Oooh ! ! New Grips

Started by pietro, April-14-20 14:04

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When I saw NAA's "new products" post a few days ago about the new (real) handmade Stag grips, I really HAD to have a set of the Aged Stags for my Black Widow convertible !

Soooo, I called Customer Service, and they were VERY helpful in making me understand the choices ( white Stag, aged Stag & Bone) available.

(Thank you, NAA - for making them available  :-*   )


PERFECT ! ! !  (exactly what I wanted   8)   )

They're a big upgrade from the issue Staglite  grips my .22 Mag-only came with.

Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent

Chill Bill

Those look sharp & unique!  Very nice choice, sir.