Question about Black Widow Action

Started by Tank24, December-30-19 23:12

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I've noticed that if I decide to de cock my Black Widow, it seems the hammer catches a bit at the half cock position.  I did not notice this earlier and my perception was that the hammer let down smoothly all the way down.  Do you think there might be something wrong with mine?  Still seems to shoot fine so far, but seems different. I especially notice it when I'm trying to put it in the safety slot.



One has to pull the hammer back a bit to avoid that notchy spot when trying to seat into the hammer safety notch. Does it on just about all the Minis until one gets used to using it. It seems to disappear but it is still there. The user just subconsciously side steps it.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


I sent mine back for repair because of this issue.  It didn't do it when new.  Repaired gun arrives tomorrow.
Quote from: Tank24 on December-30-19 23:12
I've noticed that if I decide to de cock my Black Widow, it seems the hammer catches a bit at the half cock position.  I did not notice this earlier and my perception was that the hammer let down smoothly all the way down.  Do you think there might be something wrong with mine?  Still seems to shoot fine so far, but seems different. I especially notice it when I'm trying to put it in the safety slot.



I hope it works out OK when you get it back!


Just arrived, seems to be fixed.


Quote from: laylow on January-06-20 15:01
Just arrived, seems to be fixed.
Seemed to be fixed, that is.  The problem came back, and the hammer got stuck in the cocked position.  I sent it back to NAA. They replaced the mainspring, triggerspring, and trigger.  It's perfect now.


  Laylow I hate when that happens . Should send you some apology item I would think  . How do you put a price on aggravation . :(
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


It's going back a third time. Now it won't cock past half cock.