Tired of the Disparagement

Started by MiniGun, February-02-21 14:02

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I hang with a group of shooters who are all either ex-military, ex-law enforcement, or both.  We shoot all sorts of things together and the shooting sports make up the bedrock of our relationships.  They all know I carry a Black Widow .22 Mag with a folding grip, and I am sooooo tired of hearing them disparage the NAA mini-revolvers!  We all KNOW the benefits and limitations of the mini-revolvers, so I don't want to re-hash that.  Are YOU tired of the small caliber disparagement?  What strategy do YOU use to shut 'em up?
- MG


I have had very few comments made about carrying my sidewinder, but I have asked some of the "4" guys where their carry gun is right then.   That is based on the story of a NAA owner who had been to the range with a group of friends, and they had stopped for refreshments on the way home, and they were bugging him about his little .22 carry piece, so he reached in his pocket and laid his NAA on the table and said, "Okay, there's mine, now show me yours."   None of his friends had their carry piece with them, they were out in the truck or the car, or at home, but no one had their carry with them at that time, so it didn't matter what they "carried" if they didn't actually carry.


NOPE!  Once I have made up my mind, I have a vary low tolerance for B.S. and and a vary large dose of I could care less what you think.  Yak away till you annoy me then I'll tell you to shut your pie hole.


Well minigun,
Sounds like you have a group of friends who have no respect for you.
I think I would find myself a different group to hang with. Lots of people out there. Find some with like interests, besides and including shooting and have fun with them.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

Terry treefish

We,  five long term buds that we call friends & visit with most weeks, all carry larger caliber edc than my edc, which are only 22 mags & 22lr.   They never ever say disparaging words about my carry.  As my friends, they know full well my problems with arthritis, replacement artificial knuckle in my trigger finger.  A motorcycle accident where I went sliding down the highway, hands first.  Three hand surgeries.  Yep, my friends have been by my side for many years.  In all things, encouragement is kinda our theme song. 

If this sounds boring, well, I reckon so.

One thing I have noticed:  When we meet up for a little target practice in my property,  they all want to shoot my 22's.  Especially my BuckMark & Rough Rider.  22's are just fun.

Wumbey Goomba

Friends ands disparaging in the same sentence,
Is a oxymoron.


Do they really mean it, or is it just friendly teasing as the whole group strives to improve? 
50 years ago I trained on the track with a small group of friends as we worked to approach a 5-minute mile. We called each other the most disparaging things, but shared sweat and goal and lead duties as we did "Indian file" repeats on the indoor track. (I never went sub-5, but did hit a 5:00 mile... I was the turtle of the group.) 
Any gun is better than none. Tease 'em right back, unless they really mean it, in which case effem and find new friends, sez me.


I thought this was going to be a political thread.  Like, "I'm a hippy communist gun owner and all my right winger friends..." lol.  I will take a thread about friends ribbing about a mini any day. 

I get ribbed too.  I got a mini in .22 LR and when I showed it to my kin they all thought it was "cute".  My dad's big, work worn hands couldn't even close around the grip.  First time he tried to fire it, the gun literally fell forward out of his grip.  This, a lifelong enthusiast and collector.  Too small for his hands but he thought it was the neatest thing since sliced bread.  Some of us kicked in and got him a Black Widow that he carried right up to the end of his days.  About 25 years worth.  It went with him everywhere.  Another sibling got a Black Widow around the same time and carries to this day.  The other sibling packs a Sidewinder. 

So I get ribbed... because I carry the anemic, wimpy .22LR with almost no grip, while they carry the manly-man .22 magnums.  :)  I guess I am lucky I didn't start with a .22 Short... I mainly got the .22 LR because I already had stuff in that caliber.

Some people honestly don't get it.  Read some "caliber war" threads on a gun forum and you'll find some people fervently believe that you are not doing your duty unless you pack not only a 9mm, .40S&W or .45ACP but you need one that takes 15 rounds.  After all what if the "perps" are on drugs?  What about their 6 or 8 friends?  What are you gonna do?  Huh? You'll also find disdain for any revolver, 380, single stack mags.  And on and on.

