Ranger II finish

Started by winkster2005, August-20-20 10:08

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Hi everyone I recently purchased a ranger II 2.5". it is my first mini and will hopefully be here within the next week. while looking through pictures online i noticed that some rangers look fully polished and others have a matte finish on the barrel. Even when you look on the NAA website some model rangers have it and some don't. does anyone have any info?



First, Welcome! to the forum.

The Ranger II originally had a little more polished finish that the rest of the mini line, and a few minor tooling touches. It was decided to bring it more in line cosmetically with the rest of the mins, and was given the bead blast finish and those tooling "enhancements" were discontinued. Odds are extremely high the one you get will have the bead blasted effect.

Have you given thought to what your next one will be?
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Thanks! I'm glad to finally own one. I actually received it today and it has the fully polished finish and the rib which I really wanted and I almost can't believe I got. Its serial number 994.

I'm not 100% what my next one will be but it might be the largest naa they make for the fancy belt buckle. The first time I saw an naa was at a gun bash in my home town when I was less than 12 and it was a belt buckle version. I've wanted one ever since


The current buckle is made of aluminum and anodized black. MUCH lighter than my SS one. My, uh, "profile" is not conducive to wearing it. The hammer digs into my lower belly, making it very uncomfortable to sit. Standing is not a problem. Up until yesterday, I had the buckle, with mini in the shop. Sold it. It will accommodate a 1 5/8 barrel. The 1 1/8 barrel is what comes with the buckle, and is likely the better choice.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Yea I recently lost 60 lbs and can finally wear buckles again lol. I would maybe get the pug too and add a folding grip.yy