For the love of the little .22

Started by Ozark75, November-30-20 10:11

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I bought a new Mini .22lr 1 5/8 barrel back in March. I upgraded to the boot grips, and ordered a iwb holster as well. All in all, a very nice little package. But, the mini itch needed scratching again. So, I just ordered a new Sheriff with both cylinders. Can't wait for it to arrive!

I just love little .22's! I have a Bearcat and a CZ457 Scout also. Something about small little .22's that just puts a smile on my face. I don't think enough people give the little .22 enough credit. It is a very fun and effective round. Now, don't get me wrong, I do like a "big bang" on occasion, so I also have a couple .357's. But, I can see the possibility that down the road, the big guns might find a new home...just not yet.

So anyway, I'm new to the NAA Minis and new to the far so good!


Quote from: Ozark75 on November-30-20 10:11

I bought a new Mini .22lr 1 5/8 barrel back in March.

But, the mini itch needed scratching again.

So, I just ordered a new Sheriff with both cylinders.

Can't wait for it to arrive!

Welcome to the board ! !   :)

Soooooo, what model's next ?  (Yes, there WILL BE a "next"........ always ;) )

Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent


Well, the Sheriff should be enroute (as soon as FFL sends paperwork to seller) but next up, after that, might be a 3 or 4 inch Earl.  I kinda like the sidewinder and the.........sigh....I think we all know where this is probably heading.


Welcome. Then there will be the black powder Companions.
Death before Decaf !!!!!


Ozark75, Welcome! to the forum!

Not that you asked, but, my 3" Earl is my favorite plinking mini.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Oh, and a Black will be on the list soon

smokeless joe

Welcome Ozark75. You're in the right place to show off your new acquisitions. Post some pics when you get the opportunity. I suggest a Pug or Black Widow for the (near) future  ;D


New guy here too!  I love plinking and the NAA Minis are so much fun to shoot.  My favorite is the BUG with the 22LR cylinder.  Although the 22Short with Short CB is fun too. Once I get a new front sight (not a fan of the sight that came with it) for my Sheriff I'm sure it will move up in my opinion.
Retired lawdog and wildland  firefighter.

top dog

Welcome to the forum!!

If you have a BearCat the latest issue of GUNS Magazine has a nice article with a little history about that piece that you may like.

Now,let me warn you about this.

Those NAA Minis have a habit of "multiplying"  Pretty soon you will have several more.

When you do get them,lots of photos please as Uncle Lee,the fine gentleman that he is,likes to view them while he has his coffee!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                                                                      Top Dog


I am obviously a New Bearcat fan, with two stainless ones. Here is a recent article by John Taffin, covering some basic Bearcat history, and featuring a custom 22 Magnum Bearcat by Tyler Gun Works in Friona Texas.

Alan Horton and David Clements both do, or did do, Magnum conversions. Not sure to date.

I'm happy with Wolff mainsprings and aftermarket ejector housings on mine (they used to be aluminum until a few years ago).
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport


Welcome Ozark,
My first mini is a 1 5/8" LR I've had since the '80's and still occasionally carry.  Wonderful little thing, it just disappears like magic in a pocket.
The Sheriff/Earl models also are excellent; I have a 4" Earl convertible as my hiking carry, and find it to be very accurate and fun to shoot. A great 'kit' gun, though Smith owns that trademark.
Nothin' at all wrong with having lots of single action .22's!
Steve in Boise


Speaking of Bearcats, I recently gifted mine to my youngest grandson (age 10)..


Thanks for all the Welcomes! The Sheriff is scheduled to be delivered tomorrow....can't wait!


Its official, there's a new Sheriff in town! I just picked it up about an hour ago. First impressions.....I like alot! I haven't had a chance to shoot it yet, so those impressions will have to wait. But, it is well made, tight and feels good in the hand. I have a regular .22lr mini with the 1 5/8 barrel, so the sheriff is really nothing new, except it is bigger (much more than I thought) than my other mini.....and that is actually a bonus for me. I prefer the size of the Sheriff. I think this is going to work out quite well. This little fella might even replace the Bearcat....time will tell.


Ozark wait till you get a Black Widow tad smaller then the Sheriff but the perfect carry gun. I carry the BW all the time , Put the Sheriff in the safe.  ;D

top dog

I have a hard time to decide which to carry. Either the PUG or Black Widow.

Both,to me,seem to be just right.

                                                                          Top Dog


I normally carry 2 Black Widows and 1 Pug.
Faster reload.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

top dog

Uncle Lee,
How do you manage to carry all that and cups of coffee too????

I usually have the PUG or BW in a IWB rig and my Charter light weight hammerless snubby in my back pocket in a Mika pocket holster.

Up north,at the cabin,I replace those with a Ruger Alaskan 44 Mag.  Bear spray really doesn't work,only gets into the wounds the bear made.

                                                                                                Top Dog


God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

top dog

Uncle Lee,
Sounds like you got the system down pat.

