trigger pull on a black widow....

Started by anomaly, October-25-12 21:10

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my search seemed to turn up

what can anyone tell me on lightening up the ridiculously heavy trigger pull? or has anyone sent their gun somewhere to have it successfully done?  please don't reply with lectures on 'safety' concerns on light trigger pulls...i have done my own trigger jobs with polishing stones on all my glocks, however, i'm not as familiar with the internals to this gun so ANY positive input would be greatly appreciated....thank you


Man what a way to ask for HELP.
My 2cents sell BW and  uy a target gun with light triger



God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


....and, (ahem), Welcome to the Forum! :)
NAA Black Widow
Bersa T380
NAA Guardian .32
Henry H001


Pull down and back and the pull is not bad.  I find the pull and accuracy good on the BW [not target good but what I expect from this type of weapon].


The working parts polish each other to some degree as the gun is broken in through regular use.  I would imagine any adjustment to the simple mechanism of that short a pull would only mimic a "breaking in", though it would definately be faster.  Personally I been having to much fun shooting the thing to bother with opening the case to have a look at how the pieces are marking.  Get a good grip position and concentrate on the squeeze. 


first off, thank you very much keyman, boots, and coopercdrkey for some positive input/ information/ personal experience/ and welcome....that's what i was looking for.....

as for tocsn40 and uncle_lee.....

on any gun forum, you'll have people asking questions on modifying their gun/trigger pull and without fail, you'll get people who'll jump on them about 'making their gun less reliable', 'compromising safety', 'accidental/negligent discharge', to 'leave it alone' and 'it was designed that way for a reason' blah blah blah....i'm blunt and to the point and i was simply trying to avoid posts like that because they would not answer my question and only irritate me....if you're happy with your trigger pull, then that's great! i always feel that there is room for improvement in all aspects of life and having a 'better' trigger pull is one of them....i'm not going to apologize for coming off as 'rude' when i was simply stating what i was looking for and what i WAS NOT looking for........if you can help me, then awesome and i GREATLY appreciate it.......but to make a post telling me to sell it for a target gun HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT I ASKED....if i wanted a target gun, i would have bought one and not wasted the time to post here....I was hoping to find helpful people who may have been down this road's posts like that that make people like me extremely hesitant to ask a question on a forum....i'm no expert as i know there are probably people here who have been shooting for longer than i have been alive....posts like that also make me not want to contribute ANY of MY personal knowledge on forums such as this one....i'm an ex-police officer with 15 years of shooting behind me....i also teach handgun proficiency and tactics....i MIGHT have some positive input for those that are less experienced, but after this first post, i think i'll remain silent and lurk in the background, if not go back to some other boards that are LESS CRITICAL of choices that i make as an individual....hallelujah! Holy sh*t! Where's the Tylenol?


I think part of the problem was your obvious negativity to a group of people who are obviously fans of these guns.
That's all you needed to say. An "in your face" attitude is not the best way to make friends and isn't that part of the purpose of these forums?
Just my opinion, of course.
Liberalism is a Mental Disorder


Welcome to the forum.
As to the response you got, ignore them. God did not create everybody equal, and on a public fourm you run the risk.
I have taken  some of the NAA revolvers apart and smoothed up the trigger pulls. It makes it a lot more fun to shoot them, plus it makes it a lot easier to hit what your shooting at. If your not a shooter and just have guns so you can feel good belonging to a gun forum, then it don't matter how the trigger pulls.
If you take a mini apart, there are some small parts and a spring that will give you a bad time. The screw that holds the side cover on that holds the hammer has left hand threads.
Stick around, as there are some good people on here, some of which don't post much anymore, but they are still out there.
I just checked the trigger pull on one of my Black Widows, and its just under 2 lbs. Great shooter. I love it that way, and to those that don't, kiss off!



Boone do you ever stop crying? Post after post the same complaint.I took your advice now consider mine, move on.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Your a tail wagger and a trouble maker, and one of the problems on here.
I think YOU should move on.
I don't even remember takling to you. Strange, the reaction I get from you when I  am posting to somebody else.
Touch a nerve,do I?
Funny that you would bring up Abrasive in a post.


Boone me not talking to you has never stopped you from posting your ridiculous comments in the past. Ill interject whenever i want to like it or not. You dont touch a nerve in me, your posts are juvenile at best and not to be taken seriously.  you cry over and over  about the same thing, time and time again.   
Tail wagger? what is that? what are you from Tennessee ?
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Quote from: boone123 on October-26-12 11:10
The screw that holds the side cover on that holds the hammer has left hand threads.
Good to know, boogered up more than 1 screw with tool marks not expecting a reverse threading.  Really don't need any on the shiny of the BW.  Thank you. 


Why are you jumping on me for my posts to people other that you?
Must be touching a nerve, or you would be minding your own bussiness.
In my conversations with other members do I really need your OK?
My post was to Anomoly. Why did that make you pee down your pantleg?

