NAA .22 short with no markings.

Started by tguidry2001, April-12-21 13:04

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Greetings...wondering if anyone can help me. I have a NAA .22 short, at least it looks just like one, except the finish is polished and there are no markings on the firearm except for the serial number which is 12867 and looks stamped in.   I love the little thing, just curious if it is a Rocky Mt Arms, or an earlier NAA.



Fun gun!  A photo would really help ID the maker.  Generally the NAA's have a button in the center cylinder pin you push to draw out the pin.  Freedom Arms use a pin that push in slightly then twist about 180 degrees to withdraw.  At least mine does.   They are fun to shoot and easy to carry.
Retired lawdog and wildland  firefighter.

top dog

Does the cylinder have safety notches?? If not,it is a four shooter and must have the hammer on an empty chamber or fired cartridge.

Maybe a call to NAA might be of some help and they can fit a new cylinder with safety notches for you.

I have not heard of any NAA pieces being made w/o markings but it may be possible.

                                                                                                                                          Top Dog


It's a NAA that someone polished. I don't believe Freedom Arms made a .22 short.
We still need a picture to help you out.
The early models without hammer notches in the cylinder can still be safely carried with the hammer down between the cartridges.


 I'm with Bill on this not being a Freedom Arms but again a picture is worth etc,etc . Pictures are never a waste around here .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: OV-1D on April-13-21 15:04
I'm with Bill on this not being a Freedom Arms but again a picture is worth etc,etc . Pictures are never a waste around here .

No, pictures are never a waste around here.
They are a must.
After you complete your probation period, pictures are a must.
If there is no picture ------ it ain't so.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

Wumbey Goomba

Call NAA with serial number, they'll know.


North American Arms History      (for those who might want to know)

God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Thanks for the timeline, Uncle Lee!
"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."