Older NAA

Started by Dcollins5, August-29-19 18:08

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So I picked up my second mini revolver yesterday, and noticed the cylinder didn't have the safety slit. S/N B900xx. I wanted a folding grip holster for it, but the sight says it may require some fitting. Any idea what that would be?


Hi Dean,

Welcome to the Forum!

NAA will replace the cylinder with the updated "Safety Slot" style.  Contact them to find out how to go about sending the gun to them, how to ship it, costs, etc. (as I understand, the new cylinder will need to be "timed" to your frame to work properly.)

As far as the "fitting" of the plastic grip holster goes maybe someone else here has performed that task and can jump in.

I definitely am not qualified to suggest anything about that!


Post some photos!!

Rick Jorgenson


Thanks Rick! Here's another pic.