Earl came home.

Started by zburkett, August-07-19 17:08

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Some of you may have read under the post "New Earl" that I had a 3" Earl that I had to hold together with a rubber band (actually a castration band).  Sandy jumped in and said "send it back."  I did and it came home this afternoon.  I just had time to hit it with a couple of drops of LUCAS Gun Oil and then run half a box of Hornady 30 gr V-max through it.  No problems and it is real easy to remember why it was/is my favorite trail gun.  I hope to give it a real work out this week end and I'll give a full report.


Glad to hear.  I hope you enjoy your Earl.

smokeless joe

Good to hear. I'm sure wearing that castration band was not fun  ::)

top dog

Always good to hear that things worked out well.

                                      Top Dog


NAA customer service to the rescue!
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


That's good news zburkett.  My guess is, you'll come to really appreciate it now.
My 4" Earl is for 100% sure my trail gun; super light to carry and plenty accurate. I never hit the trail without it.
Steve in Boise
PS for another modern use of the castration band technique, search "endoscopy multi bander"
or "SAEED 6-shooter".  They came to my department in the late 90's and were a game changer.


Bosisesteve, In the post on the "New Earl" thread I had pointed out that my first Earl was my favorite trail gun.  A good friend needed a reliable pistol that he could hit with at 83'.  I gave him the choice of all my guns and he chose the Earl.  Great choice.  It was the Earl I replaced it with that had aproblems.  Now that it is working I suspect that it will become my favorite trail gun again.


I gave my 4" Earl to my brother.  Kept the 4" bp though.   Wish I had kept it and gave him something else.



I understand the sentiments. My 3" Earl is my favorite mini for plinking.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"