NAA Mini 22 LR Moving Around

Started by Gun1, December-30-20 08:12

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I've had the chance to shoot my NAA Mini 22 LR lately and I've noticed that when I shoot CCI mini mags it moves around a lot in my hand to the point where I have to readjust my grip prior to shooting the next round. So I'm wondering if this is normal or if I'm gripping the mini the wrong way? I'm using the small bird head grips that come from the factory because I want to keep it as small and thin as I possibly can. Is there a way to grip it better or will it still move around in the hand with the small grips? If so, does anyone have any recommendations for better grips without adding too much width or length?



I know the 22 Mag version offers a much better grip, but like I said I want to keep it as smallest and thinnest as possible and the Mag version is, in proportion, significantly larger than the LR version.


The easy way is to wrap the grip in one layer of Athletic Tape. I use black. It stops all slip. It comes off easy and leaves no goop on your grip. Look up slip on grips on the NAA page.    Any will add bulk.  Tape does not look "cool" but does the job with no more bulk.  It comes in lots of colors. Buck or two at any shop.
Death before Decaf !!!!!



I ran across what IMHO is the best hold, for firing a Mini, 30 years ago in a (then) current Gun Digest or Shooter's Bible (I'm mis-remembering which, at this remove) article.

The Mini is held within the tight fist of the shooting hand, then the off hand's fingers overwrap the fist (for a 2-hand hold) - the thumb of the off hand cocking the hammer, and using whatever finger is the most comfortable pulling the trigger.


Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent


O&G's idea of athletic tape sounds like a good one to try. 
I went with wood oversized grips then sanded them down to be bigger/better grip for my hands than the tiny original grips but still pretty small. Photo of them on my original NAA Spanish Fork 22LR.


If you are right handed and want to use your right thumb to cock the hammer, you can modify what Pietro has posted and use the same two handed hold except to slip your left thumb so that its under the right thumb and the left thumb is also resting against the backstrap as high as you can get it without interfering with the cocking of the hammer with the right thumb. That will keep the mini stabilized as you cock and fire.

Quote from: pietro on December-30-20 08:12

I ran across what IMHO is the best hold, for firing a Mini, 30 years ago in a (then) current Gun Digest or Shooter's Bible (I'm mis-remembering which, at this remove) article.

The Mini is held within the tight fist of the shooting hand, then the off hand's fingers overwrap the fist (for a 2-hand hold) - the thumb of the off hand cocking the hammer, and using whatever finger is the most comfortable pulling the trigger.

It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today

top dog

All of the above suggestions sound very good.  Maybe you would also like to look into the holster grip??

Just a thought.

                                                                       Top Dog


Thanks for all the suggestions! I'll give the two mentioned grips a try and see if they work for me and if I find the mini still moving I'll give athletes tape a try. I did see the folding grip but think that it adds too much bulk.


I wanted to get the folding grip but was worried about the bulk. Also they used to be called "Floppy-Wabblers"  by some on the forum. Are they sloppy?   
Death before Decaf !!!!!

top dog


I have used grip holsters both on the LR and Mag minis and found that they were quite solid and did not "flop around".

I went back to the regular grips as I found that the holster grips did not suit my taste. They were good but just not to my liking.

                                                                                                 Top Dog


The oversize BW grip on my 1 1/8" magnum worked for me. Bigger than your 22lr model I know, but maybe something along those lines will work for you. Don't know until you try.
Good luck!


Wumbey Goomba

Boot grips compared to bird head,
night to day.
Just enough bigger on that size frame.


Quote from: ikoiko on December-31-20 15:12
Cvang grips may be worth a look.

What I like about Chong's grips most is that when you take the revolver in your hand and grasp it with your middle and ring fingers and pull it snugly back into the palm of your hand, you can move your thumb or trigger finger and the revolver will still stay stable. You can move your thumb or trigger finger and the barrel stays in line with your elbow, forearm, and wrist.
Being narrow, you can feel it in the same place in your palm every time you draw.
With the wider round type grip, it can be turned a little and I can't tell it by feel.
Chong's grips and the BW/MM grips keeps my middle finger out from behind the trigger so I don't get my finger mashed when I pull the trigger like with the boot or birds head grips.
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Quote from: Wumbey Goomba on December-31-20 15:12
Boot grips compared to bird head,
night to day.
Just enough bigger on that size frame.

Go with the Boot grips. They don't add that much in size, and completely change the shootability of the mini. The way I hold mine, the bottom of the boot grip rests on top of my pinky, kind of like a shelf. Very stable.