Carrying a handgun of any kind is a compromise choice.  Carrying anything less than a battalion of hardened troops or a couple squads of Secret Service agents with sniper support and SWAT backup teams, is a compromise.  A mini just happens to be a bit more of a compromise. 

It is all just playing the odds.  If minis is all you have, then you are playing slightly longer odds than someone who carries something more potent.  Most of us carry something bigger when able, and a mini when there is need to be discreet.  Or when there are issues carrying something heavier/more powerful.  We are all just playing the odds. The odds that whatever we carry each day, will be "enough" if or when anything happens.

Tell them it isn't funny.  Tell them you get it but it's your choice and the joke is played out. If they are actually friends, they'll listen.  To put another way, they will respect if not your choices, then at least respect your right to make your own choices.  If not, find better friends.

(We can file this thread under "preaching to the choir".)


Appreciate the thoughts here.  This group of buds are not casual acquaintances, but are the kind you'd want to share a foxhole with (heck, I *did* with one of 'em in the sandbox a decade and a half ago).  Any of them would take a bullet for me without hesitation -- and I would for them.  It's just that the "all in fun" teasing has become very, very, very old.  I liked LHB's approach of plunking it the table and challenging them to produce what THEY were carrying at the moment!  With this group, however, the table would be piled high with guns... I'm the ONLY one in the group who doesn't carry more than one!  I guess I just have to let them blather while I roll my eyes and let it go.  Maybe I'm turning into a middle-aged sissy who whines about such things.  I'll stop whining now.  ;-)
- MG 


I get tired of all the disparagement in print articles, both gun magazines and online. They cater to the bigger is better crowd. Rimfire will just make a bad guy mad, and my favored .32ACP is just "better than a sharp stick".
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport


When I hear how it will "just piss a person off" if I shot someone with it.

I offer to "piss them off"!  No takers... yet  ;)
Rick Jorgenson

top dog

How many of those "friends" of yours have actually "seen the elephant"???

Probably none.

Just go on your way and practice often with your mini and you will be fine.

Just remember what John Hinckley did  in 1981 with a POS piece in less than 3 seconds. He had several folks down and almost killed Pres. Reagan.

                                                                                                             Top Dog


When remarks come from guys I have known for many years and who have comparable "foreign and interesting" experiences, I laugh it off.  Good natured yet semi-sarcastic remarks are a trademark of male humor (which appall most women).  In fact, if the remarks don't have a bit of a barb, then they usually are patronizing, which I can't stand.

When the .40 caliber snobs whose firearms experience constitute thumbing through gun monthlies at supermarket magazine racks make any down-your-nose comments, I usually ignore them.  If I say anything at all, it's something like comparing large bore carry-cannons to the (very) old joke about why fighter pilots wear oversized wrist watches.

At my tender age (closing in on four-score) remarks coming from self-proclaimed experts mean nothing.  Have already "been there" and the tee-shirt's in the drawer.

"...you never need a gun until you need it badly" - from WEB Griffin's The Honor of Spies, and Victory and Honor.



Quote from: MiniGun on February-03-21 12:02
With this group, however, the table would be piled high with guns... I'm the ONLY one in the group who doesn't carry more than one!

Oh, man, that cracked me up! Good thing they're on your team.

When I bought my first Smart Car I joined a forum to learn maintenance tips. A few guys there had a similar issue feeling that sometimes other drivers tried to mess with them because they were in a tiny car. You're not going to change your friends--just don't feed them. (You probably don't want to show up at your get-togethers in a Smart Car, though.)


disparaging the BS I just shoot them, they don't say much after that ;D :D :o

Popping off a round of cci maxi mags will really surprise anyone who has not heard one go off. The usual reaction I get is HOLY CRAP!!! I didn't expect that.


