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Started by gebe, July-08-19 18:07

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"Praise in Public, Criticize in Private."
"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."


  Beautiful mind Mike ,a beautiful mind . ;)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Yes indeed, beautiful, beautiful mind but sometimes you have to praise in public AND criticize in public.

If done without malice, BOTH can be forthright. Let's carry on without malice and continue with good thoughts about the the guns we all love.


Quote from: gebe on July-25-19 16:07. . . . . . . .  Let's carry on without malice and continue with good thoughts about the the guns we all love.

Great advice . . . . pew, ping; pew, ping; pew, ping.

Or after I come in from the range, my wife would say "I heard plenty of pews, but no so many pings".  I have plenty of steel targets, , , , , sometimes I hit them.
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


Quote from: PaducahMichael on July-23-19 18:07
"Praise in Public, Criticize in Private."
I do not always do that, but I think it is the best policy. One thing about a place like this is that stuff stays around forever. Barring a server meltdown, folks years, maybe decades, from now will be reading what we post. Sometimes when I am trying to locate some old post or topic that had some information that I know exists but have forgotten, I will search NAA and come across stuff that reminds me of past flame wars that are best forgotten. I have contributed to the wars, but only against folks who deserved it!

A site like this is kind of like a family. Every family has stuff that happened and is part of the family history, but is not a good part of the history. I know folks who cannot be part of a family gathering without bringing up negative stuff about folks who are dead and gone, or at least not present. True or not, I wish they would just let it go ...

That does not happen on the Internet. Nothing goes ...


Life is too short to be mean or hateful to anyone. That just puts you down at their level. Let it slide and be the better person. And, never argue with a fool or an idiot. Onlookers may not know the difference.
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport


Those are some wonderful and beautiful responses!

Yes, I want to live in a world of discussing guns and having people with the same mindset here who love guns and also love people.


Get in a circle, hold hands, sing com-ba-ya.

"Life is too short to be mean or hateful to anyone. That just puts you down at their level. Let it slide and be the better person. And, never argue with a fool or an idiot. Onlookers may not know the difference."

Just put them on "ignore".

God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Those are good comments, Somtimes you just have to here it from someone else. Thanks bearcat tear and Uncle Lee


  BLAH,BLAH,BLAH,BLAH ,BLAH...... BULLSH*T kick'em in the groin . Treating an as*hole nice just encourages them to push for more JUST LIKE OUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS SUITS AND DRESSES . If we weren't so blasé about everything our government wouldn't be taking full advantage of us all . NICE GUYS FINISH LAST as we can see daily in our S.S.checks and Medicare funding . Sorry but I call a spade a spade and none other . Well that felt good ....... GOOD MORNING FELLAS & GALS . :) 
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: OV-1D on July-27-19 06:07
  BLAH,BLAH,BLAH,BLAH ,BLAH...... BULLSH*T kick'em in the groin . Treating an as*hole nice just encourages them to push for more JUST LIKE OUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS SUITS AND DRESSES . If we weren't so blasé about everything our government wouldn't be taking full advantage of us all . NICE GUYS FINISH LAST as we can see daily in our S.S.checks and Medicare funding . Sorry but I call a spade a spade and none other . Well that felt good ....... GOOD MORNING FELLAS & GALS . :)
Right !
Good morning back to you.
I was trying to be nice.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Lol, feisty old men! This turned fun!


Quote from: Gog on July-29-19 08:07
Lol, feisty old men! This turned fun!

Youth is gone too quick and old age lasts far too long.      (but still feisty)
Uncle Lee
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Should've put 'em on the ignore list but at least called a spade a spade!