.

No Quarter


Welcome givenoquarter,
You will fit in here very fine.
I feel the same way also.

Hurrah  for the A-bomb!!!!!!
My dad was ready to leave Okinawa to invade mainland Japan when it was dropped. He for sure would have died.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Quote from: givenoquarter on March-27-19 13:03
Every culture conquered somebody in order to survive. White, Western Europeans happen to be the top of the heap for reasons that have been earned through centuries of conflict, pain, suffering, defeat and victory.   

I will never be apologetic for what my people conquered as it set the table for my wonderful life today, as it did to all of you on this board. If we are living in a world where we feel compelled to apologize to losers for winning, I don't want to live in that world.  Life is tough, deal with it.

It is repugnant in every possible way to have the mindset that we should be apologetic for victory and survival.

No Quarter
Welcome, No Quarter. That is very nicely said and I absolutely agree.

I get real annoyed when I am reading stuff about how bad us European descended folks have been. I have sometimes wished that the Aztecs had not been conquered. If they were still having those ceremonies where they cut the hearts out of several hundred living folks, can you imagine what the television ratings would be? I can so imagine liberal commentators telling viewers that the guys doing the sacrificing were not bad people, they are just following their culture's traditions.


I bet every one that is asking you to be nice to those who lost, believe in evolution... Hmm...
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


Quote from: givenoquarter on March-27-19 13:03
Every culture conquered somebody in order to survive. White, Western Europeans happen to be the top of the heap for reasons that have been earned through centuries of conflict, pain, suffering, defeat and victory.   

I will never be apologetic for what my people conquered as it set the table for my wonderful life today, as it did to all of you on this board. If we are living in a world where we feel compelled to apologize to losers for winning, I don't want to live in that world.  Life is tough, deal with it.

It is repugnant in every possible way to have the mindset that we should be apologetic for victory and survival.

No Quarter
So when the Chinese decide they need more room and decide to invade the United State to get that room and they will win, thats going to be okay with everyone because we lost and now they own us .


I'll go down fighting so I won't care after that. Just my nature. You all decide your own fate.
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


Quote from: Bigbird48 on March-29-19 18:03
So when the Chinese decide they need more room and decide to invade the United State to get that room and they will win, thats going to be okay with everyone because we lost and now they own us .
If we are conquered it will not matter if it is okay with anyone. That is the meaning of being conquered: vae victus in Latin or woe to the conquered in English.

Here in the United States we have not had to deal with that so it seems very strange to even think about. But look at the rules we imposed on Japan and Germany after the War. I do not think we asked if our rules were okay with them. Or remember from your school days how the Mongols treated the Chinese: remember how the Mongols required the conquered Chinese to wear their hair in a queue? That kind of thing will remind a person of his place in the world, and I do not like wearing a pigtail. Or they could do us like the Turks did the Armenians, just form us up into long lines and march us into a desert until everyone eventually drops and dies ...

Vae victus!

We ain't perfect, but I am still rooting for our culture!


We North Americans, all three countries, have not had to deal with an invading force with a vastly different culture since the Europeans arrived, and we have lost knowledge of having to deal with an invader.

There was a great saying, when the Midwest was the frontier, "Root hog, or die,"  you had to get out and fend for yourself, or you would die, there were no government programs, and not much charity.   

When I took "History of the Western Frontier" in college, the professor said that the so called Scotch-Irish that moved into the Ohio valley were probably the meanest people that every lived.   For centuries they had made war on each other with the clans in Scotland, then the English moved them to Ireland to kill Catholics, and when they started to arrive on our shores in the mid 1700s, and were sent to the frontier, killing Indians was easy, and to many of them, fun.   After Clark captured Illinois in 1778, Hamilton and the British and their Indian allies came south in 1779 to retake the territory.   Clark at the time only had a handful of men to stop them, but when the runners went out with the word that the "long knives" were headed north, Hamilton's Indians decided to get back to Canada as quick as possible.

When we started to cross the Mississippi, there was another great saying, "the cowards never started, and the weak died along the way," and that also sums up the trip across the Atlantic to get to America at any time.


If you think we have not had to deal with an invading force you must not be reading the daily newspapers or watching TV> What do you call what is happening on our southern borders today?


When it comes to land:
You take it. You fight to keep it or you loose it.

Cortez and her kind are out to take it. Will we fight to keep it? If not, we loose it.
Islam is out to take it. Will we fight to keep it? We loose it if not.