  Just ask them with this 22 stuck up under a perks shin or up a nose or stuck in their ear or in their belly button or down into their privates does it change the situation much if at all the calibar used . It only kinda means we won't be sprayed with as much blood in the long run using a 22 . Don't get me wrong I myselk carry a 45 Kimber but also a 22 mag for a change of venue . These big bores arestill thinking they can shoot from afar and licensed to do so but not if your a civilian ,very rarely would you be legal to do so shooting from a any distance. Thats all I got
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: MiniGun on February-02-21 14:02
What strategy do YOU use to shut 'em up?
- MG

I get out a Desert Eagle.

Listening to the grinding sound of them shifting from disparaging my too small gun to my too big gun without a clutch amuses me.  8)


Quote from: MiniGun on February-02-21 14:02

I hang with a group of shooters who are all either ex-military, ex-law enforcement, or both.

They all know I carry a Black Widow .22 Mag with a folding grip, and I am sooooo tired of hearing them disparage the NAA mini-revolvers!   

Unfortunately, the military and LEO experience doesn't exclude immaturity or bad manners.

When I get ribbed about my Mini, I just ask them if they would like me to shoot them in the eye with mine.(Yes, I can hit an eye-sized target @ close encounter range with my BW)

No one has said yes, yet... ;)

Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent


im long past the point of caring what anyone thinks of me.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Quote from: heyjoe on March-15-21 12:03
im long past the point of caring what anyone thinks of me.
Heyjoe - I may have a stroke just from the effort of resisting saying something snarky!!

Back on topic: I have had the same disparagement at times. Once when I was working out of town with some fellows and all staying at the same motel, after a few cases we compared our carry guns. The guys were not impressed with mine. They all had .380s and I had .22s. But ... I was the only one with two carries on my person! Of course someone had to ask the ritual question: "What are you afraid of?" and I had to give the ritual answer: "Nothing!"

Wumbey Goomba

There's not too many ten shot 380s.
Tell them you'll keep them covered,
while they're reloading.


I usually ask  "Oh do you carry? What kind? Can I see it? Then they tell me "it is in the car... house..." or "I haven't gone to get my permit yet..." Then I say "So no you don't carry..."
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


Quote from: Canoeal on March-15-21 20:03
I usually ask  "Oh do you carry? What kind? Can I see it? Then they tell me "it is in the car... house..." or "I haven't gone to get my permit yet..." Then I say "So no you don't carry..."

I mentioned the same thing in another thread, but my comments seem just as appropriate here (plus, I'm trying to get out of my probationary he!! status), so I'll re-post here:

"I actually have a Sig P365 (10-12 rounds of 9mm), which is a great gun for EDC, but I often don't feel comfortable having it on me when I'm out and about.  And my wife, who is actually very much pro 2A, kinda gets a little freaked out when I DO carry.  The Pug that I just bought I can really see having on me ALL the time, without hesitation...once I get it back from NAA, that is.  (see my thread about keyholing)  And while it's not going to stop a would-be assailant (or charging beast) as effectively as the 365, it will certainly be a lot more effective than a 365 that's sitting in my safe!"



"I mentioned the same thing in another thread, but my comments seem just as appropriate here (plus, I'm trying to get out of my probationary he!! status), so I'll re-post here"

It is appropriate here as long as you don't cuss.

Go to the "Test" area and ask and answer enough questions to get over 15 posts.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


I haven't been on here in a long time. Even longer since posting something. But going to start catching up on posts. This was good timing because just last weekend I had a guy talk about my BW being a toy. Thing is he has a mini mag 1-1/8" barrel. Had it for a few years but said it's to small to grip. Hasn't even looked at it years. I let him hold my BW and just like that he went from hating his to agreeing if he changed grips it wouldn't be bad. We hoping to get together and shoot a few rounds this week.

top dog

That is good that you reintroduced your friend to the Minis. Good idea about the grip change.  Can make a huge difference.

