Mini-22 speed loader

Started by Twainman, March-18-20 21:03

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Hello, all.

I recently acquired a speed loader for my Mini which has worked so well for me that I thought I must pass this along in case anyone else might be able to use it.

In the local Dollar Tree store, for $1.00 (or at Walgreen's for $5.45, take your choice), you can get a pill container consisting of a little cylindrical aluminum can with a screw top and a key ring which is just the same size as the cylinder on the Mini revolver.  It will hold five rounds of LR or WMR and can be used for either with a slight variation in technique.  Simply place 5 rounds of whatever ammunition you want into the can, screw on the o-ring sealed lid, and snap it to your key chain or to a belt loop with a carabiner.

To reload, simply unscrew the lid, place the empty cylinder of the revolver on top of the now-open can (they are the same diameter!), invert, and shake gently.  The new rounds will fall into their chambers slicker than (insert your favorite term here).  Drop the can and re-insert the cylinder into its place in the frame, and you are ready to go again.  No more trying to insert individual rounds, with the fumbling and time-consumption that is involved.

This will work for either LR or WMR, with this variation:  when you screw the lid onto the can with the five fresh rounds in it, be aware that WMR is longer than LR.  The lid screws into rather than onto the can, so you can pinch the WMR rounds under the lid if your are not careful.  To prevent this, simply do this:  when you are ready to screw on the lid, invert the can so that the WMR rounds settle into the concave area of the lid, away from the rim, then screw on the lid while the can is inverted.  This will prevent the bullets getting trapped under the rim of the lid.  If you do not do this, you will soon see why you should, so any errors are self-correcting.

I can't imagine any "real" speed-loader being any faster or more convenient.

What do you think?


Hey Twain,
AND ===== Thank You...
That I will try.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

smokeless joe

Welcome to the forum Twainman. Interesting idea. Could you post a pic when you get the time?


I can't promise pix any time soon (as in it may be a while before I figure out how).  If you need to identify the potential reloader in the store, it is the little black, blue, or silver pill bottle in the pharmacy area that makes you say, "hey that looks just like the cylinder on my mini!" when you see it.


Some pictures would be great. Good thinking by the way. Probly water tight too.


I was at our Walgreen's and our dollar store today, no luck finding them...
Luke 23:34


  Just an opinion mind ya but if I find myself having to speed reload my mini in a defensive situation all I can say is "GOD ... are you listening ... PLEASE don't let my bad knees fail me now with these new running sneakers I bought recently , let me get my money's worth out of them ..... PLEASE ! " . :)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Mtgoat:  that is the item in question, at Walgreens.  I have seen them other places, got mine at Dollar Tree.

Others: Not pretending that this makes flash SD reloads feasible, only that it is handy water tight storage and a quick slick way to reload on the range.

Edit:  can anyone tell me where to find instructions/information for sharing photos on this site?  I have some pretty exciting pics of this item.


I have used one of these for 5 years to carry a reload of mag, with a piece of tissue to keep the ammo from rattling, never thought to try it as a loader.


I went to the "test" site and was able to post a link to a huge picture.  Here is the link:

It shows the cylinder next to the pill bottle.  Inverting the cylinder on top of the pill bottle and then turning the whole assembly over and giving a gentle shake or two will result in the cartridges shifting from the can to their chambers.  Voila!

I have described the process in previous posts here, and I think I will forego further pictures.  I hope this is helpful for anyone interested.

Also thanks to all for helpful comments!



Welcome to the forum !

IMHO the fastest re/speed load is to carry a 2nd/loaded cylinder (which, naturally, is costlier than your solution).......  :P  :P  :P  :P

Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent


Quote from: pietro on March-21-20 15:03

Welcome to the forum !

IMHO the fastest re/speed load is to carry a 2nd/loaded cylinder (which, naturally, is costlier than your solution).......  :P  :P  :P  :P


That was the tack I took. I have a mini and a BW, each of which has 2 cylinders, a 22LR and a 22Mag. I sent both guns and all four cylinders to back to NAA, and asked them to add 2 more 22Mag cylinders, and cross-time the two guns so that any cylinder works in any gun. Both guns are loaded with 22Mag, and there are 4 preloaded cylinders held in little leather containers, ready for action.

It was a little expensive, but still less than the cost of a single gun, and potentially very useful. I typically carry the BW and one extra cylinder.


My heart goes pitty-pat.


excellent suggestion twainman, you should get bonus points to get off probation early.  i love dollar tree.  i travel to asia alot and always stop by the japanese 100 yen chain store, daiso, which is even more awesome.

here is my ccw bugout1 22lr with cv revision grips and a speedstrip (i have a thing for extra ammo, as untactical as it all may be here).  it all fits in a daiso 100 yen soft sided smart phone case.  ive put it on a counter while pocket fishing and nobody is wiser.  if i need my bugout to be more accessible i unzip the case and tilt up the piece handle on top.  p.s. i have no idea how to turn my photo correct side up, it was correct in my photo library...


i have no idea how to turn my photo correct side up, it was correct in my photo library...

Best suggestion I could make would be to turn the stuff over and take another picture.


Here ya go.
Mine came out a little bit little.
Oh well, I tried.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .



I think the pre-loaded cylinder is indeed the way to go. My "holder is a plastic container from One Touch Ultra blood sugar testing strips (desicant lining included).
The Magnum cylinder fits in it nicely with enough room for a little padding in the base. I have several extras (a dozen or so) but only one extra cylinder... ;)
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


and don't forget DS10 speed makes awesome speed loaders for our mini's :)