Tired of the Disparagement

Started by MiniGun, February-02-21 14:02

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Buddy stopped by yesterday to shoot with my B/W.  It was about to rain so I just stuck a piece of cardboard in the dirt to shoot. Here's the picture. I know it was my B/W and not his 1-1/8" barrel but with the grips he really liked it. He took his to work with him this morning.

top dog

That looks pretty good!!  What was the distance?

I did not notice any keyholing.

                                                             Top Dog


If that's the usual 5 to 7 yds that's good shootin'.  Practice!


My bad. I forgot to put distance on there. It was 5-6 yards. Plus it's just the top target.

top dog

Very good for 5-6 yards,plus no signs of keyholing.

Hopefully,in a few weeks,our outdoor range will reopen and I will be out warming up the minis.

                                                                               Top Dog


I feel a lot more confident shooting the B/W now. Still don't shoot the mini with 1-1/8" very well. Don't think my buddy will be joking about mine again. He got his larger grips on his and shot it some today. He's gone from not even seeing the gun in last several years to carrying in his pocket everyday now.


Have you tried putting BW grips on the mini 1-1/8? I think it makes a big difference.


I have the BW grips on it and really like it. When I shoot it, I get better with it. Have to remember where to line up sight. I carry and shoot the BW. My wife shoots the 1-1/8" real good but is hard for her to cock it. She doesn't like revolvers much.


My sighting method for a regular mini:  bring the little revolver up to eye level. Look down the flat top of the barrel, so the flatness is aimed at what you want to hit. You're looking right along the flat: it's not angled up or down, but flat and pointed to the target. The front sight blade gets put to cover where you want the bullet to go, and it's flat sides also help aim at the target in that you only want to see the back of the sight. Then, practice practice practice. It'll come.
'Point shooting' is a whole something else, and that I have not mastered. Pointing the gun like you're pointing a finger, without use of the sights. I stick with what works for me.


Always just ignore those folks.

Terry treefish

Steve, I have practiced your method and I am a better mini shooter because of it.  Thanks.  What helped me the most was concentrating on keeping the little gun level, not up or down, & using the front sight.  Previously, I was concentrating on the rear sight.

I also practice point shooting from 7 yards.  I do hit somewhere on the target, which means, I aim at chest and hit big toe.  A friend of mine practiced point shooting  once with my BW.  His first shot put a hole in my boathouse roof. 

You ever noticed on Gunsmoke?  They all point & shoot.  Even at 50 yards.  While riding a horse.  Shooting toward their rear.  Arrows imbedded in shoulder& leg.  Amazing stuff.


Two good Gunsmoke YouTubes. One was a prank on the cast members, second is just a doctored clip -


"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport

Terry treefish

Oh my goodness, that was funny.  Thanks for the laughs.


Hey Terry, glad to help! 
The two things that helped me improve my hit-ability with the minis were 1) the Black Widow grips, and 2) learning to get a flash sight picture like I described. Oh, and practice.  ;D
I know that people can learn to be VERY good shooters with point shooting, but I've also read that it can take years and tens of thousands of rounds to attain that goodness. (I've read that Ad Topperwein's driveway was paved with brass .22 cases.)  To paraphrase, one doesn't win a gun fight by shooting first and missing one's target; just "take your time, quickly".  I practice to shoot as quickly as I can get a sight picture that'll get me a hit on target.
Be well, Steve in Boise

Terry treefish

We'll said, Steve.  Thanks.


i recommend that if you are going to carry an NAA mini that besides practicing using the front sight, which is very good advice, that you also practice point and shoot, because if the SHTF you may not have time to use that front sight.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today

top dog

I agree with you on that.  When the popcorn hits the fan,it is very fast and quite nasty.  Card table distances are the norm.

                                                                                       Top Dog

Terry treefish

Hey Joe,
I agree with you on that, too.  As I stated above, I do practice p&s, but it's a work in progress. 


There is a nice item in The Gateway Pundit this evening showing a gentleman holding off an angry mob with a NAA mini.
Let's see them disparage that!


I think it is cocked by looking at the webbing in his hand.

God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


My friends laughed when I pulled it out at the range. Then I started shooting it and petty soon one of them tapped me on the shoulder and asked to try it. Then everyone wanted to try it. awe put a few hundred rounds through it and everyone had a blast! These guns are fun to shoot.


To each, it's own, but when pushed... I ask them if they ever fire their .45, .357 etc without ear protection? On a bad situation, that is what will happen. I'm quick to point out that a .22 is a lot easier on the ears and you can keep on shooting. I also point out that .22 is the caliber of choice to slaughter pigs and cows. It's a question of shot placement.


i have absolutely zero use for ?ribbing? and ?caliber wars? and less so as i age. 

no true friend or true brother ribs someone ritually at every meeting.  ymmv but i find it insecure, immature, unfunny and unhelpful.  ?if you cannot say something nice say nothing at all.?

a 850 fps 22lr round shot out of a handgun is a 545mph icepick to the body.  who wants multiples of that?  like most ccw persons i am a normal surburbanite, in my case retired.  my situational awareness and where/who i avoid means that five shots of 22lr and sometimes 38sp, practiced and always with me is a sufficient calculus.  if insufficient then i should reevalute my habits.



Cocking/shooting a Mini is very different from cocking/shooting any SA revolver with a larger frame - and is difficult to do rapidly one-handed.

I get the best accuracy & cocking speed out of my NAA Mini's via using a modified Weaver stance (two-handed grip, below)

The gun is grasped tightly in the fist of one hand, the other hand wrapped around the hand on the grip, and actuating the hammer & trigger with the wrapping hand.

It took me only a few shooting sessions to become adapted to the method (practice makes perfect ;) )


Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent


Concealed means concealed.
Very few of the people I shoot with know that I also carry and shoot NAA minis.
Whenever anyone says they wish they brought a gun, I just smile.


I not only cock it out of my pocket one handed, I generally shoot several targets each time I go out with only my strong hand. What makes anyone think they are going to get the chance to get in a weaver stance, cocking the gun with your second hand? No incident is ever going to go how you think one should. Practice with your imagination using every possible scenario, and I bet if you ever need to use it, you will not have practiced exactly that way...I am still trying to hit a target left handed...
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke