PUG accuracy, amazing BUT key holeing

Started by foneman, February-17-21 15:02

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I shot my Pug today at the range using Hornady 22WMR critical defense. I shot at a paper "Q" target from 5 and 7 yards. I was totally amazed 3 out of 5 shots were either on or mm's away from the center "Q". One thing I noticed was that the shots were key holed. Is that a problem carrying this gun for self defense?
I called NAA and spoke with a tech who said he was'nt sure but he told a story of a sheriff in Utah that had to use his NAA gun to defend himself and said it made a bigger hole. He also said I could send it in and they can work the barrel with no guarantees. I'm reluctant to send it in if I don't have to.
Any thoughts or experience with this problem?


I forgot to mention, I have a black widow grip on my Pug. I'm sure that contributed to my accuracy.


You could do a redneck re-crown.  A brass round headed screw, some abrasive compound and a drill driver on slow. Be gentle; It worked for me. I just used Dupont rubbing compound, but I am sure someone could chime in with a better product.
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


Thats what NAA suggested they could do, a re-crown. I'm wondering if it's worth the effort? Does a round that keyholes make much of a difference compared to one that doesn't keyhole when it comes to self defense?


For sure it gets more consistent penetration and more accuracy...beyond that...?
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


I don't have a Pug but I do have a .22 short &  1 1/8" .22 lr NAA & Freedom Arms revolvers & they all sometimes show signs of tumbling. I have always attributed it to the short barrels not being able to properly stabilize the bullets. The Pug barrel is even shorter.


My mini with 1 1/8" magnum did the same thing, good accuracy, but keyholes. Sent back to NAA and they machined the crown. It improved the magnum keyhole issue, but didn't totally eliminate it.  This mini also has a 22.lr cylinder and would intermittently keyhole with hyper velocity (Stinger, Velocitor, Yellow Jacket) ammo. This same barrel crowning completely fixed the 22lr issue.


I am not certain if it is possible to eliminate keyholing with a one inch barrel like the Pug has. I have a Pug and I have had the same issues. My only advice would be to try several different kinds of ammo and see if one of them is consistently better at not keyholing.


My 22LR 1-1/8" sometimes keyholes.  It bothers me a little bit but only because I am OCD.  I bought the MCarbo muzzle lapping kit and gave that a try but haven't been back to the range with the mini yet.

But I am skeptical.  There is only so much stabilization that happens in a 1" or 1-1/8" barrel.  If it doesn't fix things I will move on with my life and enjoy the mini for what it is.

I wish I could find out about the sheriff that had to use a backup Pug.  Just because there are very few shootings recorded where any sort of NAA mini was used.  The only case I found was one reported on officer.com (link is now dead) where two felon / gangbangers duelled it out with minis after getting into a fight inside a nearby nightclub.  One had a Pug and the other a 1-18" Magnum.  No report on what ammo each used.  One killed the other, then cops showed up and killed the "winner". 

Short answer: bullet tumble or not, getting shot with a 22 Magnum from short range is going to hurt.

Wumbey Goomba

I only shoot steel targets and have never
noticed any keyholing,ever.