Crooked sight blade on new NAA-22S

Started by ll1l, May-31-20 23:05

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This gun was purchased new yesterday. I wanted one (or two) for a while and I was excited to finally find a store that had one. The 22S proved to be quite difficult to find, stores usually only stock the 22LR and maybe some of the larger models.

I just now pulled it out of the box and started looking it over, loaded it, and then I noticed that the sight blade is off-center and crooked. I tried to take the best photo I could but sadly it looks even more off-center and crooked in person.

I know this is something that I should have caught in the store but I did not even think that this could be an issue. Even if I caught it, it was the only 22S that I was able to find after weeks of searching.

Is this a common issue? Is it something that is normal or 'within tolerance' with these guns? Did I just get unlucky?
I still really like the gun otherwise but this definitely put a damper on my excitement. I am guessing my options are to keep the gun with a crooked sight or deal with the hassle of replacing it, if even possible.

Thank you for any input.


Welcome. Call NAA. They are good at customer care.  Don't try to fix it until you talk to them.  You just got unlucky.  For me the giant shark fin blade just gets in the way. Some of us just file it down by half or all the way. This is a short range gun. If the bad guy is in your face you wont miss.
Death before Decaf !!!!!


NAA will take care of your problem if you contact them.
With all the thousands sold, there are very few complaints and NAA will take care of them when they show up.
Again, Welcome.
Share the good and the bad with us. We will enjoy the good and help you with the bad.

It is not fair to complain if you don't give NAA a chance to make it right.

God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Thank you for the replies. Sorry if the photo is not showing up, it says it is still awaiting moderation.

I already contacted NAA and they readily offered to fix the gun if I send it in. I really appreciate such great customer service.
This thread was in no way meant to disparage NAA, I realize that defects happen even to the best of them. I was just a bit frustrated last night upon realizing that I will have to wait even longer to enjoy the gun after already waiting long enough to buy it.

However, another reason I made the thread is because when I was researching the issue, I read on here that the sight blade on these guns is not all that useful and many owners file it down or remove it entirely.
So currently I am undecided whether to send the gun in or simply just remove the blade and be done with it. I definitely do not expect to be a sharpshooter with this gun anyway.
Is the blade just pressed into a slot? Is there any trick to removing it without scuffing up or damaging the gun? Could a new blade still be put back on if I changed my mind?

If removing it is however a potentially damaging or irreversible procedure, I will just send the gun in now to have NAA fix the crooked blade.

Thanks again for any advice.

smokeless joe

It sounds like you've gotten the advice you needed so I will just say welcome to the forum ll1l.

Wumbey Goomba

Welcome, ll1l
I happen to think the sight blade is useful.
But what do I know?
Sorry for you bad luck.


First, Welcome!
What are you going to do with it? Display? Get it fixed. Carry and shoot it? I would suggest you run some ammo through it. If it shoots high, and you realize it will be ground way down, would there be enough left to realize it is off center or misaligned? If that turns out to be the case, sending it back could be just a waste for you. Only you will be able to make the decision. I can echo the others, NAA will make it right if you send it to them.

On another note, how do you pronounce your screen name? Inquiring mind(s) are curious.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


His last post was June 1. Goodbye, ll1l......
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport