Happy Birthday Ricart!

Started by richard_s, October-24-03 20:10

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   Happy Birthday!  I caught the information on your "passage" from the thread on George's birthday.  


   George is a sailor -- not to mention other more important gifts and accomplishments. You are a motorcyclist -- not to mention other more important gifts and accomishments.  I'm a damned good sailor (and have the trophies to prove it) but a damned poor motorcylist (and have the scars to prove that).  


   You have had a distinguished career in law enforcement and, according to the hearsay I have acquired on this Message Board, are now often to be found tooling around South and East Texas with your beloved wife on a Honda Gold Wing.  


   I envy you.  


   I once lived for a year in Houston and loved it.  As soon as my little Judge and I can get our respective planets in line, I intend to do much of the same with our retirement as you seem to be doing with yours.  Since "Herself" unfortunately knows about my record on a motorcycle (one little crash, for God's sake-- and only one broken bone) my only hope is to convince her to trust me on an extended bareboat ocean cruise.  


   Anyway, Happy Birthday -- and may you never find gravel on a curve!  




Once again--Happy Birthday Richard. May you have more 39th year birthdays.


   Brings to mind a little story. In 1992 I went to California with my wife. When we returned to Detroit Metro Airport, we were waiting at the curb for the parking lot shuttle.


   Up comes a Harley with a sidecare. He parkes in a no parking zone behind a cop car. My wife is stunned--I tell her that the driver is clearly a cop known to the other cops.


   I walk over to the bike and admire it. It was beautiful.  


   I point to it and told my wife that I want it. She replied that she would never ride in the side car. I answer that the side car would be for the dog--since the purpose of the motorcycle is for fun, I intended to take someone who liked to have fun.


   She then proceed to beat me.


Hi RIchard s, thanks for the well wishes, I also have tried my hand at sailing.  Not sure if I was worse at that of flying an airplane, (except I knew I could swim further than I could fly)  gave up both before I killed myself.  After I capsized my small sail boat several times and knocked my wife into the lake with the boom, I sold the boat and was glad I was not born a Viking.

   George, check the "Stories"  section, got something you sidecar story reminded me of.