Anomoly- If you take your gun apart and run into a problem, let me know and maybe I can help.


Check with NAA.  It may void your warranty to fix it yourself and they will do it free.  I have done my own trigger work for over 50 years, but I will let NAA do the trigger work on my MM rather than lose my warranty.   
God bless,
Fr. Richard


I think they only charge if you take it apart and can't put it back together.
Also avoid hammer and pry marks, or at least I would.


My anwser was too the harshness that you asked for help at the same time you told us ( the forum)  to shut up and dont bother all in one post 
now you anwser your post with what you told us you dont like but we are to be ok with that. Well ok i just gave you what you asked for ( a short anwser) nothing more or nothing less you made it in to somthing not me 


the biggest buttinsky doesnt like a taste of his own medicine. classic.
yep you are from Tennessee alright.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


What does being from TN have to do with anything?
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


anomaly - I can't answer your question, but welcome to the forum. Like others said, the trigger on my Black Widow is about what I would expect - not target quality but not that bad. Personally, I have not noticed the trigger on any of my Minis getting smoother due to wearing in, but I may not have have real sensitive hands.

boone123 - The hammer marks and messed up screws make it a really personal possession!


To some of you new guys, please forgive heyjoe, as he slips off the edge once in a while, and I think he ended up in Tennessee on one of those falls, and never got over it. As you can see, he really gets out of wack sometimes over some strange things.
Maybe he could use a prayer from  somebody thats qualified in that line.
There seems to be a lot of bitter and hate there, which seems out of place on a gun forum.
I tried to explain to a member who wondered where all the old members went, what haappened to them, and to another talked about his BW trigger pull, and now I could be a low life from Tennessee, like that could be a sin! You couldn't make this crap up.
Kind of tells you why old member attendence might be down.


Quote from: tocsn40 on October-26-12 17:10
My anwser was too the harshness that you asked for help at the same time you told us ( the forum)  to shut up and dont bother all in one post 
now you anwser your post with what you told us you dont like but we are to be ok with that. Well ok i just gave you what you asked for ( a short anwser) nothing more or nothing less you made it in to somthing not me

1 tocsn40 !!  8)
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Its interesting how the haters always project what they do onto others. For you new people, Boone is one of a couple of disruptive, frustrated, wanna be moderators that unfortunately wandered onto this board a short while ago and decided they were going to change what had been a fun, informative board into a politically correct wasteland. They cried and cried and cried and stamped their feet until some changes were made by the real moderator and in the process a few of the cry baby wanna be moderatos were banned.  They have since come back under various names and personalities. These are sick people we are talking about here.  Once in a while you will see a post by long term members who dont post here as much because of all the politically correct nonsense, and they will invariably lament the state the board has slipped into. That should pretty much tell you how happy the board members at the time were with the arrival of the mutli personality troll disruptive wanna be  moderators.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Mohawker.       I have used some of those mainsprings till they broke. Some do, and some don't. I keep a spare ot two on hand.
I have had a couple of hand springs break also. Think I still have a spare.

Heyjoe.   Thats really sick!
   You do realize that people can go back and read the old posts, and see that your full of IT.
Its not all bad. At least if I am driving you to the babble point your leaving White Horse and the others alone. Thats a plus for them.


you really are full of yourself Boone. you are nothing to me. you mean nothing.

It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Boone - I have not heard of the handsprings breaking. That looks like it would be tricky to replace (based on the parts diagram.) Hope I never need to try.

Mohawker - here is a link to a parts diagram:


Mohawk.  If you looked at Dinadans post you will see the springs. NAA warranty is forever. From date of birth they pay shipping for 2 years both ways.

As for the non adults, its not a new thing. I could leave, which I have done before for a long time, along with others, but I came back after a long periord. If they are rantin hate to me they pretty much leave everybody else alone.  Try to ignore them and it may pass.

That hand spring can be pretty tricky.  Stay away from junky rooms and dark carpet. I replaced the last one in about 10 min.
One thing that might help, is to have a towel kind of covering part way over the gun and you hands while working on them.
Having a wife with good eyes can also help.


When replacing the hand spring over carpet, cover the floor of the entire room with news paper.
It is easier than rolling masking tape all over until the little spring rolls up.
After using the masking tape twice, I use the news paper now.

God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


I lost my first spring in my moms houes 8 hr on my hand a knees found 4needles and 3 staples no spring   :( good part was the sent two when i orderd from naa


A cow magnet worked for me once when I lost one in a carpet .
For what its worth, I also used one of those magnets to suck a peice of metal  out of my eye once.


Buffing up the trigger surfaces helps a lot. The mechanics of the trigger makes it tuff to lighten it drastically. I do lube the mechanism which also helps. By the way you do not have to take it apart to lube it, just put a drop of oil in the cyl advance spur hole with the gun laying on its right side and the bottom tilted up. The lube will drop right on the sear point.

Just a thought.