Problem with NAA 22LR Ornamental Belt Buckle

Started by CoasterCowboy, May-13-19 10:05

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Does anyone else have a problem keeping the Ornamental Belt Buckle for the NAA 22LR mini revolver buckled? The hook is bent upward instead of straight or slightly towards the inside like I would expect. I tried mounting it on my Hanks gunners belt but it seems to be too thick (14 oz leather). I picked up a thinner leather belt but it will only stay buckled if I keep it very tight (and still comes loose sometimes). Anyone else have similar issues and what did you do to correct it?
Carry On!


I started to make a wise crack but saw it was a newbie.

Welcome Cowboy (that is what I am going to be when I grow up).
Join in on the mad house..............
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


  Welcome aboard Cowboy and I agree those hook tips just don't do the job , gotta kinda solder some more hooking angle to those buckles to catch the eyelets in any belt . A jeweler can silver solder more material onto it .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: OV-1D on May-13-19 16:05
  Welcome aboard Cowboy and I agree those hook tips just don't do the job , gotta kinda solder some more hooking angle to those buckles to catch the eyelets in any belt . A jeweler can silver solder more material onto it .
I don't think we have any real Jewelers left in our area, all of the small local ones retired and all we are left with are mainly mall chain stores like Kay and Zales. I'll have to call around and see if there's anyone left to do that type of work. Thanks for the idea.
Carry On!

Honky Tonk Man

Welcome Coaster Cowboy!  Even stores like Kay's have jewelers working for them.  They can adjust rings for size, and even make some repairs.  If they can do that, they should be able to help you out, or at least point you in the right direction.  Worth a try, eh?  Good luck. 
Silence is Golden - Duct Tape is Silver