Taking my leave.........................

Started by sirbarkalot, November-12-10 05:11

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...P/hays & S-2, I think that You have tapped the essance of proper "Forum Protocol"..Thanx Guys...


Yea I second that Clipper good posts guys...



   You said CJ got ran off. He left on his own.

   Said he wouldn't let the door hit him in the ass.

   Was upset because too many people disagreed with him. He liked to discuss things with people with

   different opinions than his but was unhappy if they didnt see it his way in the end. Thought  we should not stir up a stink against the anti-gunners and just be quiet about what they wanted to do a then vote against them at election time.

   Most gun owners tend to not be sheep and somewhat verbal and thats not what CJ wanted, so he got mad and left. You can see some of that on the long thread on the story side.

   He called me a yapper along with some others because we wouldn't just shut up and just accept what the people that were elected had to offer us in the way of gun control until such time we could vote against them. I think he was caught between being an Obama fan and being very fond of guns.

   That last sentence is just my thoughs.

   I might be a yapper, but only when it comes to my right too defend the second amendment, which I will fight for too the end......


   I  must have missed the deal on NAAlover. What was that , or where can I find it? He did good on here.


yeah, what happened to naa lover , why did he leave  ?????


Coinchop's last post is 100% accurate in my opinion.

    cj/cj3 was a good writer but would often overpower a thread with multiple back2back long posts.

   I was wondering where naalover was too.


Hey Redhawk,

   Was not going to reply to your post till "Coinchop" called "Barky" "CJ". If this is the "CJ" of years back, I never would have posted on the subject.  If the same person, he was OK till someone disagreed with him.  Seems history has repeated itself. Knowing this, I would have left the entire thread alone.


Sticks, stones and of course, bullets may break my bones, but WORDS will never hurt me.


Ifly was the other photographer.  


   I agree with the general consensus, that if you can't take the heat, get out of the range of fire.


I remember just a short while ago when he got his panties in a bunch over a doughnut.

   Seems like it doesn't take much to get to him.


...Update on Petergunn's post..


   Sticks & stones may break my bones;

   But WHIPS & CHAINS excite Me...


   (words can confuse you, & dougnuts just make you fat)



Prospecting isn't for everyone.

   This I have learned.


   For what it's worth, I'm not big on  

   "painted guns" either, I don't much

   see the use in making a real gun look

   like a toy, that could be dangerous.


   Take care Barky.




And Boom......There it was!!!!


...Hey MDE, With all the wild & wonderful postings on this forum, I forgot to ask You; How IS that "prospecting thing" working for You???


wow what a differance a couple of weeks make must of been a real blow out for every one.i thought some of those painted guns were allright.this is sandys house and his rules we are only guests still offers great info hopefully everyone thinks about it and comes back.we go prospecting alot at bib bug creek somedays are better than some but we still have a lot of fun not a lot of gold but a lot of fun.


Dang..! Every time I'm gone a few days something happens..! Mostly good "Somethings..." but this one seems bad...

   Barky.. I've enjoyed your posts allot & whomever has gotten you all "Hemmed Up" can go "Piss Up a Rope.." as far as I'm concerned..! Please don't take off because of some pencil-necked dork that has nothing better to do than "Piss yah Off..!" Lol..! "I am the KING of the Pisser Off-ers..!" So leave that to me and stick around, please..!




...Say Barky, Guns has the right take on this..There is a "fractured" Latin saying that says it best: "Nil Carborundus, Illigitimie".. Or, "Don't Let The Bastards, Grind You Down"...


     (And I didn't even go to Parochial School)


I usually stay pretty quiet on the NAA forum, but I read everything because you all have excellent infomation to contribute. Whether it be stories, experiences, technical data, or just shooting the bull.  I love it all, especially MDE. I've been out of the country for a few weeks and missed the blowout.  It must have been big.  I'm truly sorry that members were offended.  After returning to the good old USA, I caught up on reading the forum and have some what of an idea of what all the hub bub was about.  Honestly friends, life is way too short to let the small stuff bother you.  As an acquaintance once put it "Can't we all just get along" Well he wasn't actually an acquaintance, but I thank him for all that overtime I got on his behalf in 1992.  What I'm trying to say is lets just move on and get back to the business at hand.  Having a good time with our NAA hand guns.  It was fun. Stainless



        Sure wish I could change your mind on this.

   PLEASE!!  Why not take a short break, and let some of the tension drain off?  Maybe a little

   time will put things in a new light. TACC1


Don't sweat the petty stuff and don't pet the sweaty stuff.  


   Sir Barky..... We implore you to just let it slide. Stick around and post. Don't be stupid and sell the most concealed and likely most carried gun you own. Now, I ain't tellin' ya what to do, just hatin' to see ya go.  


   I understand your position. It's just not worth it, to worry about Crab Nebula.