Like I had said many times before,the beauty of the Minis is that they are so convenient to have with you at all times.

Some "experts" may scoff at the 22LR/Mag for self defense but I can produce many accounts from persons who have had real experiences using these pieces.

One of the most notable is Bill Jordan who was not only a Combat Marine but also a battle hardened US Border Patrolman.  His comment about the 22 magnum was that it was "a wicked little cartridge".

I have no problems with having any of the minis on me at all times.

                                                                                                                 Top Dog


Most of my pants are so big and the pockets are so big that I can carry a 1911 in my front pocket. The hammer hangs when I try to draw it.
I haven't carried one of those since the 1970's, (that is when I found the minis. Thanks NAA.)      8)
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Another fan of the 22mag is Paco Kelly (in particular the Black Widow)

PS Bill Jordan's "No Second Place Winner" is a must read.

top dog


Reading Paco Kelly's comments about the High Standard 22 Mag derringer brought back memories of mine that I had in 22 LR in 'Nam. My tent buddy had one in 22 Magnum and had some trouble getting ammo for it.  A quick letter to my family back home,solved the problem.

In fact,the holster maker in NYC,Paris Theodore made a holster for it called the  Coxic (or however you spell the tail bone).

For me,it is a coin toss between my Charter lightweight hammerless snubby or the BW for EDC. I kind of lean towards the BW with a PUG as it's "companion"

And I agree,  NO  SECOND PLACE WINNER  is a must read. Published first in '65,it still is ahead of it's time.

Bill Jordan like others,had tons of front line experience.  He called the 22 Magnum a "wicked little cartridge": and Elmer Keith called it "My little sweety"

I agree with them both.

                                                                                                      Top Dog


The 22mag HS derringer was my first carry gun after I went to work in the ER in the '70's and had my eyes opened to the way of the world. And yep it rode in the wallet holster (I don't remember if it was a Seventrees Coccyx or not).  Two things happened to get me to change. The firing pin on the derringer broke while practicing; I got it repaired but the failure made me not trust it. Also I saw a Freedom Arms 22mag 4shot mini. The derringer got sold. As did the Freedom Arms after I saw a NAA 5shot with safety notches. Too bad they got sold but life being what it is there's not room to keep everything. "Tools and guns are forever", until you try to move from Maine to Idaho at age 60.
Made room for a few books added in the last 11 years since:


top dog, I've got a HS D-100 (.22LR) that I used to carry.  Fun to shoot.  Too big for a two shot for me. Still sits in the safe...
Retired lawdog and wildland  firefighter.

top dog

It seems to me,that although the High Standard derringers were offered in 22 lr/Mag in blue or nickel finish that most of the magnums were nickel and the LRs were blue.

I got mine from Gil Hebard Guns in Knoxville,IL for I think about $32. with the military discount (through the mail).

A Safariland pocket holster was the mode of carry.

The Freedom Arms minis I think had the model name of Wasp but I could be wrong. I often wondered if you had one of them,that NAA would mill in the safety notches???

                                                                                                           Top Dog


The D-100 grips are nice!
Retired lawdog and wildland  firefighter.

top dog

Yesterday I went to the range and put the BW through it's paces and also dug out the Mini 22 short.

I had not fired that in a long time.  At 6 feet it did quite well but getting a grip on the small handle was a little difficult.

What it makes up for is that it carries quite well in the watch pocket of the jeans.

Last winter I did a penetration test of the 22 short out of the mini at contact distance and found that it would penetrate 4 layers of steel soup can.  Not bad at all.

                                                                                               Top Dog


I love shooting my Short.  Fun to shoot plates at distance (25 yards) to hear the ping.  I've even shot it further and got lucky a few times. 
Retired lawdog and wildland  firefighter.

top dog

25 yards?? With the 22 short?  I know that can be done but I prefer to keep it at "card table" distances.

                                                                                                Top Dog


TD, even a blind squirrel finds an acorn...  Sometimes it's just fun to try...
Retired lawdog and wildland  firefighter.


Quote from: copfish on December-10-20 08:12
I love shooting my Short.  Fun to shoot plates at distance (25 yards) to hear the ping.  I've even shot it further and got lucky a few times.
75 feet 12" target with a short ??? I'd really have to see that , I bet you always catch 10# bass and shoot 20 pt bucks too :o ::) ::)


Don’t fish or hunt.  But I love to plink.  Shoot me an email and I’ll send you video of my shooting my S&W 1st model at steel.  Besides, I always have a shooting buddy and we like to plink at range...
Retired lawdog and wildland  firefighter.


Quote from: copfish on December-11-20 10:12
Don't fish or hunt.  But I love to plink.  Shoot me an email and I'll send you video of my shooting my S&W 1st model at steel.  Besides, I always have a shooting buddy and we like to plink at range...
I want a video of you shooting a short at 75 feet hitting a paper plate LOL my emails listed

Wumbey Goomba

I practice all .