
Started by Mickey, February-24-20 02:02

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Have Wasp 1" with both cylinders. Have coyote problem and always carry the Wasp when walking my 38lb Standard Poodle.
The question is the 22lr with Velocitors  enough or do i need the 22mag with Gold Dots?


.22 mag. JMHO...
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


I agree. 22 mag Gold Dots.


Mk-18sd  8) JMHO too.

When dealing with Coyotes get serious!
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.



IME, either will do, as long as the shooter can accurately give the animal an ear or eye ache with the first shot............

Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent



I have to agree with pietro. Either works. Practice is your friend. I am a rancher and the farthest shot on a coyote was 97 yards. Head shot, she dropped like a sack of potatoes. The gun was a 4 3/4" Ruger Mark II with CCI mini-mag HP's. I have connected at farther distances with a Bearcat on smaller game, usually neck shots.

When checking the cows, I am always on the hunt for "yotes." in my experience, they don't usually linger after the first shot. On the other hand, if you want absolute performance from your NAA product, consider adding either a Black Widow or Mini Master to the stable. One can never have enough of these little revolvers. I carry one or two every day.



Practice with 22 LR, carry with 22 Magnum.


I agree on the gold dots. I also believe in practicing with the round you are going to carry.


I carry my 1 1/8" magnum on daily walks with my 40 lb Brittany. Coyote howls are heard most mornings.

I've hit coyotes with 22lr rifles, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. The 00 Buck 12 ga works every time but would be socially awkward in my neighborhood.


For once, I agree with Harry, practice with what you carry.
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke

top dog

First you have realized that you have a coyote situation and want to prepare for it.  So many folks walk about totally unaware of the potential dangers that lurk whether it be two or four legged.
All of the above information is very good. I found that CCI 22 mag hollow points work fine but that is my opinion.

Within the past year or so,in my area,there were six coyote attacks on folks walking their dogs. Three dogs killed and three injured.

A close friend let his small dog out in the backyard one morning and three coyotes attacked and killed it.  Then a couple of days later,a neighbor of his had a doe crash through the sliding patio door with two coyotes hanging on to it.

All if these incidents occured in suburbia,not out in the farms & fields.

I have a book              4 Seconds Until Impact   by  Bruce "Buckshot" Hemming that gives many factual facts on actual attacks by all sorts of animals.

If you want,PM me and I will loan it out to you.

The key to this  is when you are out and about walking your dog (or anytime actually) make sure that you have your NAA immediately accessable and of course,practice often at realistic (close) ranges.  Also OC/bear spray might be a good thing to have as well

                                                                                                                                     Top Dog


Quote from: Mickey on February-24-20 02:02
Have Wasp 1" with both cylinders. Have coyote problem and always carry the Wasp when walking my 38lb Standard Poodle.
The question is the 22lr with Velocitors  enough or do i need the 22mag with Gold Dots?
A short story made longer...

A friend of mine always teased about the NAA's I carry (he is a "Ruger revolver guy") though he started liking the Pug I have in a Driving Holster.

On one of my Gunbroker searches, I ran across a used Pug for a good price and I bought it for him and he started carrying it.

A few weeks later there was a coyote stalking his chickens and he had his Pug with him! (Rugers were in the gun safe)  ;)

9-yard headshot took out the coyote. (CCI Magnums)

To his credit, he is an expert shooter.  I'm not sure what his official title was but while on a US Navy Ship he was the sniper in the helicopter door while patrolling the Indian Ocean.

Long Rifle or Magnum... As long as it's with you  ;)
Rick Jorgenson

top dog

I totally agree with what Rick said and I would like to add, GET ONE OF RICK'S EXCELLENT HOLSTERS!!!!!!!!!

This way you will have the piece with you all the time and it will be readily available.

OK,I will get off the soapbox now.

                                                                                                      Top Dog


"Practice with what you carry.".

Sure.  Some.  If you can.

I recommend amending to "make sure your carry ammo works before you carry it".  You do that by shooting a box or two of the ammo in question and making an informed decision at that point.  Shoot enough to know the recoil and point of impact for your carry ammo as relative to practice ammo.

Admittedly it is much easier to "practice with what you carry" if you carry a .22 LR.

I have fired pretty much everything .22 LR in my mini.  So while I have "practiced" with what I carry, I also practice with everything else.

I don't have a .22 Magnum in the stable at the moment.  Something I would like to fix.  However that means starting from zero on .22 Magnum.  It is not available locally at any price, and online prices are at $0.60 per round.  If shudder to think what the cost would be for actually good defensive ammo though.  I would "practice with what I carry" only because of availability.

I shoot mostly FMJ from my Guardian.  I have practiced with several brands and carried the ones that do not "light strike" in my Guardian.  Currently I am packing Hornady Critical Defense 60 grain.  This stuff actually fast enough to expand the hollow point and it feeds reliably.  This is expensive ammo and even before the latest ammo panic it was close to $1 per round.  I am not going to routinely practice with expensive, self defense ammo.  I will validate that the gun functions reliably and accurately, then practice with regular FMJ.  And after I leave the shooting range, reload mags with Critical Defense.

Same story for 9mm.  Last time I bought defensive ammo for 9mm it was $30 per box of 25.  I shoot fairly regularly and I could not / would not shoot as often if I had to pay $1.20 per round to do it.


If you have access to both, why not go with the more powerful. There are those who will argue it is only a small difference. If you are facing a coyote, I suspect you would welcome any small difference.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


My "practice what you carry" should be amended to say "practice with the same caliber you carry". That eliminates some surprises, like the noise or recoil, or different POA from a different caliber. Like the 22 shorts or LR if you carry 22 mag; or the 38 special if you carry 357, or the 32 H&R if you carry 327. The recoil would be a stresser, as would the point of aim. You don't need to add any other factors into an already stressful situation. If you practice with the same caliber, you know what to expect. JMHO
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke

Terry treefish

I agree with Conaeol, above.  Because of hand issues, I now only shoot 22's.  I live out, so I can practice anytime.  No issues with neighbors.  My edc is a Beretta Bobcat 21a 22lr.  Now it has company, a Black Widow magnum.   There is an 8 mi trail we love to walk, only minutes from our home.  I've never felt underpowered with the Bobcat.   I've also carried a few times my Rough Rider w/magnum cylinder/ Speer Gold Dots.  Sometimes a Buckmark Micro. But those two get heavy after awhile.   People say there are coyotes & wild pigs in this area, but I've never seen one.  Coyotes probably stay away, because we no longer have any chickens, cats & dogs. 

We live outside a highly dangerous city of approx 75,000.  I think the year was 1993, it was named the murder capital of America per- capita.  95% black on black crime.  Even though in 42 years we have never ever had a crime scare out where we live, the knowledge of stats & news keeps us on guard.  Shopping trips to town, like Wally World, can be a potential hazard, too.  WW is an adventure in itself. 

My two closest neighbors are all heavily armed with some pretty big stuff.  They are both huge & young, in their mid fifties.  One always reminds me that my job is to draw first blood with my 22's, & he will finish the job at hand.  Scary.

top dog

I agree with you and good for you and your neighbors.

Being confident with what you have goes a long way.

                                                                                              Top Dog


QuoteMy edc is a Beretta Bobcat 21a 22lr.

Terry; speaking of the Beretta 21a: one of my favorites, especially when being "sneaky."  ::)
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.

Terry treefish

You show me yours, I show you mine.
These are my favorites to edc.  These 3 go bang.  Every time.


I only have a few but here are a couple:  ::)
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


When the urge hits to change it up... I switch guns and holsters  ;)

The 5" 1911 is what I've been training with Friday mornings. (FDC? Friday Daily Carry?)  ;D

I carry so many Mags because the 2 other guys in the class carry Sig's with 18 or 20-something round magazines. I don't slow the class down to reload in-between they're reloads.

So this is not considered "thread drift"...

I can use any of these to dispatch a coyote!  ;)
Rick Jorgenson

Terry treefish

"Drift thread?"  Maybe, perhaps not.  The discussion  continues as to the weapons one might use to protect ourselves & family, from a menacing coyote. 

You guys sure have some awesome guns.  Rick, you've got some pretty impressive holsters there.

