NAA 32acp grips

Started by Terry treefish, September-05-20 18:09

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Terry treefish

This is a "Just curious" question.

I am perfectly happy with the stock grips on my 32acp Guardian.   I am just curious about the grips that NAA sells on their website.  Any advantage in comfort, etc.?   The grips are pretty, that's for sure.  But I would value comfort & a good grip over beauty.   My wife of 52 yrs is for sure still a beauty.   But I value her cooking over her beauty.  A man has to eat good & regular.  Fortunately, she is like a perfect grip.


I have two Guardian 32s, and like the factory grips just fine. They are a good fit for my hand and conceal better than the other grips. Being made of glass filled nylon, they are tough. Fifteen bucks is hard to beat, too. I have extra sets, just in case.

As I understand it, the pretty ones are all thicker, giving you a fatter grip. Some people need that, or just like the looks!
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport

Terry treefish

Thank you for your reply, Bearcutter.  Like I say, I also like the factory grips.  Don't need a fatter grip.

I'm not gonna ruin a perfectly fine grip on my new gun.  But I've wondered how "Plasti Dip" would work on a pistol grip.
It works wonders on old tool grips, and super great on fish filet knives.  It's a multi-purpose rubber coating.  Now I'm thinking I'm gonna try it on the butt of a very old 410 . 


I just added the Hogue Cocobolo checkered grips to mine. Gives the little gun a great hand feel and a much different look. Still have the standard grips if I want to carry deeper concealed  like in my swim trunks. Wear mine in a front pocket holster. As the .32 in my pocket is much better than the .45 in my nightstand.