Lucky Gunner critique of minis

Started by bearcatter, April-13-19 08:04

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While looking at the Ballistic Gel thread in Off Topic, I noticed this other Lucky Gunner video:

The NAA Mini-Revolver: You Can Do Better

I'll leave it to you mini owners to comment.
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport

top dog

I think that the person missed the entire point of the value of the NAA Minis for self defense.

The distances used are not really actual self defense distances and from the looks of his handling of them,was not that great.

This is,of course,my humble opinion.

The value of the minis is that they can be with a person at all times. The perfect "get off me" gun.

                                                                                                                 Top Dog


There are other Lucky Gunner videos where he's supportive of .22 being a useful SD caliber, so I think he was mostly negative of minis being SA, and a bit hard to fish out of a pocket. You guys gotta admit, it takes a little practice to get minis "into action".
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport


I think you have to practice with anything. If you're aware of a potential situation, the minis can already be in your hand and ready unnoticed.


Quote from: bearcatter on April-13-19 08:04
While looking at the Ballistic Gel thread in Off Topic, I noticed this other Lucky Gunner video:

The NAA Mini-Revolver: You Can Do Better

I'll leave it to you mini owners to comment.

  Blaa-Blaa-Blaa-Blaa-Blaa , It really irritates and boars me listening to all these wanabes on U-Tube  Just for a point somebody will probably sneak up behind him and cap him in the back of the head . Hope he hasn't given up his day job . :(      ... He looks gay anyhow...not that theres anything wrong with that.....................RIIGGHHTTTT . 
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I agree with most of his criticism of NAA minis. 

Regardless of how true the criticism, it doesn't mean they don't have their purpose and place.

For me, a novice mini owner (less than 200 rounds through one), I don't seem to mind having one in my pocket when I work.  It seems having one with me is far better than having the perfect gun at home in the gun safe.

I am more concerned with 4 legged varmints than 2 legged ones but I'm not sure if the issue isn't the same regardless of number of legs.  I haven't shot or owned any of the other guns he mentions.


Here is what I wrote on that site:
"I have a BW which I consider the best of the NAAs. A 2" barrel, three dot sights and the larger style grips make it very easy to carry.  I regularly practice with it at 7, 10 and 15 yards. Not a problem hitting a 8" bullseye target with the right sights and the right grips. Carry it all the time (which is the point) since 2016, in a Sticky pocket holster, made to fit the gun, or in a custom DGL leather holster also for the pocket.
Most of those other guns including those weighing over a pound loaded, will be left home at some point either because of the weight, the size, summer clothing...Then what you got is nothing. Think on that. And no I do not want a gun inside my pants, clipped to my belt,  pointed at the family jewels...sorry.
If you want to know about performance from the 2" barrel with Gold Dots, 1150 fps,  12" penetration and expansion to .33. Check it out from Shooting Bull. Match those numbers with your .25s, 32s or 22lr semi autos."
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke

Uncle Fatso

I have experience with owning all of the other options he tested and recommended over the NAA minis.  For the threats I most likely face every day I still prefer to carry my BW. If functional snake loads were available for the 32 or 380 that might change. Snake loads for the 22LR are so feeble I don't care to use them.

The LCR is huge in comparison and barely carryable in my pocket. Which is the only method I am interested in using.


The video is pretty accurate.  The rimfire is probably the last choice for a completely reliable defense round.  For defense, the minis are slow, harder to hit with, and lack speed in reloading.  However with today's PC society, idiot laws, and so on, we are required to completely conceal our Constitutional rights.  The mini best fits my carry for the world we live in.   If I could, I would carry a much more potent defense gun but our idiot liberal lawmakers make that impossible for daily wear. So, I carry minis. The video simply pointed out our options under the present gun laws.  Don't shoot the messenger.


Right Rick,
If it didn't draw so much attention, I would sling my Kel-Tec KSG over my shoulder and be well armed.
I can't so I carry 2 or 3 minis.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Like they say, if you KNEW you were going to need a gun today, you'd want to leave the house with a shotgun. Handguns are at best a weak compromise, but most practical. Small ones are all that's practical for many.
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport


Quoteminis being SA, and a bit hard to fish out of a pocket.

With a proper pocket/belt holster they are fairly easy to bring into action.  ;D

SA?........ so what. They are easily and not slowly used by someone that can walk and chew gum at the same time.  ::)
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Quote from: RogueTS1 on April-15-19 10:04
Quoteminis being SA, and a bit hard to fish out of a pocket.

With a proper pocket/belt holster they are fairly easy to bring into action.  ;D

SA?........ so what. They are easily and not slowly used by someone that can walk and chew gum at the same time.  ::)

"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


The whole thing is a cringe-fest. 


It's a self-defense weapon, not an offensive juggernaut designed to stop a charging bull elephant.

It's designed for close quarters to slow down an aggressor to allow you to escape. It makes a lot of noise that will attract attention and maybe make the bad guy duck, again allowing you to retreat. With the correct shot placement, it will kill. I don't think anyone laughing at the .22LR or .22WMR would ever volunteer to get shot with either round.

