Improve Accuracy with Target Trigger for NAA Revolvers

Started by slacey, April-19-20 15:04

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It is my belief that the NAA revolvers have more inherent accuracy than is given credit for. Most of what is written about them, talk only in terms of  defensive applications, suggesting that the revolvers only be utilized in very close distances, and as a last ditch scenario. This however, is NOT how I envision using my pistol. I see it first as a recreational gun, and secondly as a trail or "kit gun," for use on small critters. I happen to own the 3" Earl model with both cylinders, for .22lr and .22 magnum. I have made the gun more easy to control by putting large wood grips that support all my fingers. That to me is the first step at achieving better accuracy potential from the revolvers. The second is having better dexterity over the trigger manipulation. This is very difficult with that tiny little nub of a factory trigger. And I might mention can be somewhat painful. Because the gun is so light weight, even with a decent 4.25 lbs. factory trigger pull, the trigger MUST consciously be carefully pulled straight back for every shot fired. ANY side angled manipulation by the trigger finger at all on the trigger face or side of the trigger, WILL throw the shot off. So instead of getting a desired 1" shot group at 10 yards (supported by a hiking stick or tree), the shot groups end up opening up to 3-4" at 10 yards. Why 1" you ask? Because 1" represents the area of head shots or vital hits on small game critters for ethical shot placements for hunting or pest control. If you can consistently get 1" groups, then that is a good standard to go by.

So my suggestion is this... A factory production target trigger, with a wide flat face, with about .25" - .33" increased trigger reach. I would like to have the option to send my gun into the custom shop, to have such a thing put in.  I would also recommend factory production models equipped already with the target trigger.


Welcome Slacey,
It don't sound like a bad idea. Really, it sounds like it would improve the trigger pull immensely.
Send NAA an e-mail with your idea.   
Who knows it might get the go ahead.
Could be known as "The Slacey Trigger".
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Great idea, and if it came to pass I'd send all four of my minis back in to be retrofit.
Steve in Boise


Sounds great to me.  I'd be in to convert my Mini Master.


slacey- Welcome!
I would be interested in learning more, if it were to become available. My minimaster would be a potential candidate.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"



If I get time, I'll try and mock this up on my mini master. I'll post pics of it's doable.


Honestly i love this idea! You and i have the same philosophy of use for the mini. While it is a great deep conceal option to have along side your regular CCW gun, it also make a great running gun, etc. But i wanted a Black widow to fill a more a kit gun application that wouldn't take up to much room.  Having a better trigger would help help immensely! The Black widow already had good sights and with CV grips a good purchase on  the gun. The trigger would be the last thing.


I think this is a great idea and have thought about it before.  I have a NAA Black Wido and Mini Master.  I use them for pocket carry and as kit guns.

IMHO, both of these guns are inherently accurate. The reason I say this is that I once jerryrigged an airgun scope onto my MM.  From a bag, I was able to keep the groups within 1 inch at 25 yards.  The trigger is the limiting factor for accuracy.  A larger and flatter trigger would solve this problem (and present no additional safety issue).

Also, I wish NAA would find a vendor to build a small scope for for the MM.  It would make a great hiking / survival gun.

P1010002a by Robert Copple, on Flickr


Welcome rfc,
Way to go on the scope.
Thanks for the picture.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

To Old To Run

Nice,  but you may have a little trouble with the printing . ;)


  An old saying I just made up " Accuracy is in the eye of the receiver " when it comes to shooting , Ha .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .