How do I adjust windage on my black widow?

Started by Jeffreyg, April-12-21 16:04

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My BW (.22 LR) shoots 4-5 inches left at 7 yards with all ammo I've tried. I'd like to loosen the set screw on the rear sight, assuming that it's not set in a threaded hole in the frame, give it a tap to the right, and re-tighten. Am I on the right track? Since it already appears to be right of center slightly, could I, alternatively, give the front sight a nudge to the left?


On the right track. I did it to mine. Set screw in the fixed for windage second screw for elevation. I got rid on the adjustable sights and replaced the with fixed. So, I had to adjust mine. it may take a fairly good tap.
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