Soap box

Started by tocsn40, October-31-12 18:10

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Now word on sidewinder just about the newforum. Oh well back to waiting


That edition of soapbox was disappointing. 


It would of been nice to have some Up Date on the Sidewinders EB allso :-\     8)


Yeah, hope I didn't get kicked off the list again.


Good info on the board, but I sure would like an update on my sidewinder.    :-\


I'm sorry for the lack of feedback from the factory.  I've learned that yesterday we received components which will allow us to build about another 70 pieces, which we should be able to ship from the factory in 7 - 10 days.  Additionally, I learned that we should in the next two weeks begin to receive parts on a regular basis which will allow us to deliver a couple/several hundred pieces monthly.

I appreciate your patience. After just recovering power following a 4-day outage, I've needed to exercise a little patience myself.


Thanks sandy. We all tha k you for hour in put. Just know that if you did not have a quilty firearm we would just go somewhere differnt for are guns.  Thanks for bringing us a nice litty guns. 


Like some others, I, too, am geting a little antsy. It has been a little while since I have gotten a new gun. Thanks for the update.

Sounds as though you may have found yourself with a touch of Hurricane Sandy. I hope all is now well with you and yours.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Prayers and well wishes to you and yours Sandy.I know many on the East Coast (Born and Raised in Delaware.) Being in PA, I was wondering if you were affected by "Sandy." Ah the irony!! Sandy was ousted by Sandy!!

Also, Thanks for the Update on the Side Winder situation. Can we expect to see a NSEB prefix now? (So totally joking!!!...NSEB= Not So Early Bird)(Stolen idea from another member that I got a kick out of.)

Glad you were able to weather the storm! My Family out there was fortunate to the best of my knowledge. Sister, her Husband, Niece and Nephews are all safe and were a mere 30 miles inland. A couple down trees and a couple days without power.  :o ??? :-\


Sandy - thank you for the update. Hope you had no damage other than the power outage. From the news it sounds as if things are getting a little rough around the edges up there. I can remember when we had Guardsmen with fixed bayonets maintaining order at distribution centers in the wake of Frederic: this kind of crisis seems to bring out the true character of a person - for good or bad.


And just when their was hope for my VISA!  Steve


Sandy,  thank you for the additional information.  Much appreciated.


The perils of living "back East", Sandy. We all hope you don't get your salsa from New York City!  ;)


Thanks for the update.


Thanks for the Info.   8)          And prayer out to all affetive in the hurricane.


Like most other EBs I am waiting, hoping each day to see the debit from my account. Not today. Glad all is well with the power coming back on and all are safe. I will be glad to recieve my Sidewinder when it comes, would rather have it built right than to rush something out the door and miss out on quality. Keep up the great work!


only 4 days? you are lucky. i lost mine for 11.

Quote from: Sandy on November-02-12 15:11
I'm sorry for the lack of feedback from the factory.  I've learned that yesterday we received components which will allow us to build about another 70 pieces, which we should be able to ship from the factory in 7 - 10 days.  Additionally, I learned that we should in the next two weeks begin to receive parts on a regular basis which will allow us to deliver a couple/several hundred pieces monthly.

I appreciate your patience. After just recovering power following a 4-day outage, I've needed to exercise a little patience myself.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today