Could the NAA be improved? Sure, but as is the handgun isn't too shabby. Not a big fan of the safety notch but if you take your time and have good light, it's easy to place the hammer in the notch. Reloading isn't an issue simply because the gun isn't designed for a prolonged firefight. Not a big fan of the standard birds head grips and with something like CVang's grips were standard. Until that happens, you have plenty of 3rd party options (including CVang) to choose from.

As a bonus, the NAA Minis make for a good snake gun. I load the .22 Magnum with rat-shot and carry it in my lifevest when I go fishing or kayaking.

It's a good gun and fills the nitch nicely. I've been carrying one in my pocket for over 30 years now. While I've considered and tried other options, I find myself coming back to NAA as my back-up or warm weather carry option. Just my two cents.


I have always said that my Mini is nothing but a "get off me" firearm.  A hole where it doesn't belong is never good.  FBI statics show that people commit less crime after they have been shot.  No, it will not stop a raging bull, but I bet it will make someone threatening your life to stop and think.
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


  Multiple shot "get off me" guns are a whole lot better than those singe shot credit card size guns which are a waste of money in the common sense arena unless one is WILLING and ABLE to put that one and only shot up against the perks temple or eyeball and fire . NAA is the way to go for very close quarter mini gun no doubt .   
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


You are very correct OV. Too many people just cannot seem to understand that there are different guns for different missions. If I am sending a sniper out to eliminate or harass the enemy I sure am not sending him out with an smg; I am sending him out with a capable and potent scoped rifle.

For a close quarters (get off me gun) the Minis excel just as something small and innocuous such as the Clinch Pick knife is much more capable than a sword for "Clinch Fighting."
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


I like that Rogue, both blades.  Guess the Official Knife thread is dead...but I like the little guy best, knice knife!
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


I generally like a lot of what Lucky Gunner writes, especially since he comes from a more citizen/civilian perspective. (Side rant: I have had my fill of being told unless I am carrying a full size service auto and 4 reloads, I am not really carrying.) But I do think he misses the boat here. Yes, the mini is slower than an LCP, P3at or pocket revolver - point granted. But size and carry options cannot be compared. In the real world most of us inhabit, even carrying a pocket auto or J frame revolver is difficult if not noticeable. I work in an office with a strict no carry policy SO I have to be extra careful not to print or raise suspicion. For me, an NAA is most often the best I can carry.

The idea of the NAA is not to engage in a  long-range sustained gunfight, it is to be armed when that would otherwise not be possible.


I enjoy the Lucky Gunner reviews.  For the most part the reviews are informative and I appreciate the time and effort put into them.

This NAA review was interesting, as my preferred carry is the same NAA mini configuration (with an Uncle Mike's #2 pocket holster) that LG used in his review.  Ironically, my Kel-Tec P32 with belt clip (an LG favored alternative) usually stays at home.  The primary reason for this is wardrobe - Living in a tee shirt climate does not allow too many choices that don't obviousy imprint.  In-the-waist carry invites more perspiration which does the handgun no good and imprinting is too pronounced. 

Most of LG's comments are noteworthy, but the timing drills were misleading.  To use any handgun effectively requires training and practice, practice and more practice.  That includes any of the six handguns demonstrated in this review.  No matter how "expert" the reviewer is, unless there has been considerable practice - not just a familiarization - any review of a handgun's value as a response weapon is questionable.

I would agree with LG's assessment that the NAA mini is not an all-threats, all-situations weapon, but it's not designed to be.   One should have recognition of the local threat potential and match one's weapon choice accordingly, realizing that there is still a risk probability beyond one's carry choice.   I guess I'm fortunate that the NAA mini is a good fit for my situation.

" never need a gun until you need it badly" - from WEB Griffin's The Honor of Spies, and Victory and Honor.


That is a great point Steve-Z.

You have to, have to, have to consider your environment and threat potential. If I was an active duty military or LEO then OBVIOUSLY an NAA as primary is crazy. But I am not.

If I lived in a crime infested area, a dangerous city or was involved in a risk-filled job then no an NAA would not be my primary. Just as the NAA is NOT my primary if going into a dangerous area.

I live in a small, college town that has very low crime. It is not likely that terrorists or active shooters will pop up at my local grocery store. (And I know unlikely does not mean impossible.) I also live in a very warm climate and the reality is that limits choices and with being in a low crime area I am ok with my choice of the mini most days.

That said, once a week I have to spend a couple of hours in Atlanta, downtown in a less than ideal area while waiting on my son who attends classes there. I will have my mini on me but also a larger, more substantial sidearm easily accessible.

top dog

Rev Cov,

What you said!!!   I think that those are the basic thoughts of those in this forum.

Obviously you have a plan and chose your options accordingly.

Like it has been said about these minis many times before,they are with you when the other pieces are back at home in the safe.

                                                                                             Top Dog


Thanks Top Dog - I also think there's a lot to be said for being INCOGNITO....

I am not a fan of open carry period. But I see a lot of folks (especially here in the south) that may not be open carrying but clearly identify themselves: the oversize cellphone case (way oversized), the bulging pockets, the way too short concealing garment, those 2 distinctive clips of a tuckable holster on their belt, or the CCW affiliated clothes with slogans, etc.

Maybe it's just the older I get but I want to blend in and be (as Paris Theodore said) "unseen in the best places". I think that being unnoticed and able to blend into the background is a huge and often overlooked tactical advantage.

Years ago "Jim Grover" who wrote in one of the decent handgun mags told the story about how his editor suggested an article titled "The 3 guns I would take if I knew I would get attacked/mugged" or something along those lines. He turned the story down by saying the answer was too easy - "I just wouldn't go".


Lol, dang skippy, "I wouldn't go"! Throw me in that group. The reason we carry mini's (for the most part other than just loving them) is the easily concealable part. I don't go places I think I might be attacked. Of course, no guarantees about anywhere so you go prepared but hoping you never, ever need a self defense weapon. If it happens it will probably be face to face or I'll be long gone.
I skip around a lot with what I carry. I know the pro's say to not do that but I love my guns and want to carry them so I do.
I love to carry:
Black Widow
Keltec P32
Ruger LCP II
Those main three in summer for pocket carry. When I wear something with a cover garment/light jacket or shirt thingy, my favorite carry is my Ruger LCRx in .327. Not sure why it's so comfortable in my waistband but it is. Then sometimes I throw on my Sig P365. That's starting to get a little big though for me (even though it's tiny).
On a Sat just mowing the lawn I open carry my fun guns like my big revolvers mostly. I don't have many neighbors to freak out and no cars driving by... and it's just fun to carry on the belt for a change.


Quote from: RevCov on May-08-19 08:05
Thanks Top Dog - I also think there's a lot to be said for being INCOGNITO....

I am not a fan of open carry period. But I see a lot of folks (especially here in the south) that may not be open carrying but clearly identify themselves: the oversize cellphone case (way oversized), the bulging pockets, the way too short concealing garment, those 2 distinctive clips of a tuckable holster on their belt, or the CCW affiliated clothes with slogans, etc.

Maybe it's just the older I get but I want to blend in and be (as Paris Theodore said) "unseen in the best places". I think that being unnoticed and able to blend into the background is a huge and often overlooked tactical advantage.

Years ago "Jim Grover" who wrote in one of the decent handgun mags told the story about how his editor suggested an article titled "The 3 guns I would take if I knew I would get attacked/mugged" or something along those lines. He turned the story down by saying the answer was too easy - "I just wouldn't go".

Yep, I agree with you completely...the simplest version of hiding in plain sight. Not looking to be some sort of "hero".
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke

top dog

Rev Cog,
When you mentioned Paris Theodore brought back many memories.

His Seventrees Ltd holster line was very effective pretty much like Chic Gaylord's holsters both pioneers in the industry.

When Charter Arms first started out they chose  Seventrees Ltd to make their holsters.

                                                                                                  Top Dog


While I do not believe you need 4 reloads, two along with a .45 is truly what one needs to be considered armed.  ::)  ::)  :P  :P  :-[  :-[
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.

top dog


That sounds very good but sometimes,especially when the weather is very hot & muggy,wardrobe may dictate other choices.

Regardless of weather conditions,it usually seems that a mini of some sort,usually a PUG or BW will be my choice.

Church/security is entirely different. Then it is a Ruger SP-101 in a IWB cross draw with a Charter lightweight 38 spl in an ankle rig with 38 spl reloads in speed strips.

Out in the parking lot are a couple of "gentlemen" in their trucks with 12 ga pumps.

But most any other time,it is basically the minis on the job.

                                                                                                      Top Dog


YOU ARE GOING TO DIE THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!  :o

(Sarcasm) I was just trying to get some of you going. I carry a Mini quite often myself and have nothing against a 6.35mm auto all by itself sometimes when out riding one of my bikes.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Dang, don't you fools realize that if you shoot someone with a 22, all you are going to do is make him mad, it might make a welt where the bullet bounces off the skin, but it won't stop him.  I don't care how many thousand steers you have killed with a 22 short, it has to start with a 4 to stop human.


Quote from: LHB on May-09-19 21:05
Dang, don't you fools realize that if you shoot someone with a 22, all you are going to do is make him mad, it might make a welt where the bullet bounces off the skin, but it won't stop him.  I don't care how many thousand steers you have killed with a 22 short, it has to start with a 4 to stop human.
LOL.  Don't know how many times I've heard/read something similar to that.  If all the "experts" were right, there would be no reason to even manufacture .22 ammunition.  I sometimes wonder if all the anti-.22 clamor has something to do with the fact that .22 firearms and ammo overall comparatively cost a lot less than everything else in gun world? Nah, money doesn't influence the "experts" making a living by selling firearms, ammo and periodicals...........


" never need a gun until you need it badly" - from WEB Griffin's The Honor of Spies, and Victory and Honor.


Yep, My LGS owner once told me they "don't make any profit on the $300 Guns. That is why I don't stock more than one." (meaning one at a time).
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


I wonder how many of those who scoff about the .22 round would be willing to be shot with one?