Terry treefish

Quote from: RogueTS1 on February-05-21 10:02
QuoteMy edc is a Beretta Bobcat 21a 22lr.

Terry; speaking of the Beretta 21a: one of my favorites, especially when being "sneaky."  ::)

What model is the stainless steel?  Sure pretty gun to dispatch coyotes.


QuoteWhat model is the stainless steel?

Beretta 21a in .22LR. The canned ones are used for Coyote dispatching, 4 legged or 2 legged.  ::)
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


We love thread drift on this site. It fills our daily typing lives. LOL

Speaking of; here is another set. HK striker fired pistols, old and new:
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


I have finished up for the day and have a few minutes on my hands so here is one of the carry rotations for us:  8)

PS: the regulars here have seen this one before but this is for you Terry, since you are new. The two on the bottom go "bang" every time; the one on top goes "puff" every time.  :P
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.

Terry treefish

You have quite a collection.  Thanks for sharing.  Tell me, what kind of weapon is the one that goes puff?  Caliber? 


I carry My BW mag loaded with cci maxi mags and I can tell you from personal experience you pop off a round or two in the general direction of a Coyote and their gone, you don't even need to hit them. Now it might be a different story if they already have their teeth sunk into your dogs back, then you want to hit them, but gessh don't hit your dog :o ::) :-[
On a different note couple nights ago, almost dark but not quite ,I was sitting out on my deck and my cat was walking around on the deck and whoosh this owl came from nowhere and almost got the cat right off my deck. Scared the ever lovin beJesus  out of me.I don't think even the Great Bob Munden  could have got a shot off at that owl. :D


Quote from: Terry treefish on February-08-21 13:02
You have quite a collection.  Thanks for sharing.  Tell me, what kind of weapon is the one that goes puff?  Caliber?

That is the suppressed Kriss Vector in 9mm. The lower can be pulled with two pins and changed to .45 acp, 10mm or .40 S&W. Virtually no felt recoil due to its special recoil system.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Quote from: Terry treefish on February-08-21 11:02
"Drift thread?"  Maybe, perhaps not.  The discussion  continues as to the weapons one might use to protect ourselves & family, from a menacing coyote. 

You guys sure have some awesome guns.  Rick, you've got some pretty impressive holsters there.

Thank you, I like to use what I force others to use   sell to others!  ;)
Rick Jorgenson


Pictures, Pictures.
Wow,  I love pictures.
Coffee sure tastes gooooood this morning.
Thanks folks.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

Terry treefish

Quote from: RogueTS1 on February-08-21 19:02
Quote from: Terry treefish on February-08-21 13:02
You have quite a collection.  Thanks for sharing.  Tell me, what kind of weapon is the one that goes puff?  Caliber?

That is the suppressed Kriss Vector in 9mm. The lower can be pulled with two pins and changed to .45 acp, 10mm or .40 S&W. Virtually no felt recoil due to its special recoil system.

Well,  you own quite an impressive gun there.  My mind races to ponder, "What would have happened if Geronimo had just 3 of these, with 100,000 rds of ammo."  I'm guessing we'll all be speaking Apache. 


Quote from: Terry treefish on February-09-21 07:02
Well,  you own quite an impressive gun there.  My mind races to ponder, "What would have happened if Geronimo had just 3 of these, with 100,000 rds of ammo."  I'm guessing we'll all be speaking Apache.

I always pictured Jimi Hendrix pulled on a wagon through Indian territory, blasting the Star Spangled Banner. Never mind about needing electricity, but imagine their reaction.......
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport

Terry treefish

Quote from: bearcatter on February-09-21 11:02
Quote from: Terry treefish on February-09-21 07:02
Well,  you own quite an impressive gun there.  My mind races to ponder, "What would have happened if Geronimo had just 3 of these, with 100,000 rds of ammo."  I'm guessing we'll all be speaking Apache.

I always pictured Jimi Hendrix pulled on a wagon through Indian territory, blasting the Star Spangled Banner. Never mind about needing electricity, but imagine their reaction.......

That's a very funny ha ha, Steve.  I needed a ha ha,  just really made a dent in my wild money on tires.