Hard to believe!

Started by Anvil, January-20-21 20:01

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It's hard to believe that there hasn't been any posts about the Pug for 7 years! :o
Maybe my search was not right! ???
I love my Pug!
First thing I did when I got it was to buy an extended grip to fit my hand better and a side draw leather holster. I'm now retired and walk along my 2 mile city lake pathway every day. I never leave home without it! So far I've not needed it and hope I never do but like the assurance of it on my belt and under my shirt.
you may not need it but you should have it


God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

top dog

I agree with Uncle Lee. There have been a number of posts about the PUG  usually along with comments about the Black Widow.

Both,in my opinion,are super nice.  Actually,you cannot go wrong with any NAA mini

It is better to have several..................or more!!!

                                                                                        Top Dog


Okay thanks for the replies. I have a new laptop and am still swimming around to actually find what I'm looking for.  :-[
you may not need it but you should have it

Terry treefish

When I posted the thread, "Which Mini", several wrote positive comments about the Pug.  I certainly considered one, but the BW won out in the end.  After I took delivery on my BW, I had the privilege of holding a Pug in a gun store.  I thought to myself, "Replace the grip with a BW grip, this would be one terrific mini.


Is it rude to ask how one got one's forum name?
If so, please ignore this, but Anvil I'm curious: iron worker, built like an anvil, named after the character in the John Ross novel, or... other.
Terry: agree re Pug.


We had a topic about forum names awhile back, I can't find it right now.  No one is forced to answer.


"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke