Taking my leave.........................

Started by sirbarkalot, November-12-10 05:11

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29 collector is that all?  I could have sworn it was 30....


Don't feel bad NAA, I've heard some people collect things like s t a m p s. What's up with that?


Randy, I was just thinking the same thing, when you look at what some people collect, having 29 or 30 NAA's is nothing to be ashamed of and certainly such a collection has every bit as much merit as any other gun collection.


   Would I personally want 30 NAA's, not unless someone else is buying, but collect what you want, not what any one else wants. Come to think of it I don't want 30 Smiths, Colts or Rugers either, if I did I would have them.


   This forum is a little different, it works for some and not for others. Although it's the NAA forum and that's what brings us here for those who stay it's an interesting source of news and information on anything that is even remotely related to firearms. I find it entertaining when I have a few minutes to spare just to see what's going on, and once in a while there's a real good belly laugh to be had. If you have a question you get an answer in no time, heck I've posted on a couple of the BMW motorcycle forums with questions and still not got a response 2 months later. There must be something that keeps people coming back and checking the posts - I guess there must be others who feel the same way because it keeps rolling along despite the dissaproval of others.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


yeah, if yer post don't get deleted  sieg sandy seig sandy   lol  wroffwroff


and on the third day he rose again from the deleted
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today

cedarview kid

Am I an idiot for having almost 30 NAA's? Perhaps. Maybe so. But I'm having fun at it and my collection is certainly better than  bunch of Beany Babies or Barbies. Stamps, I dunnno, I could never get into that, but coins are fun to collect--but I've sold most of my coins over the years and didn't get more. To each his own, eh?


   I never intended to have this many, but every time I see a good deal on an NAA, I want to rescue it. I've been buying NAA's for maybe 11 years, tho, so 30 isn't really that much considering the time.




Beats the hell out of collecting whiskey bottles

   and storing them under the porch when their empty. If you like NAA minis, why not? Its way more fun than hiding your money in a fruit jar buried in the back yard. The next thing is, theres not much bang in a handfull of money anymore, anyway...


who told you about my fruit jar?
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today



Hey Collector,

   In the collection business, your a novice.  I have owned over 40 street motorcycles, of course not at one time.  A doctor friend has a collection of probably a 100 S&W handguns.  The "Tonight Show" host, Jay Leno could probably double you entire gun collection on both cars and motorcycles.  Face it, stamps and coins are boring to some of us, to others, a way of life.  Stick with what you like, as long as your not spending their money, life is too short to worry about if someone don't like what you do.

cedarview kid

I'm content to be called somewhere between an idiot and a novice. Works for me! ;)


Is it better to be called a novice idiot or an idiot novice.


   Anyone who can have 30 guns and still be on good terms with the wife gets my admiration, although with 30 mini revolvers, have you told the wife, or does she just think you keep bringing the same one out - you know your little silver one as opposed to the big black one or the long one with the big brown handles.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card

cedarview kid

LOL. I don't think she knows how many I have, honestly. I wouldn't even know, except I had to count them the last time I took pictures.


   We have a sytem of "yours/mine/and-ours" funds, so as long as I spend what's "mine" and she spends whats "hers" everything usually turns out okay. That way we're not fighting over the same dollar. It's worked well for us over the last ten years (half of our marriage).


   (And besides, many of my most-recent NAA purchases were funded by selling other non-NAA firearms, so the net "money out" hasn't been that high.)




Patrick McManus once had a good point.  1 gun is one thing to a wife, two guns is another, 3 is another.  After that you have "a lot" or "too many" or any number of non-quantitative number of guns.  This is an important thing to keep track of.  As long as you don't double your collection all at once "a lot" can describe four, it can also describe 10
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card