Learned a lesson

Started by Wumbey Goomba, May-26-21 09:05

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Wumbey Goomba


top dog


I will try to remember that..........................tomorrow.

                                                             Top Dog


Our 'bonded pair' of indoor/outdoor cats were 1 yr old when we brought 'em home 5 yrs ago.  They hunt as a team, and sometimes the boy hunts by himself. The first year I stopped counting at 100 mice; each year since has seen the kill total reduce. They've cleaned up the mouse issue, and also the squirrels have vanished. Lily kills them and leaves them as tribute, Buddy does too but if I don't get rid of the deceased quickly he comes back and eats it. A gourmet I guess, he NEVER eats the mouse head or the liver (!!); they'll remain for me to dispose. If he kills one before this post becomes too old I'll post a 'head and liver' photo.


  Isn't that one of those mountain lions we've been reading about ? :):):) Meow . :)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Puma vs plain brown cat.
Similarities: white muzzle, red nose, tan brown color, attitude.
Dissimilarity: though he's a block of muscle, Buddy is only 14 lbs. He's very territorial, will tear into much larger dogs and any cat other than Lily, but he loves his people.
Our two cats have very different hunting techniques.  Lily will stalk: she can move so stealthily you never see her do it. Buddy crouches absolutely motionless, then explodes into a running leap and pounce.  He's very fast and strong; mice and strange cats don't know what's coming until it's too late.

top dog

Kind of looks like they could be "related".

The state fish & game folks here stated there are no mountain lions in the state. Then a few years ago,one was killed on a highway near a city.

The state did a dna test on it and said that it was from South Dakota.  Probably just visiting for the week end.

                                                                                            Top Dog


Top Dog,
Puma and Buddy cat are related attitudinally.
And in my experience the biggest job at Fish n Game is to protect the narrative. They do other things too, but the narrative is central. Six years ago, while obummer was still running the show, I was confronted by a pair of WOLVES on a walking path at the southeast edge of Boise city limits. Yelling and threats of pepper spray ( and the alpha clearly knew what he was facing) turned them to walk away. I reported it to F&G. They told me "wolves don't live here". A game warden took me aside after and informed me I was lied to by being told a partial truth: they don't LIVE here, but DO have ranges of 175 miles and are passing by the edges of Boise often, looking for rabbits or small pets.
As with everything lately, trust only what you see in person with your own eyes.  (he says as he polishes up his tinfoil hat).
Y'all stay well, Steve in Boise


  They walk amongst us  , they're everywhere .  8) 8) 8) 8) 8)  Oh wait I gotta turn my hat . :)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .

top dog

Yep,I hear you on that.

They also said that we do not have a coyote problem,maybe not in their offices,but outside there are serious problems.

Last year six folks were attacked while walking their dogs. 3 dogs killed,the other three injured by coyotes.

My friend let his little dog out in the yard one  morning and three coyotes pounced on it and killed it.

Then,two days later his neighbor had a deer crash through the sliding glass porch door with two coyotes hanging on to it..

Yep,no problem.

                                                                                            Top Dog


Please excuse us Wumbey, we have drifted. Though I know for sure what happens if he brings a tribute home and forgets it under a book case.

TDog, coyotes are some smart!  I'm sure they know what a rifle looks like and what it'll do. 
11 yrs ago I was still able to run along the trails, and I had several instances where I was close to one or a pair of coyotes. One will use the sage as a tactical screen and go away at 180 degrees from your path. Two will split up and escape at 120 degrees, thus ensuring you can only chase one of them if you're so inclined. It's very clever.  And once, prob'ly 5 yrs ago, I was hiking in the hills and got within prob'ly 150 feet of a pack of them. There was an ambulance siren in the far distance, the coyotes set to howling, and they were numerous and CLOSE UP.  They knew I was there and did not care. Chilling. I had my spray  canister and my 4" 22mag Earl and it still was startling that they were so close. I hiked on and they stayed in the ravine, howling. Brrrrr.
Have a good day, all!   Steve in Boise

Wumbey Goomba


top dog

Sounds (and looks) like Flash is really a Lion in disguise.

I guess your wife would whine more if Flash brought the dead hog in the kitchen!!!

                                                                                          Top Dog


Flash is my kinda cat!