Front Post Sight on NAA Mini Revolver

Started by Gun1, February-20-20 20:02

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A couple weeks ago I picked up a used NAA mini revolver at a local gun action. in the photo it looked great, but yesterday that I picked it up from the dealer I noticed that the previous owner had filed down the front sight. I'm pretty bad at aiming with the minis as it is so I feel that I do need the front sight. Is there any way to get the sight replaced?


Shoot it first. The previous owner may have done you a favor. If it doesn't perform for you a return trip to NAA is your best bet. They will also inspect it and replace any parts that need it. There were some Ellett "Specials" at one point that had a tritium front sight. You could check with NAA and see if that's an option instead of the standard half-moon front if that idea appeals to you.

Best Regards,
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt,"
-Mark Twain


A tritium sight sounds pretty good, I'll check with NAA amd see if that's an still an available options. Thanks for the suggestion.