China wants it.
Russia wants it.
Iran wants to wipe it off the map.
The people rushing the border wants to be kept by our good will.

Question is are we willing to fight to keep our Country and Freedoms or do we set until they are gone??
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


  How many more lawn mowers can we afford to carry and those are the ones willing to work . The average cost of a criminal is topping $80,000 dollars a year to keep comfortable . Something is really ,really wrong when that cost alone is double the average yearly salary of most hard working citizens . Oh thats right I forgot that age old liberal political correctness condition . Like I said in another thread WE DON'T MATTER . Were just the corner foundation blocks buried in mud ,deep down never to see the light of day again . Unc the only thing thats going tochange things are a few thousand "A" bombs you mentioned in that other thread going off around the world , I'm sorry to say that will be the only equalizer and wake everyone up . "DOOMSDAY" , holy shit .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: theysayimnotme on March-30-19 01:03
If you think we have not had to deal with an invading force you must not be reading the daily newspapers or watching TV> What do you call what is happening on our southern borders today?

You make a point. The point is we are not "dealing with it". A wall or guns on the border would be dealing with it. JMO
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


 So when the Chinese decide they need more room and decide to invade the United State to get that room and they will win, thats going to be okay with everyone because we lost and now they own us .

Why would you assume we would lose? Maybe you will gladly welcome invading forces, but not me. This is America. I am a 51 year old USMC Vet. I would hit the streets and gladly give my life to fight to the death as would the millions of Vets still alive today. We are not going to lose a *** thing and shame on you for saying so.


Quote from: givenoquarter on March-30-19 13:03
So when the Chinese decide they need more room and decide to invade the United State to get that room and they will win, thats going to be okay with everyone because we lost and now they own us .

Why would you assume we would lose? Maybe you will gladly welcome invading forces, but not me. This is America. I am a 51 year old USMC Vet. I would hit the streets and gladly give my life to fight to the death as would the millions of Vets still alive today. We are not going to lose a dang thing and shame on you for saying so.

yeah im not buying that either.....
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Well I'm a 69 year old USMC VET and I too will fight to the death to protect it. But your naive if you think a Country with billion and a half people and  nuclear capabilities couldn't just over run us if they wanted. No not today or tomorrow. They'll sit tight slowly build more nukes, train more soldiers, build more ships and planes and then their day will come if they want it.


Read several years ago that the Chinese are well on their way to taking over the US, and won't need to use armed force.   All they have to do is take physical possession of the all the property and investments that they already own here, and demand payment for the loans to the government, or be willing to settle for real estate in place of gold, and they would have control through legal ownership of much of the country.

As far as China needing more room, there is empty land to the north  of them.   In the final years of the Soviet Union, they were trying to force settlement along the Soviet-China border, to get some Russians there.   Read that the Soviets had to make regular patrols to throw the Chinese squatters back across the river to where they belonged.


Dinadin mentioned the Aztecs, and their ceremonies.   People forget that the Aztecs came to power by conquering their neighboring peoples, and  were not gentle rulers.   Of course the reports are biased, but the early Spanish priests reported some interesting stories about the Aztec.   They had a large population of people in that valley, they grew crops, had very little wild game, and the only domestic animals were dogs and turkeys, the turkeys were for feathers, not food, and there was a severe shortage of protein.   It was reported that they levied a tax on the conquered people, (it's been years since I studied this) of 200 young people every day, that were taken to the city, sent up the pyramid. where in front of crowds, their heart would be cut out and offered to the gods, and according to the priests, the body would be rolled down the pyramid.   200 people per day, but by morning, there would be no signs of the victims, not a bone or skin fragment in sight.   The priests never said what became of the bodies, but then their reports would have been biased if they did mention cannibalism.  Europeans were always reporting cannibals as justification for "civilizing" and converting a people to the faith. 


Quote from: Skip Ellis on March-23-19 19:03
Quote from: autofull on March-23-19 17:03
im old, im an american and i agree. three countries.


Bravo !! will stand and fight to defend my country
"God and Guns"
"Lets Go Brandon"


Quote from: Texduk3 on March-31-19 10:03
Quote from: Skip Ellis on March-23-19 19:03
Quote from: autofull on March-23-19 17:03
im old, im an american and i agree. three countries.


Bravo !! will stand and fight to defend my country

I would fight to the death for the Country but I would do it setting or in the prone position. I can't stand very long.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


  If its O.K. I'll sit back and be sharpshooter from a higher position . :)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .