.22 mag NAA revolver for $75

Started by theysayimnotme, November-07-19 18:11

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Listed on Turner's Outdoorsman online consignment list. If it wasn't so far to go to Pasadena I wouldn't be telling you about this.
Since this is in the DPRK it will require THREE trips. One to tie it up then you have to wait until the holding period is over (probably 30 days) then 2. you start the paper work & then 3. you pick it up ten days after you start the paper work. If you don't live in the DPRK you probably don't believe this. It lists the pistol as having a 1.2" barrel but from the picture I think it might be a 1 5/8th" which I would really like to have since it isn't on the "approved" list.


If it's not prohibited in California, purchasing it and having it shipped to a closer FFL Dealer would be a possible option.

Best Regards,
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt,"
-Mark Twain


Handguns not on the approved list that are legally owned can be sold in private party sales in the DPRK. Consignment sales count for that. The problem is that it would take three long distance round trips to purchase the pistol. (Well over 600 miles total.) I have already asked in the past if such guns could be transferred between different Turner's stores & they said, No. At that price I would be willing to buy it sight unseen.


I thought the "Magnum" 1 5/8" was approved as a "Historical" type pistol in CA ?

I called a friend in CA last night about it, he called Turners Pasadena this AM and it's still there. (as of 10:00AM)

He lives in Ventura and is driving near there today for an appointment anyway, so he's going to stop and buy it (if it's still available when he gets there.)

He won't have it for 30 days but he's coming to Phoenix next week for a visit and some "range time" so I'll let him shoot all of my NAA's

I'm sure it won't be his only NAA! lol!! (evil laugh!)  ::) :o
Rick Jorgenson


Glad to know I am not the only one who you enable!  Heck you get extra Enabler point for out of state influence!

Nope it will only the the "First" NAA for him.  Make sure he gets the Black Widow and the Mini Master in the demo run,
sure thing he will be hooked.

That is a HELL of a price and even is it takes a trip back to Utah for a check up and extra LR cylinder it is still VERY cheap!

Hope the move is complete an y'all can still find stuff in the new shop!
Ken AZ is now KEN AR, moved in 2021 to the Natural State
Black Widow MAG/LR, Mini Master, Mini 1 5/8" Mag/LR
Desert Gun Leather holsters
RevisionCV.com Grips


Quote from: KEN AZ on November-08-19 19:11
Glad to know I am not the only one who you enable!  Heck you get extra Enabler point for out of state influence!

Nope it will only the the "First" NAA for him.  Make sure he gets the Black Widow and the Mini Master in the demo run,
sure thing he will be hooked.

That is a heck of a price and even is it takes a trip back to Utah for a check up and extra LR cylinder it is still VERY cheap!

Hope the move is complete an y'all can still find stuff in the new shop!
Paul called me this afternoon... 

When he got too Turners he spoke to the gun counter clerk that he had called, he said that after he hung up with Paul in the AM a gentleman came in and bought it.

I told him about a trip to the Utah "Mother Ship" for a once over and Long Rifle Cylinder.

But... he did get to see it and he is hooked! lol!!  I'll take him to the range a couple times while he is in town and, like Ken, let him shoot the Mini Master as well as the others.

I'll let you know what and when we're going maybe you can join us. You two can BS about reloading and ballistics, he has reloaded for years and I have no idea what most of it means  :o

He's bringing some of his reloads & "collection" so it should be fun.

Yes Grasshopper.... My "Enabler Fu" for NAA's is strong!  ;)

And, ugh! the move is done but we're still getting things put away and fine tuning the place.
Rick Jorgenson


Quote from: Rick_Jorgenson on November-08-19 15:11
I thought the "Magnum" 1 5/8" was approved as a "Historical" type pistol in CA ?

I called a friend in CA last night about it, he called Turners Pasadena this AM and it's still there. (as of 10:00AM)

He lives in Ventura and is driving near there today for an appointment anyway, so he's going to stop and buy it (if it's still available when he gets there.)

He won't have it for 30 days but he's coming to Phoenix next week for a visit and some "range time" so I'll let him shoot all of my NAA's

I'm sure it won't be his only NAA! lol!! (evil laugh!)  ::) :o

Actually it would have been forty days. There is a 30 day hold on consignment guns BEFORE you can start the paperwork for the 10 day wait. That's why I would have had to make THREE round trips. Of course if the 30 day period has already lapsed then you can start the paperwork on your first trip but if 30 days have already passed it's not likely you would be getting much of a bargain.
I did get a good deal on a NAA .32 Guardian that had been melted at a Turner's store. I also showed up when a store opened to buy a Ruger .44 mag at a very good price. Before I left a guy came in to buy it & he was a bit angry since he had called to make sure it was still there. The REALLY good deals don't last long but most are overpriced. Check the list of consignment guns & you will see what I mean.


Quote from: theysayimnotme on November-09-19 01:11
Quote from: Rick_Jorgenson on November-08-19 15:11
I thought the "Magnum" 1 5/8" was approved as a "Historical" type pistol in CA ?

I called a friend in CA last night about it, he called Turners Pasadena this AM and it's still there. (as of 10:00AM)

He lives in Ventura and is driving near there today for an appointment anyway, so he's going to stop and buy it (if it's still available when he gets there.)

He won't have it for 30 days but he's coming to Phoenix next week for a visit and some "range time" so I'll let him shoot all of my NAA's

I'm sure it won't be his only NAA! lol!! (evil laugh!)  ::) :o

Actually it would have been forty days. There is a 30 day hold on consignment guns BEFORE you can start the paperwork for the 10 day wait. That's why I would have had to make THREE round trips. Of course if the 30 day period has already lapsed then you can start the paperwork on your first trip but if 30 days have already passed it's not likely you would be getting much of a bargain.
I did get a good deal on a NAA .32 Guardian that had been melted at a Turner's store. I also showed up when a store opened to buy a Ruger .44 mag at a very good price. Before I left a guy came in to buy it & he was a bit angry since he had called to make sure it was still there. The REALLY good deals don't last long but most are overpriced. Check the list of consignment guns & you will see what I mean.

Sometimes the "thrill" is in the chase  ;)

It gives a "story" your latest acquisition!  :)
Rick Jorgenson