    Those were some less than desirable looking product for a finishing shop to tout as their example of what they can do. Everybody sees that,'cept the one's doin' it.  


   Hell, it is likely popular in today's world, for certain demographics. That kind of ugliness is Bone Marrow deep


the duracoat mafia didnt drive off Barky or chopprs, it was NAA'a response and its apparant siding with the duracoat black hand. The moderators comment to Grow Up and the continued un censored taunting by the capo of duracoat turned off a few people and they took their leave, hopefully only temporarily. i would like to see both Barky and Chopprs back asap.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Here, here to seeing Barky and Chopprs back asap. You're missed guys.


   Come on moderator/Sandy, PM them. Set stuff straight. If you want this forum to be limited to politically correct talk about NAA only, so be it. Make it so and it will be what it will be. If not, so much the better, as has been. Either way, these two fellas have a lot to offer and deserve the benefit of all the input they have provided over time on this forum. It doesn't have to be a public thing. Let them know their input has been appreciated.


Hey Guys....I hate to play the devils advocate here but really its time to give it up.  If they are gone they are gone if they are still here we will hear from them sooner or later when they get over it for crying out loud.  I get it they don't like the durapaint guns neither do I.  I get it they have free speech and can say whatever they want.  So do I.  But the painter of the guns also has the right to defend themselves...did he do it correctly?  That's up for debate but its kinda to late for that.  Did NAA "pick sides" personally I don't think they did.  I believe that some of the members on this board believe they did but I just don't think that's what happened......and frankly I'm a little tired of hearing about it lol.  I didn't think it was that big a deal in the first place and I don't think its a big deal now...this forum has always been unmoderated and that's the way everyone wants it to stay until they think they "need" a moderator for some reason.....lets just leave it alone if the two people (barky and choppers) that left over it are gone they are gone its to late to fix it.  I'm not picking sides or telling anyone to "grow up" I'm just saying enough is enough this was two weeks ago now lets all just let it be.....just my .02


I suppose the suggestion that this thread no longer serves a purpose and may keep people from coming back in the future might not be taken well huh?
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


If you don't want to be on the board then good riddance. I see chopprs is back posting so he has comeback. As far as Barky he seemed to rub alot of people wrong. Whatever has happened has happened.


I kinda took my leave from this site awhile back. Although I do like the Pug, I don't think its the best gun ever made that also includes the rest of the NAA products. If I was going to collect guns it would surely be Smith's, Colts, hell even Rugers. I think there use is more justified. I mean how many little revolvers does a person need? I know this is going to make people mad here but that is my opinion. I know where Barky and Chopprs are comming from. All the other forumns talk about guns, this one seems to always go south for some reason or another, maybe little gun little mind, I don't know, anyway good luck too all of you, hope you keep NAA prosperous in the comming years, I myslf think one NAA is enough and will be moving on.


LOL Cary with that attitude I doubt you will be missed...


Spoken like a true member of two months!!!!  I hope I can learn to be so rude by the time I am here for two months!!!


   You are my true hero......


   This place is going to be fun!


Hey not being rude just stating a fact.  Read his post what it is is what it is my friend...


Oh and your right I have only been "posting" here for two months NG but I was watching this board for years before I started actively posting to it.  Again I wasn't trying to be rude just pointing out a fact...



   What the he)) has need got to do with anything???

   I have Rugers, Colts, and Smiths but I only

   rarely check their fourms out because they are

   boring. This forum has something in it besides

   I just bought a new Ruger, Colt, Smith, loaded it up,  

   and it goes bang. Wheeee!!!!  

   If happiness for some of the members on here

   is a sack full of minis and they paid for them

   themselves why rain on their parade?

   No where have I ever seen on any forun that

   anybody has to read any post they don't want  





   Keeps the place from becoming boring.

   Just my LITTLE MINI MIND thoughts..


LOL well said Coin!  Watch out though Newguy might get upset with ya!  (just kidding NG I we just had a misunderstanding there!)


have you seen the quality control on smiths and rugers going out the door lately?  


   recalls, cracked barrels, catastrophic failures, cylinders not honed correctly by both smith and ruger

   not even duracoat done correctly and tastefully would cover those defects
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


old colts cant be beat  expensive as hell, but worth it


Cookie!  Glad to see your back!  Hope your feeling better!

cedarview kid

>Although I do like the Pug, I don't think its the best gun ever made that also includes the rest of

   >the NAA products. If I was going to collect guns it would surely be Smith's, Colts, hell even

   >Rugers. I think there use is more justified. I mean how many little revolvers does a person need?

   >I know this is going to make people mad here but that is my opinion.


   Hmm. I guess that since I now have 29 NAA firearms, that I'm the sort of idiot you're talking about.


   Okay. Cool. What else shall we talk about?