Let us know how the range session goes.

                                                                                             Top Dog


After a few cases you started playing with guns, thats really smart ??? ::) >:(
Quote from: Dinadan on March-15-21 15:03
Quote from: heyjoe on March-15-21 12:03
im long past the point of caring what anyone thinks of me.
Heyjoe - I may have a stroke just from the effort of resisting saying something snarky!!

Back on topic: I have had the same disparagement at times. Once when I was working out of town with some fellows and all staying at the same motel, after a few cases we compared our carry guns. The guys were not impressed with mine. They all had .380s and I had .22s. But ... I was the only one with two carries on my person! Of course someone had to ask the ritual question: "What are you afraid of?" and I had to give the ritual answer: "Nothing!"


 ;D ;D ;D

Quote from: Bigbird48 on March-19-21 08:03
After a few cases you started playing with guns, thats really smart ??? ::) >:(
Quote from: Dinadan on March-15-21 15:03


My friends brag about their .357 mags and .40 cal pistols, but they don't generally carry them.  I carry a .22 lr most of the time but carry a .22 mag when going out in the community.  Both have the folding grips.  If in a possibly menacing situation, I unfold them in my pocket and have my hand on them ready to pull and fire if necessary.  I don't like the self-defense lessons where you grab and pull your shirt aside, draw with your right hand and shoot.  Too many steps.  The thug wouldn't know I even had a gun in my hand.  He would probably be totally surprised when I shot through my pocket and nailed him at the same level as his pocket.  OUCH!!!!!  No more children for him.


Quote from: LHB on February-02-21 23:02
I have had very few comments made about carrying my sidewinder, but I have asked some of the "4" guys where their carry gun is right then.   That is based on the story of a NAA owner who had been to the range with a group of friends, and they had stopped for refreshments on the way home, and they were bugging him about his little .22 carry piece, so he reached in his pocket and laid his NAA on the table and said, "Okay, there's mine, now show me yours."   None of his friends had their carry piece with them, they were out in the truck or the car, or at home, but no one had their carry with them at that time, so it didn't matter what they "carried" if they didn't actually carry.

Point very well taken, very well illustrated!


Yeah... there have been a few comments about these little guns.  I have been known to say *I* wouldn't stand in front of one.  But I don't ever offer to shoot anyone and see if they feel it or suggest a hypothetical like "how bout I shove this in your ear I bet you'd feel different",  etc. even when it is obviously in jest.  IMO defensive carry is too serious and important to let one get their ego involved or start up with the chest beating.  So I just don't go down that road.  Not saying anyone here feels different.  Just saying is all.

If someone questions me on the effectiveness of packing a mini then fine.  We all know what these NAA minis are and what they are not.  Tiny single action revolvers with almost no barrel and slow to reload.  While they are masterpieces IMO they are not tactical masterpieces. 

So usually I just shrug.  Sometimes I point out that it is something I can always have with me, if I can have anything at all.  A.k.a. the "better than nothing" defense.  There's no rule that says it's the only thing I have.  These minis have their place just like any other firearm.

Since I got my first mini I have gotten 3 family members to give them a try, and my son wants one real bad.  So now instead of getting ribbed for packing a mini revolver I get ribbed for packing "only" a 22LR since my family all opted for 22 Magnums.

It is what it is.  I am the youngest brother so getting ribbed is my lot in life   ;D

Terry treefish

Flash, nice realistic post, that I can relate to.  Thanks. 

My BW magnum has rapidly become my favorite edc.  I keep it loaded with magnum shot shell.  Shot shell makes sense to me. 


Slow to reload??
Yep !!
That is why I carry 3.
2 Black Widows & a Pug.

I'm big so they don't take up much room.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

top dog

Looks like you got thing right. You stand by your choice and you helped others make their choices.

Best of all,now their are several more folks responsibly packing heat.

Uncle Lee,

I basically pack a BW and a short. Glad to see you take things one step further.

                                                                                                   Top Dog